Daily Mass & Sunday Mass Live Stream & Its Recordings

The Mass is the great encounter with Jesus Christ.

Bishop Barron

Come to In-Person Mass, we miss you! Or Join Us at the Livestream

Pray with us at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass on
8am Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday | 6:30pm Tuesdays | 12pm Wednesdays| | 6:30am Thursdays | 8:30am Saturdays | 6:30pm Monday in Spanish

4pm Saturday | 8am, 10am, 12pm, 5:30pm Sunday

A recording of the homily will be posted below (just scroll down further).

Recording of the Mass


Recordings of the daily Mass are found on Facebook.

The following are recordings of the Sunday Mass.
You may also find these recordings on our YouTube channel (don’t forget to hit subscribe).

Sixth Sunday of Ordinary Time 2/13/2022 Holy Sacrifice of the Mass

Love and Happiness
We all want love, and we’d like our lives to be defined by love. Jesus shows us where to find the beatitude (happiness) we’re looking for, so get ready to “root” yourself in charity! Because the Tree of Life and love looks different from what we might expect!v

Fifth Sunday of Ordinary Time 2/6/2022 Holy Sacrifice of the Mass

Hope in New York?
Life can feel like we’re carrying the weight of the world on our shoulders. Where is our hope? A trip to New York and a little help from St. Peter will challenge our assumptions about how best to carry our burdens. Check out part 2 of Father James’ series on the theological virtues and our parish vision!

Fourth Sunday of Ordinary Time 1/30/2022 Holy Sacrifice of the Mass

A God Delusion?
How are we to understand faith? Does it imply that we are delusional believers who just wish there were a god in the sky who says, “I love you”? Join us for the first installment of our investigation into the theological virtues of faith, hope, and love.

Fourth Sunday of Advent 12/19/2021 Holy Sacrifice of the Mass

Promises! Promises! Promises!
We’ve all at one time or another have fallen short in keeping promises we’ve made. Listen as Father Don speaks of the only one who is faithful and keeps His promises.

Read here https://bit.ly/ThePromiseHasAName

“Gaudete/Rejoice” Third Sunday of Advent 12/12/2021 Holy Sacrifice of the Mass

No Anxiety At All
Anxiety is an American crisis, but joy is for you. Drop the empty sentimentalism and join the way of hope and freedom. We Christians have something everyone else doesn’t, and there’s only one way to get it.

Second Sunday of Advent 12/5/2021 Holy Sacrifice of the Mass

Finding a New Outfit this Christmas
… at the last place, you might expect to find one. Listen to Father Don’s awesome invitation of where we can find the joy in wearing a new outfit this Christmas wherein it can change our inner self and we come out wrapped in the cloak of hope.

First Sunday of Advent 12/5/2021 Holy Sacrifice of the Mass

It’s something we’ve all experienced, but struggle to overcome. Where do we find rest for our weary hearts? It’s not on social media, but it is possible for all of us. Check out this week’s homily for the 1st week of Advent to find out more!

Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe 11/21/2021 Holy Sacrifice of the Mass

What Possesses Me?
On this feast of Christ the King, Father Don challenges us to evaluate what has dominion over our lives by asking ourselves several questions… If I were to ask family members, friends, or co-workers for a character evaluation, how would they generally define me? For all my claims to be Christian, do Christ and His teachings dominate my attitudes in any observable way? Does love motivate my actions and guide my behavior? We are all tempted at times to straddle both kingdoms at the same time. May we always choose to serve Jesus, our King, and Lord. Read Father Don’s homily here (because of the connectivity issues during the livestream, Father Don’s entire homily was only partially captured) https://bit.ly/FrDonChristTheKingHomily

33rd Sunday of Ordinary Time 11/14/2021 Holy Sacrifice of the Mass

Breaking the Chain of Poverty through the TTE
Reverend Father Francis Kamia Tambala from Malawi Africa speaks of his own story of desiring to become a priest and how it was his transformation through education that has made this possible. However, this opportunity he had of quality Catholic secondary education is basically non-existent to the children of Malawi who have to travel far and wide, in the scorching heat or torrential rain just to get to school. The reality is that 75% of Malawi children drop out after elementary school. Of the 25% of those that don’t drop out and continue to high school education, only 40% are selected and the 60% are left out, their dreams shattered, and find themselves languishing in extreme poverty. This is the situation Malawi students and teachers find themselves in. Father Francis appeals to each of us to help break this chain of a poverty-induced cycle so that the impoverished high school students of Malawi can receive good quality education through the Transformation through Education initiative (TTE). Please join them and make a difference helping a child facing extreme poverty, face instead, through your support, the blessing of a good Catholic secondary education that can help bring them out of the cycle of poverty they would otherwise find themselves in.
For more information on the TTE, proceed here https://www.ttemalawi.org/#vision Please drop off the envelope at the parish office or donate online look for “Transformation Through Education” https://bit.ly/TTEdonation

32nd Sunday of Ordinary Time 11/7/2021 Holy Sacrifice of the Mass

Does God Want Me?
Does shame or fear keep you from giving yourself to God? Do you ever feel like Jesus doesn’t love or want you because of all the things you’ve done? Deacon Tom speaks to us today about the reality that the complete offering of ourselves to Jesus, even if it seems like we really have nothing to offer Him, is truly treasured by Jesus. He wants you and He loves you, even in those places you feel you have no excuse to be loved. Will you surrender your poverty to Him?

30th Sunday of Ordinary Time 10/24/2021 Holy Sacrifice of the Mass

Exorcisms and the Occult
Occult practices are on the rise, and most people know very little about the realities of the spiritual realm. Yet most people realize that when you suspect the presence of the demonic, you call a Catholic priest. Listen as Father James shares from his experience and training as a “modern ghostbuster”. Check out Monsignor Rossetti’s app, book, and blog at: https://www.catholicexorcism.org/

Follow Mass at Home


We recommend Magnificat, a spiritual guide to help you develop your prayer life, grow in your spiritual life, find a way to a more profound love for Christ, and participate in the Holy Mass with greater fervor.   Please click here for the Magnificat resources

Virtual Narthex During the Lockdown


During the lockdown, after Sunday Mass we have the Virtual Narthex.

In our church, there is a space called the narthex is where people gather after Mass to say hello to the Fathers, to each other or get holy water from the baptismal font.  It is also where the Stations of the Cross is located as well as the Confessionals/Reconciliation Room.

In these times where we can’t gather physically, we have the Virtual Narthex.  It is where we either have

  • “Q&A with the Fathers.”  Do you have any questions for them?  Submit here or post on the comment section during the live feed on Facebook.
  • Or a quick conversation about a topic.

After the 5/10/2020 5th Sunday of Easter Mass

Happy Mother’s Day. To All Mothers We Love You…
“The loveliest masterpiece of the heart of God is the heart of a mother.”
— St. Therese of Lisieux

After the 4/19/2020 Divine Mercy Sunday Mass

Jesus calling.  Did you miss the conversation with the Fathers and our seminarians on their calling to the priesthood and seminary life?  Hear what their brief stories.

After the 4/5/2020 Palm Sunday Mass

Sticking to our day jobs, a full house at the rectory, beautiful prayers at Mass.  The Fathers talk about the making of the Transformation Zone, having new fans of Chardonnay at the rectory and answering your awesome questions.


After the 3/29/2020 Sunday Mass

Chardonnay, Confessions and Cooking.  What did the Fathers have to say about all these, Holy Week and more?  Tune in to their first Q&A.


The Transformation Zone with the Fathers – Part 2

A wager, a winner, and a possible change of diet.

The Transformation Zone with the Fathers – Part 1

The purpose of Lent is to bring about spiritual change and transformation. The lockdown has provided new opportunities on our journey to the heights. Like you, we have also been spending much more time with each other due to the lockdown. This has caused some weird things to happen at OLM. Enter the Transformation Zone here, if you dare.


Recording of the Mass


Recordings of the daily Mass are found on Facebook.

The following are recordings of the Sunday Mass 1/10/2021 and older.
You may also find these recordings on our YouTube channel (don’t forget to hit subscribe).

Solemnity of the Baptism of the Lord 1/10/2021 The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass

We Are Baptized for a Cause
Baptism commissions us to do the work of Jesus according to our capabilities. Read Father Don’s homily here https://bit.ly/2Xw6nzk as he speaks of becoming a disciple after the heart of Jesus and of having a personal relationship with Him.

Solemnity of the Baptism of the Lord 1/10/2021 The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass

“I Show God to Others”
Hear from visiting priest, Father Bill Etheridge speaks about living out our baptismal call and how sometimes the things we need to say we don’t say, even to people who are closest to us. How sad it is sometimes we don’t say the things we need to say to people we don’t know (like the people in the line) and really express that they too are a son and daughter of God.
Here are shareable links
For audio-only link https://bit.ly/3q6bvGt
Watch on YouTube link (please don’t forget to hit subscribe) https://youtu.be/dZ02ZK77Ht0
Comment on Facebook https://bit.ly/35wnci6

Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord 1/3/2021 The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass

Being a Gift
3 Wise Men. 3 Gifts. 3 Lessons. Father Don presents us with these 3 lessons and a challenge we can derive from today’s Gospel that we can take into this new year. Matthew 2:1-12
Here are shareable links
For audio-only link https://bit.ly/3oahV7b
Watch on YouTube link (please don’t forget to hit subscribe) https://youtu.be/2PvqBVhTgk8
Comment on Facebook https://bit.ly/3oaYGKp
Read the homily here https://bit.ly/3oahV7b

Feast of the Holy Family Sunday 12/27/2020 The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass

HOLY Families?
It’s no secret that every family has its flaws…and that families mark us deeply, for better or for worse! Does this imply a need for updating the family structure? And what’s the purpose of families anyways?
Sirach 3:2-6, 12-14 | Colossians 3:12-21
Here are shareable links For audio-only link https://bit.ly/37UjwIB Watch on YouTube link https://youtu.be/HrMhioUHpv0 (please don’t forget to hit subscribe) Comment on Facebook https://bit.ly/37OC50G Check out our Family Faith Formation model https://olmercy.old.diocesanweb.org/formation/children/

Christmas Thursday 12/25/2020 The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass

Troubles of Life and Christmas
The troubles of life are not a distraction from Christmas. Father Don reflects on how they are the necessary human context in which the meaning of Christmas becomes clear.
Here are shareable links For audio-only link https://bit.ly/34LN359 Watch on YouTube link https://youtu.be/L-5KRTIu0tc (please don’t forget to hit subscribe)
Comment on Facebook https://bit.ly/34LN359 Read the homily https://bit.ly/38AKfci

The Final Say
Long nights, short days, and the earth’s axis can teach us about who has the final say. We have no reason to fear, but every reason to hope, if only we have Christmas!
Here are shareable links For audio-only link
https://bit.ly/3aIJgJv Comment on Facebook https://bit.ly/2KvylbI

Sunday of the 32nd week of Ordinary Time 11/8/2020 The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass

A Message of Hope at this Time
Paul’s people were suffering because things weren’t turning out as they had planned. Sound familiar in our own times? Paul reminds us that when we grieve over things that didn’t happen as we planned or wanted, to let our grief become an opportunity for grace. The essence of the Christian life is hope in God’s promises. Christ went to death with faith-filled hope. Let us remain hopeful in the promises of Jesus Christ who is our Lord and Redeemer.

Sunday of the 31st week of Ordinary Time 11/1/2020 The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass

Who will we listen to, to tell us what’s important; society or Jesus?
A visiting priest, Father Bill Etheridge, shares a story of a young man who is inviting us to look at what’s important on this Feast of All Saints. Matthew 5:1-12

Sunday of the 30th week of Ordinary Time 10/25/2020 The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass

Learn to Love and Learn your Purpose
Loving our neighbor as ourselves isn’t exactly intuitive. Wide disagreement on social issues makes this clear. Likewise, we set ourselves up for failure when we try to define for ourselves our life’s purpose. God desires to teach us how to love, and to teach us what we’re made for. A transformed life starts with a disposition of humility and ends with reaching our divine potential. Listen to find out why humility will help change the direction and potential of your life. (Gospel Reading Matthew 22:34-40) _________________ “In spite of great scientific and technological advances, man has not the faintest idea of who he is or what he is doing.” – Walker Percy For the full text of Father James’ homily https://bit.ly/34te39F

Sunday of the 21st week of Ordinary Time 8/23/2020 The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass

Who Do You Say Jesus Is?
In our times of uncertainty and fear, where do we find rock-solid consolation and hope? How can we find confidence in the future? How do we become a rock for our family and friends? To find the answer, listen to Father Don’s encouragement and invitation for you to participate in Alpha. Details and registration can be found here

Sunday of the 20th week of Ordinary Time 8/16/2020 The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass

When God Is Silent
Just like the Canaanite woman in Matthew 15:21-28 who was kneeling before Jesus and yet experiencing Him as if He were a million miles away, we too can sometimes be kneeling before Jesus in the Eucharist and yet feel as if He were anything but present. St. Ignatius of Loyola has wisdom to share with us today (and if you want to learn more, check out this podcast https://bit.ly/2Y6aq5U and these books https://bit.ly/2E5Qqta)

Sunday of the 19th week of Ordinary Time 8/9/2020 The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass

Reach Out to Jesus
At times, it’s in the storms of our lives that we abandon ship, we don’t look for Jesus, we think we’re abandoned by God. We try to go at it alone. When the reality is like what Peter experiences in Mt 14:22-33 that He is very much present with outstretched hands beckoning us. Watch as Father Don speaks of experiencing Jesus in the storms of life and in the ordinary.
Speaking of experiencing Jesus; please consider Alpha

Sunday of the 18th week of Ordinary Time 8/2/2020 The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass

Being fed by Jesus
“Jesus uses 5 loaves and 2 fish to feed a crowd of 5,000” imagine this is the headline that would have permeated the villages and towns. While this miracle happened about 2,000 years ago, Jesus has been feeding us daily to this day. Listen as Deacon Mike expounds further on this saving truth.

Sunday of the 17th week of Ordinary Time 7/26/2020 The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass

A Pair of Parables
The pair of parables in Matthew 13:44-52 challenges us to keep searching for God. We should never stop searching for God. But remember God searches for us and oftentimes, we are found most unexpectedly. Listen to Father Don as he speaks about how God can touch our hearts in the most surprising ways.
Reflect and feel free to share any of the following below
How has God touched your heart in the most surprising way?
How did God search for you/or how did you find God?

Sunday of the 16th week of Ordinary Time 7/19/2020 The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass

Groceries, Angels, and Weeds
Why do evil people seem to remain unchecked by God? In Matthew 13:24-43, Jesus gives us the answer, and there’s something we can do to let Him be the answer for us. Join Father James as his homily explores today’s parables, our questions, and, yes, angels.

Sunday of the 15th week of Ordinary Time 7/12/2020 The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass

What kind of soil is our heart?
Father Don speaks about how Jesus uses the parable in Matthew 13:1-23, to invite us to look at how fertile is the soil of our heart to receive the Word of God and act upon it so that we truly become what God has intended for us to become.
(Father Don mentioned Alpha! Coming soon Thursdays in the Fall Virtually and In-Person, click here for more details https://olmercy.old.diocesanweb.org/alpha/)

Sunday of the 14th week of Ordinary Time 7/5/2020 The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass

Come to Me
This week, Fr. James introduces himself by sharing his “vocation story”—the story of how he came to hear God’s call for him. He recounts how a life he sought to create for himself did not end as well as he had hoped, and how his last recourse was to follow an odd stirring of his heart. “Who made you? Who knows you?” Despite knowing that God is our creator—the very one who “knit us together in our mother’s womb”—we can often find ourselves keeping God at arm’s length. (Ps 139:13) We struggle to trust this God whom we may not know personally. Yet God persistently calls us, just as He called Fr. James: “Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest.”

Thursday of the 9th week of Ordinary Time 6/4/2020 The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass

Living Above Reproach.  In the 1st reading today (2 Tim 2:8-15) St. Paul exhorts Timothy to be “eager to present yourself as acceptable to God, a workman who causes no disgrace, imparting the word of truth without deviation.” Are you living above reproach? Are there any ongoing sins in your life that would bring shame if they were made public? Our world needs people to live above reproach, doing so leads others to Christ.

Wednesday of the 9th week of Ordinary Time 6/3/2020 The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass

Tuesday of the 9th week of Ordinary Time 6/2/2020 The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass

Peter’s One Thing.  Father Mark breaks open the 1st reading today and explains that for Peter it comes down to one thing, sanctity!

Monday Mass of the Memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary Mother of God 6/1/2020


Unleash the Beauty.  In the midst of more and more ugliness in the world, one wonders how to proceed. Father Mark explains that beauty will save the world. As we celebrate Pentecost Sunday, Father Mark encourages us to ask the Lord for the fruits of the Holy Spirit so as to live and act beautifully.

Pentecost Sunday 5/31/2020 The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass

Unleash the Beauty.  In the midst of more and more ugliness in the world, one wonders how to proceed. Father Mark explains that beauty will save the world. As we celebrate Pentecost Sunday, Father Mark encourages us to ask the Lord for the fruits of the Holy Spirit so as to live and act beautifully.

Saturday of the 7th week of Easter 5/30/2020 The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass


Friday of the 7th week of Easter 5/29/2020 The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass


Thursday of the 7th week of Easter 5/28/2020 The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass

The Odor of Disunity.  In the 1st reading, we see the Scribes and Pharisees fighting with one another so much that their eyes are taken off their mission. Jesus knows we have this tendency toward in-fighting—whether that be in politics, in the church, in families, etc.— so He prays for unity. This kind of in-fighting takes our eyes off the mission. Father Mark challenges us to consider if our words sow seeds of unity or disunity in our relationships and community.

Wednesday of the 7th week of Easter 5/27/2020 The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass

Be Little St. Pauls To Others. In today’s 1st reading (Acts 20:28-38) we see the love and concern Paul and the people had for each other. Father Mark explores the reasons why their bond was so tight. He exhorts us to be Pauls for those we have authority over.

Tuesday of the 7th week of Easter 5/26/2020 The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass

Do you seek God’s approval or Man’s approval?  Having the approval of others is good, normal, and healthy. However, the craving for approval can turn harmful. Many of us are slaves to what others think of us. Father Mark encourages us to stay rooted in the reality of Jesus; that the heart of Jesus knows each of us. The pull to seek the praise of men falls to the wayside the further rooted we are in the reality that we are His.

Memorial Day Monday of the 7th week of Easter 5/25/2020 The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass


Ascension Sunday of the 7th week of Easter 5/24/2020 The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass


Saturday of the 6th week of Easter 5/23/2020 The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass

Friday of the 6th week of Easter 5/22/2020 The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass

Thursday of the 6th week of Easter 5/21/2020 The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass

We all need a Tag Team of an Aquila and Priscilla
In our 1st reading (Acts 18:1-8) Paul, while in Corinth, meets a married couple named Aquila and Priscilla. They were a great help to St. Paul in his ministry and did much in spreading the Gospel. Father Mark gives us three takeaways from the things we know about this power couple. Take a listen https://bit.ly/2AQ0uoz
Speaking of marriages, it’s not too late to sign up for the Marriage Course that starts tomorrow, details and sign-up can be found here https://olmercy.old.diocesanweb.org/mc/

Wednesday of the 6th week of Easter 5/20/2020 The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass

Tuesday of the 6th week of Easter 5/19/2020 The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass


Monday of the 6th week of Easter 5/18/2020 The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass


Do You Have Michael Jordan Intensity?
We are intense and passionate about a lot of different things. How intense are we toward the things most important? Father Mark encourages us to have a Michael Jordan intensity with keeping God number one and family number two. Given the anti-Christian creed in the world, he offers suggestions in seeking help. Father Mark explains that the most powerful help at our side is the Advocate which Jesus promises us in today’s Gospel.

Below are the items Father refers to
\_Marriage Course page which has the video he refers to and registration link https://olmercy.old.diocesanweb.org/mc/ [Starts Friday 5/22 @ 7:30pm]

\_Virtual Narthex Small Groups After Mass [Starts Sunday 5/24 right after Mass]

\_Bible Study on: Jesus: the Way, Truth & Life [Starts Tuesday 5/26 @7pm]

\_Bible Study on: The Bible Timeline Study [Starts Wednesday 6/3 @pm]

6th Sunday of Easter 5/17/2020 The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass

Saturday of the 5th week of Easter 5/16/2020 The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass


Friday of the 5th week of Easter 5/15/2020 The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass

Work and Love.  In today’s homily, Father Mark explores God’s command to work and His command to love. He explains that both commands bring with it the desired result.

Thursday of the 5th week of Easter 5/14/2020 The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass

Wednesday of the 5th week of Easter 5/13/2020 The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass

Tuesday of the 5th week of Easter 5/12/2020 The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass

Encouragement Anyone?  Our 1st reading today (Acts 14:19-28) is flooded with encouragement. It’s amazing how little encouragement we need to keep persevering. Father Mark exhorts us to encourage others today and to be encouraged by Jesus’ words in the gospel.

Monday of the 5th week of Easter 5/11/2020 The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass

Sunday of the 5th week of Easter 5/10/2020 The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass

Saturday of the 4th week of Easter 5/9/2020 The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass

The Cry of Every Human Heart.  In our 1st reading (Acts 13:44-52) we hear that “almost the whole city gathered to hear the word of the Lord.” The people’s hearts were moved the following Sabbath and want to hear more of the power of the Gospel. This is the same cry we hear from Philip in the Gospel when he asks Jesus to show him the Father. Father Mark encourages us to pause today in order to rest in the trinitarian love our hearts were created for.

Friday of the 4th week of Easter 5/8/2020 The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass

Thursday of the 4th week of Easter 5/7/2020 The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass

Will you be Ready to Swing? Today we hear Paul given the opportunity to share the gospel with the Jews in the Synagogue (Acts 13:13-25). The ball was placed on the tee for him to swing, and swing he did. When our children or grandchildren ask us why they have to go to Mass, will we be ready to swing away?

Wednesday of the 4th week of Easter 5/6/2020 The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass

Tuesday of the 4th week of Easter 5/5/2020 The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass

Monday of the 4th week of Easter 5/4/2020 The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass

What Are We Suppose to Look Like?   Today we hear (Acts 11:19-26) what the early church looked like. Church communities were formed by individuals responding to the gospel. Hearts were pieced and convicted which led to different living from the world. Is that what our parishes look like today? Does Our Lady of Mercy look that way? Father Mark encourages us to be the change when we come back to church.

Sunday of the 4th week of Easter 5/3/2020 The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass

Weak spots in the Wall.  Even though Easter is the celebration of Jesus’ victory over Sin, Death, and Satan, the battle continues. Satan lurks around like a thief, looking for weak spots in our wall in order to break in and cause havoc. Father Mark explains that the Good Shepherd comes with his rod and staff in hand to protect and heal us by His wounds.

Saturday of the 3rd week of Easter 5/2/2020 The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass

Not much has changed.  Not much has changed over the years, difficult teachings of Jesus don’t become less difficult as time goes on. Many leave the church because of church teachings that are hard. Father Mark encourages us to double down, reflect deeply on John 6 with Jesus, continue to believe in, and grow our devotion in Him, in the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist.

Friday of the 3rd week of Easter 5/1/2020 The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass


Thursday of the 3rd week of Easter 4/30/2020 The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass

Manna and God’s Initiative.  In today’s gospel, Jesus refers to manna. Father Mark explains how manna was miraculous food given by God to sustain the wandering Israelites. The manna is a prefiguration to Jesus’ own flesh He gives to sustain us on our journey.

Wednesday of the 3rd week of Easter 4/29/2020 The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass

Tuesday of the 3rd week of Easter 4/28/2020 The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass

Stop and Think.  If the crowd would have just stopped and thought, they would have seen the mighty works of God. Father Mark explains how important it is in the spiritual life to ‘stop and think’. We tend to move throughout the day so fast that we don’t realize God’s love for us; we even move fast through prayers, not thinking and expecting the Spirit to come. The gift of the Holy Spirit is always available to us if we would just stop and think. Take a listen. Father Mark gives two challenges to share the gospel to those who are searching for answers in this time of pandemic.

Monday of the 3rd week of Easter 4/27/2020 The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass

Sunday of the 3rd week of Easter 4/26/2020 The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass

What’s Essential Anyways?  Father Mark describes how the locked church doors are an image for modern man casting God as non-essential.  When God is viewed as non-essential, sadness and despair reign. In the Gospel today, the two disciples find themselves saddened before Jesus restores their hope.  Father Mark gives two challenges to share the gospel to those who are searching for answers in this time of pandemic.

Sunday of the 3rd week of Easter 4/26/2020 The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass

What’s Essential Anyways?  Father Mark describes how the locked church doors are an image for modern man casting God as non-essential.  When God is viewed as non-essential, sadness and despair reign. In the Gospel today, the two disciples find themselves saddened before Jesus restores their hope.  Father Mark gives two challenges to share the gospel to those who are searching for answers in this time of pandemic.

Saturday of the 2nd week of Easter 4/25/2020 The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass

Where Are You Being Stingy? The inner life of God is one of self-donating love. The Father pours everything he has into the Son; the Son everything into the Father.
Father Mark explains that we are created to give of ourselves in a move of self-donating love. Where we were once excited to give ourselves as a gift we perhaps have grown stale, stingy. Where are you stingy in making yourself a gift? Relate this to Christ, receive from the Triune God, be refreshed, then be the gift.

Friday of the 2nd week of Easter 4/24/2020 The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass


Thursday of the 2nd week of Easter 4/23/2020 The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass

Where Are You Being Stingy? The inner life of God is one of self-donating love. The Father pours everything he has into the Son; the Son everything into the Father.
Father Mark explains that we are created to give of ourselves in a move of self-donating love. Where we were once excited to give ourselves as a gift we perhaps have grown stale, stingy. Where are you stingy in making yourself a gift? Relate this to Christ, receive from the Triune God, be refreshed, then be the gift.

Wednesday of the 2nd week of Easter 4/22/2020 The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass


Tuesday of the 2nd week of Easter 4/21/2020 The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass

Don’t be a Nicodemus! In today’s gospel Jesus continues His conversation with Nicodemus. Nicodemus is clueless; his mind is on earthly things where Jesus speaks of heavenly things. Father Mark explains that the spiritual world is incredibly active. Unfortunately, most of us don’t meet Christ throughout the day because we live as practical materialists.

Monday of the 2nd week of Easter 4/20/2020 The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass


Sunday of Divine Mercy or Second Sunday of Easter 4/19/2020 The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass

The ABC of God’s Mercy.  Father Don beautifully speaks about God’s deep abiding mercy.  A recognition that we need God’s mercy and that we are to; Ask for His Mercy, Be Merciful and
Completely trust in Jesus.

Saturday of the Octave of Easter 4/18/2020 The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass

Companions of Jesus. Peter and John are recognized by the scribes as companions of Jesus. Father Mark explains that companionship with Jesus is the first step to evangelization and having an impact on our circle of influence.

Friday of the Octave of Easter 4/17/2020 The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass

Thursday of the Octave of Easter 4/16/2020 The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass

When given to Christ, your wounds become a Badge of Honor.  Today we hear from Luke’s account of Jesus appearing to the apostles. Father Mark explains why the resurrected Jesus still has His wounds. May we also be quick to show our wounds to Jesus; they then become a badge of honor to show a hurting world.

Wednesday of the Octave of Easter 4/15/2020 The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass

What is it that prevents us from recognizing the presence of Jesus in our midst?

Tuesday of the Octave of Easter 4/14/2020 The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass

No one calls our name the way Jesus calls our name.  In todays Gospel we encounter Mary Magdalene weeping outside the tomb. She doesn’t recognize the resurrected Christ until she hears Him say her name. Let us take time today to hear Jesus call our name as no one calls our name the way Jesus calls our name.

Monday of the Octave of Easter 4/13/2020 The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass

Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord 4/12/2020  Come See Jesus.  Death was on the mind of Mary Magdalene and the other Mary on the very first Easter morning. Similarly death is on our mind this Easter morning due to the pandemic. Fr. Mark explains that Satan is the ultimate invisible enemy who hold us ransom. Jesus rose from the dead, which means we will not die. Now the invitation is for us to come see Jesus.

Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord 4/12/2020


Easter Vigil In the Holy Night 4/12/2020

Empty Tomb Empty Church. Perhaps there is a message in having an empty church, it’s like the empty tomb. We know that Jesus is always present to us in Word and Sacrament. Father Don speaks about how given the circumstances we find ourselves, perhaps God is calling us to recognize the presence of the risen Lord in a different way.

Good Friday 4/10/2020 Celebration of the Passion of the Lord

Why Me?  Why Us?  The groan of Jesus on the cross is echoed a million times every day. When we suffer, we sometimes ask, why me, why us; and God is strangely silent to our inquiries.  Father Don explains that though this is a mystery, God is not silent and in fact God knows and has experienced every physical and mental torment we have ever suffered.

Holy Thursday 4/9/2020 The Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper

We’re Hurting and You’re Hurting.  Father Mark explains how all Priests are hurting during this time being away from their people. Time away from the Eucharist is also causing the laity to hurt. On this Holy Thursday, where we commemorate the institution of the Priesthood and the institution of the Eucharist, Father Mark suggest that in the hurting there can be great spiritual growth and renewal.

Wednesday of Holy Week 4/8/2020 The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass

Tuesday of Holy Week 4/7/2020 The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass

Lean Back into Jesus’ Chest. Father Mark contrasts Peter and John’s reaction in the face of fear. Peter’s fear caused himself to distance himself from Christ. John leaned back into Jesus’ chest. Father Mark encourages us to spend time today imagining ourselves resting our head on Jesus’ chest.

Monday of Holy Week 4/6/2020 The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass

Palm Sunday 4/5/2020 

Center Stage. There is a tragic element to our humanity. Father Mark reflects on how pain and suffering seems to be taking center stage these days. Jesus’ passion and death speaks into the tragedy of our humanity. Father Mark encourages us to watch Jesus closely this week as He takes center stage and goes to work.

Palm Sunday 4/5/2020 The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass

Center Stage. There is a tragic element to our humanity. Father Mark reflects on how pain and suffering seems to be taking center stage these days. Jesus’ passion and death speaks into the tragedy of our humanity. Father Mark encourages us to watch Jesus closely this week as He takes center stage and goes to work.

5th Saturday of Lent 4/4/2020 The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass

A Good Father Keeps His Promises.
Father Mark explains the situation the Israelites find themselves during Babylonian Exile. The prophet Ezekiel gives the people hope by proclaiming God’s outrageous promises.

Take a listen https://bit.ly/2xLKNNC

For further contemplation, here is an accompanying song by Cody Carnes “Run to the Father” https://youtu.be/HcpeLDp0Foo

5th Friday of Lent 4/3/2020 The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass


5th Thursday of Lent 4/2/2020 The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass

Never tasting death. If Jesus is God then everything He said is true. Father Mark encourages us to spend time today with the claim Jesus makes in the Gospel today, “Whoever keeps my word will never taste death.”

5th Wednesday of Lent 4/1/2020 The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass

Who you calling “Not Free?!?”  Father Mark reflects on the 8th chapter of the Gospel of John. The Jews take issue with being told they aren’t free. This is our common reaction to Jesus as well. It is only in remaining in Jesus where we find freedom.

5th Tuesday of Lent 3/31/2020 The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass

Healing Gaze at the Cross. As we approach Holy Week, Father Mark exhorts us to gaze at the crucifix for healing. To help with our prayer today, he reads a meditation from Bishop Fulton Sheen.

5th Monday of Lent 3/30/2020 The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass

Don’t Sugar Coat Things. The valley of the shadow of death is a real place; and it can come at us quickly. Using the readings from the day, Father Mark shows why the cross enables us to forge ahead while in the valley.

5th Sunday of Lent 3/29/2020 The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass

What have we allowed to die in us? Martha in her grief, says to Jesus, “Lord, if you had been here.” Jesus, grief stricken as well, then brings his best friend, Lazarus back to life. Father Don’s powerful homily has us face the very same question we may have of Jesus during this time, “Lord, where are you?” He also has us asking ourselves what we should bring before the Lord; what has died in you and me that we need to ask Jesus to bring back to life? To resurrect in us.

4th Saturday of Lent 3/28/2020 The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass

When Darkness Chases You. Satan and Evil are real. There are times in our lives where we especially feel attacked by the Devil. Father Mark proposes three things we can do during those times.

4th Friday of Lent 3/27/2020 The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass

Do what is right. Father Mark reflects on the readings today, how it emphasizes that “many are the troubles of the just man.” Nonetheless, we have the moral obligation to always do what is right, even when it’s not well received.

4th Thursday of Lent 3/26/2020 The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass

Golden Calf—How in the world?  While Moses is absent 40 days on the top of Mt. Sinai, the people grow restless and they begin to worship a golden calf. When God seems distant it is easy for us to grasp for other things to replace Him. We tend to lose moral judgment due to the social mob.

4th Wednesday of Lent 3/25/2020 The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass

Annunciation-The Crazy Impact. As we celebrate the Annunciation of the Lord, Father Mark contrasts the impact of two women; one in the Eden and the other in Nazareth. Our daily ‘yes’ to God also bears great impact on the world.

4th Tuesday of Lent 3/24/2020 The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass

The Weight of Self-Pity. Father Mark recounts Jesus’ conversation with the man who has been ill for 38 years. The man’s problem is that he bemoans in his self-pity. Father Mark gives us three tips to be freed from the weight of self-pity.

4th Monday of Lent 3/23/2020 The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass

Practice Breeds Confidence. Father Mark teaches how important confidence is in the spiritual life. This is a problem for us because our tendency is to place our confidence in ourselves rather than God. Todays Gospel shows the royal officials great confidence in Christ. How can we practice our confidence in God this Lent so as to breed confidence in Him.

4th Sunday of Lent 3/22/2020 The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass

Spiritual Blindness.  Today’s Gospel shows us how sometimes because of our spiritual blindness we don’t pay attention to the important things in life. At the moment, many of us are restricted from leaving the house and therefore in a way are forced to look at our life in a new light. Jesus can use this mess we’re in and make a message out of it.