Unbound Conference

Unbound Freedom In Christ Conference on 12/9 & 12/10

It is for freedom Christ has set us free.  Stand fast therefore and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery.

Galatians 5:1


What if you could reach out and …

…and touch God’s love, and never be the same?


  • negative thoughts, secret sins, and unhealthy relationships
  • destructive habits, idols, and false identities
  • resentments and bitter wounds that never seem to heal
These past several years have been a difficult time for us and we need a place to process what we’ve been through.

From a number of things from our past or from our time these past several years, that we had either forgotten about or had never really dealt with.

With these in mind and our vision of providing ways to encounter Jesus, grow as disciples, and experience more power for mission, we will be having an Unbound: Freedom In Christ Conference.

Looking forward to seeing you there.

What is the Unbound Conference?

Unbound Ministry releases the power of Jesus into wounded hearts.

Unbound is a ministry of freedom and healing that helps us to release the Power of the Gospel into our lives.

We all have areas in our lives where we don’t experience freedom. These can be patterns of habitual sin, addictions, negative thoughts, resentments, wounds, burdens we carry that weigh us down, and other forms of spiritual difficulty.

Jesus came to set us free by breaking the power of sin and revealing the love of God.

At the Unbound: Freedom in Christ Conference you will learn how to unlock your prison doors by using the Five Keys To Freedom.

The purpose of the conference is two-fold.

  • First, conference attendees receive the foundational teaching of Unbound in six talks over two days.
  • Second, attendees have the opportunity to receive ministry from a team trained to use the Unbound model. (This ministry team received and participated in preparation and training sessions.)

The conference involves times of prayer and worship, insightful teaching, personal ministry from our ministry team, an opportunity for Confession, and Holy Mass. This conference will equip you to cooperate with God as He sets you free.

Recommended Reading Prior to the Conference

You only need to read the first 9 chapters of “Unbound: A Practical Guide to Deliverance.”  You can purchase it online on Amazon, or here, or at the parish office for $15.


Friday evening December 9 from 6:30pm to 9:15pm

Saturday all-day December 10 from 9am to 9pm

Registration Fee $50 for Parishioners $75 for Non-Parishioners

Please register by Sunday, December 4th.


Cost of $50/$75 covers

The registration fee covers catered lunch and dinner, and materials.

If the fee is a hardship, please connect with zara@olmercy.old.diocesanweb.org

What is Unbound?

What is an Unbound Ministry Session?

Freely you have received; freely give.

Matthew 10:1

Jesus wants to set us free.

What He wants from us is to want to be free from the big and small bondages in our lives.

Sometimes we want to get free from our big slaveries, but not the small ones.

“Do I have to give that up, do you really want me to bring that to you? That’s okay isn’t it? That is just small?”

God wants to break all of our chains. He wants us to surrender all of it to Him.

We can’t do it on our own. We do it only by His grace. But He wants us to decide that we want to be free.

“Lord I want to be free. Lord, I want to give You my whole life. I don’t want to hold onto my small bondages or my big ones. I want to give it to You. Help me Lord. Show me the areas of my life that are still bound by darkness. I say yes to Your freedom. I say yes to Your truth. I say yes to You, Jesus. Amen.”