September 15 – Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Brothers and Sisters in the Lord,

In our Gospel this Sunday, our Lord asks his disciples, “Who do you say that I am?”  After following our Lord, seeing him work miracles, healing the sick, and getting to know him on a deep, personal level, Peter can declare, on behalf of the Apostles (and thus the Church), “You are the Christ.”  We too are called to have the same deep, personal relationship with our Lord- to grow in holiness!  We too are called to go out to our community, our work, our school, all those we meet, and declare that Jesus is the Christ, the way to the Father.  One way we can grow in holiness, to grow closer to our Lord, is through our suffering.  Christ tells us that if we wish to be his disciples, then we must take up our cross and follow him.   If Christ suffered, then we also are called to do the same.  Where Christ has gone, we hope to follow, if we are faithful to him. 

Our Lord’s journey back to the Father in heaven took him first to the Cross.  We should not be surprised then, that our journey to heaven will take us down a similar path.  Our path can take several different twists and turns, and we don’t always know where we are going, but as long as we take that walk with the Lord and trust in his providential care for us and stay close to the Church and the Sacraments, we know it will lead us to our true home, which is heaven!

I also wanted to take the opportunity to formally introduce myself to you and tell you who I am.  My name is Father William Vagenas and I am the new resident priest here at Our Lady of Mercy.  I (along with my dog, Hope) moved into the rectory about a month ago.  I continue to be overwhelmed with the warm and gracious welcome I have received in that time.  In particular, I want to thank Father Michael and Father Frank.  They have been very accommodating and helpful during this transition. 

A little about me…I grew up in Hinsdale at St. Isaac Jogues where I attended second through eighth grade.  After graduating high school I entered St. John Vianney College Seminary and then continued studies at Mundelein Seminary.  I was ordained in 2012 and served at St. Michael in Wheaton.  After several years away from ministry in the diocese, I was asked to move here to assist with Masses and Confessions during the week and to assist with Masses on Sundays at St. Anne in Oswego.  While I maintain responsibilities outside the parish, I look forward to being with you all for the coming months as, together, we journey closer to God. 

I look forward to meeting so many of you in the coming weeks.  Know of my prayers for all of you.  Please continue to keep me in your prayers. 

May our Lady of Mercy intercede for us all!

Fr. Vagenas