Sign Up for Mass

The Mass is the great encounter with Jesus Christ.

Bishop Barron

Weekend Holy Mass Times

Daily Holy Mass Times are
8am Monday, Tuesday, Thursday | 6:30pm Tuesdays | 12pm Wednesdays & Fridays| | 6:30am Thursdays | 8:30am Saturdays | 6:30pm Monday in Spanish



We are using Flocknote for our Holy Mass weekend registration.
If it is your first time using Flocknote, please don’t forget to look for an email that says “Verify your email address” so you can receive the Confirmation emails and be able to modify or cancel your registration.

    • Don’t forget to click on the “Sign-Up” button, a splash of confetti should come across your page that indicates your registration has gone through.
    • You will receive an email confirmation of your reservation.

Sunday Holy Mass at 10am Important Details To Take Note

  • Communion is offered to everyone who is present at this Holy Mass whether you are in the Church, or in your car in the Parking Lot.
  • It’s very important that you follow the parking attendant’s directions.
  • There are two separate registrations for the 10AM Holy Mass.  One for inside the Church.  The other is for while you are in your car in the Parking Lot.
  • Holy Mass in the Church
    • This Mass is live-streamed so for those who will be in the Church, please note that there are cameras and a possibility you may be in the footage briefly when the cameras are switching views.  If this is an issue for you, we ask that you consider another Mass time.
  • Holy Mass while in your car in the Parking Lot
    • Please tune in to OLM Radio Station FM 88.5 prior to arriving or, bring your handheld device to view the live-stream Mass on Facebook or our Website.
    • Please note that you will find it difficult to tune in on the radio station to listen to the audio AND watch the live-stream at the same time because there is a 30-second broadcast delay on the live-stream.  Just choose whichever works best for you.
    • During the distribution of Communion, please remain in your car and follow the directions of the parking attendant, they will let you know when it is time to exit your car and proceed to the Communion Line. Please don’t forget to wear your mask and maintain the 6′ social distant guidelines at the Communion line.



Recently, Bishop Pates renewed permission for the faithful to resume receiving Holy Communion on the tongue, so long as it is in accordance with Diocesan guidelines. We at OLM have done our best to adhere to these guidelines and implement them at our parish. Please carefully review the following instructions if you would like to receive Our Lord on the tongue rather than on the hands:

  • Before entering Church, let a minister of care or Mass coordinator (nametags) know that you (and/or a member of your household) wish to receive Communion on the tongue.
  • They will help direct you to the reserved pews on the St. Joseph (North-West) side of the church.
  • Sit in the back corner near the exit door to the outdoor Stations where there is a reserved section of pews marked “For communicants receiving Jesus on the tongue.”
  • At Communion time, please follow the usher’s guidance.  An usher will call upon each pew individually, guiding them toward the Eucharistic minister standing in the back corner so as to form a Communion line with 6-foot distancing.
  • When it’s your turn:
    • Either kneel or stand at the blue line in front of the Eucharistic Minister.
    • Remove one ear of the mask so that your mask remains hanging.
    • The Eucharistic Minister will say “The Body of Christ”, respond, “Amen”, tilt your head back slightly, close your eyes, and present your tongue to receive the Sacred Host.  Afterward, replace your mask and proceed back to your pew (walking with the stained glass immediately on your right).
  • If you have household members who would prefer to receive Holy Communion on the hand, they will join the procession and present their hands per usual.


  • As we continue to make the phased transition back into the sacramental life, we want to echo the recommendations from the Diocese for all who are vulnerable or uncomfortable to stay safe and remain home for the time being.  We do miss you and hope to see you soon.
  • Here are the CDC guidelines for worship and the Diocesan guidelines for your point of reference so that you are aware of the preventative measures the parish must take as well as the measures you, our beloved parishioners must take as well.
  • The dispensation from the Sunday obligation to attend Mass remains in place indefinitely.
  • Mass will continue to be live-streamed.
  • Please also note that attending Mass in person is voluntary and the parish/diocese assumes no liability related to COVID-19.  It is why the first item below is emphasized.


  • Prior to coming to church, please take a moment to go through a health protocol self-checklist, you can access the checklist at this link. If you experience any of the symptoms, out of charity towards your brother and sister in Christ, we ask that you stay home.
  • Help us to keep you safe!  Please plan on arriving at Mass early, so that our hospitality minister can escort you to your seats. We need to safely have you enter the Church whilst following social distancing parameters.
  • You must sanitize your hands upon entering the church. We will have sanitizers at the doorway.
  • You must wear a mask or face covering upon entering the church and for the duration of your time inside.
  • You must stay within the designated areas that are in place to adhere to the social distancing measures.
  • Only door B off the main parking lot will be open to enter and exit. Please follow the marked off areas keeping to the right while entering and exiting. 
  • Follow the 6’ social distancing marking on the floor in the narthex at all times.
  • Please follow the guidance of the hospitality ministers present who will direct you, seat you, or answer questions.
  • We will be working hard between the Masses, Confession, and the duration of Private Prayer to sanitize our Worship Space and prepare it for future use throughout the day.


  • Please plan on arriving at Mass early, especially as our hospitality minister will help escort you to your seats. If you arrive before Mass has concluded, we ask that you remain in the parking lot until the previous Mass has cleared out.
  • There will not be worship aids or hymnals in the pews.
  • There will be no congregational singing.
  • Bring your own sanitizer to sanitize your hands before receiving communion.
  • Follow directions of the usher and observe social distancing to receive communion.
  • There is still no handshake of peace.
  • Communion will be distributed in the hand only. Communion from the cup is discontinued indefinitely.
  • For those seated in the church, the priest, deacon or extraordinary minister will come to you in the pew. We will discontinue the communion line.
  • Please remember to bring a small bottle of hand sanitizer with you, and sanitize your hands just prior to receiving communion.
  • After the final blessing and dismissal, you will be dismissed by an usher, pew-by-pew like at a wedding.
  • Please do not congregate in the narthex or parking lot before or after Mass.
  • With regard to our weekly collection, we encourage you to continue to give online or text for the safety of our ministers and money counters. This can be done by visiting our Give page creating an account or by texting your offering amount to (630)647-8105, follow the rest of the instructions.  For those who cannot do so, we will place the collection basket in the narthex for you to drop off your offerings upon entering the church.

Thank you so much for working with us on keeping each other safe.  We continue to pray for you during this time of transition, especially for your health and safety.  We thank you for your patience and look forward to seeing you back at our parish soon.

Do you have the myParish App?  We encourage you to download it because we now have a “Mass Sign Up” button on the App for your convenience. (To download the app, text “App” to 88202).