We want to make inviting your friends and family to Alpha as easy as possible. On this page, you’ll find tips, Alpha video stories, and other tools that can help you invite anyone in your life to join us for Alpha. You can do it! We’re praying for you.
Stop Before You Start
Pause and pray. Ask God who you should invite. We have the opportunity to partner with the Holy Spirit in the conversations that He’s already having with the people around us.
Customize the Invitation
In the Bible, Jesus interacted with different people differently. There was no “one-size fits all” conversation. Consider what you know about the past experiences, hesitations, frustrations, and hopes of the person you are going to invite. By taking the time to understand the individual, you increase the chance they’ll say yes to your invitation.
Be Specific and Direct
We often invite people to something without them really knowing it’s an invitation. Consider how many times plans have been made to “hang out sometime” with someone, and it’s never happened. Asking a yes or no question will get a yes or no answer. Provide specific details so they can make an informed decision.
Top Tip: Avoid starting with a vague inquiry like “Are you doing anything Saturday night?” Those questions put people on guard and can lead to resentment if they feel backed into a corner. They may prefer to do nothing than join you... and that’s ok! Instead, just ask if they would like to join you for Alpha on Saturday night.
If I… Would You…?
When it comes to inviting, simplicity is best. Rather than having a long, complex conversation that ends in a suggestion, try a series of direct interactions that are clear and concise using the “If I… Would You” framework.
“If I sent you the trailer for Alpha, would you watch it and share your thoughts with me?”
“If I shared a Zoom link for Alpha on Wednesday night at 7pm, would you join me?”
“If I checked out an Alpha night, would you consider going together?”
Top Tip: Start Small. People are more likely to say yes to an invitation that requires a minimal commitment. Consider how you can move through stages of invitation from exploring the idea to experiencing it for themselves.
Don’t Get Discouraged
A ‘no’ is not necessarily the end of the opportunity. People may say no for a number of reasons, and most of them will have nothing to do with you as a person! Accept the ‘no’ with grace and revisit step 2, considering if there is a different way to approach the individual. Maintaining the relationship is key, so demonstrate that you care more about them than getting a yes from them.
Top Tip: If you get a “no,” don’t be afraid to ask, “Why?” No is often used as a protective measure when someone doesn’t have all of the information they need to move forward. If you know the 'Why' you can be a part of the solution
An Invitation Through Video Shares
Feel free to share these videos with anyone you’re looking to invite. They might be the best way to show them what they can expect from Alpha.
Gerri Frey | Feeling behind in her spiritual life
From feeling, she is way behind in her spiritual life and at her age, there was no way to catch up; listen to Gerri’s story on how Alpha had changed her life. The same opportunity exists for you, sign up now.
Max Runkle | Overwhelmed with Love
Hear from Max who didn’t know who Jesus was and didn’t believe in Him. On how he went from one sad day, he was lifting at the YMCA and saying yes to a simple invitation…. turned into encountering the life-shaping good news of Jesus that speaks into the deep questions around identity, belonging, and purpose. Jesus gave Max new life; just like Max, see what Jesus can do in your life, come to Alpha @ OLM. OR WHO WILL YOU INVITE TO ALPHA THIS SEASON? Never underestimate what a massive impact a simple invitation can achieve.
Joe Glasgow | All because I said yes to my good friend Bob
How does one go from leaving God behind after college, never stepping foot inside a church, never thinking about Jesus or God or the Holy Spirit to a life-changing encounter with Jesus?
Tommy Lachat | Surprising Community in Alpha
The pandemic life became challenging for any type of communal gathering. It was certainly something Tommy didn’t realize he missed, let alone needed until it was completely taken away because of COVID. Listen to how his small virtual group in Alpha ended up being a gift for him.
Matt Kubanda Alpha Story | It Doesn’t Matter How You Start
Raised Catholic, and then leaving the faith during college, Matt subscribed to a mantra of complete self-reliance. Listen as to how two invitations to Alpha have led Matt to see an old but true adage from his youth, of God, essentially saying the very same thing to him at Alpha.