September 22 – The Feast of Our Lady of Mercy

Have you ever prayed the Litany of Loreto?  This litany is asking for the intercession of our Blessed Mother through her various titles, which are grounded in Scripture and Tradition.  These titles are beautiful because they reveal the great gift of Mary through her various names. Yet, as you look through the titles, you see that they are all given to her because of her Son, Jesus Christ. 

For example, let’s look at the title “Mary, Seat of Wisdom.”  This comes from the verse in Matthew’s Gospel when the Wise Men come to seek Christ.  Scripture says, “Going into the house, they saw the child with Mary his mother, and they fell down and worshiped him” (Matthew 2:11).  Jesus was on Mary’s lap, hence seat, when the Wise Men worshiped the Lord.  Mary is the ultimate seat of wisdom because her son, Jesus, sat on her lap! 

“Mary, Mother of all Grace”, is usually the title given to the image of Mary standing on the world while crushing the head of the serpent (which fulfills the prophecy in Genesis 3:15).  This image is actually in our adoration chapel.  In the Church’s understanding and tradition, Mary is crushing the head of the serpent while Jesus is conceived in her womb. She is able to crush the head of the serpent because of her son Jesus Christ.

This leads us to our Feast Day of “Our Lady of Mercy.” I’m sure our Protestant brothers and sisters in Christ will cringe hearing this title, thinking that we are worshipping Mary as God. That is not the case.  Mary is given this title, as seen in the image on the wall of our parish, because Mercy itself sits on her lap. From his birth, even to his death, Jesus is depicted in Mary’s arms- such as in Michelangelo’s great artwork of the Pieta. Mary’s mercy is founded on Christ her son, the source of love that is reaching down to save us from our sins.

One last image is seen in the book of Revelation, where there is a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelves stars (Revelation 12:1).  Mary continues in the tradition of the Church to represent the moon. In darkest times, she reflects the sunlight of the true Son of God. How often do we need Mary’s guidance to make our way to her Son, the Light of the World! 

I believe that as we celebrate Mary, Our Lady of Mercy, we too can follow the example set forth in her titles. May we, like Mary, reflect the love of Jesus Christ, share all wisdom, grace & mercy, and reflect God’s love to those that we meet!   

Father Michael

September 15 – Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Brothers and Sisters in the Lord,

In our Gospel this Sunday, our Lord asks his disciples, “Who do you say that I am?”  After following our Lord, seeing him work miracles, healing the sick, and getting to know him on a deep, personal level, Peter can declare, on behalf of the Apostles (and thus the Church), “You are the Christ.”  We too are called to have the same deep, personal relationship with our Lord- to grow in holiness!  We too are called to go out to our community, our work, our school, all those we meet, and declare that Jesus is the Christ, the way to the Father.  One way we can grow in holiness, to grow closer to our Lord, is through our suffering.  Christ tells us that if we wish to be his disciples, then we must take up our cross and follow him.   If Christ suffered, then we also are called to do the same.  Where Christ has gone, we hope to follow, if we are faithful to him. 

Our Lord’s journey back to the Father in heaven took him first to the Cross.  We should not be surprised then, that our journey to heaven will take us down a similar path.  Our path can take several different twists and turns, and we don’t always know where we are going, but as long as we take that walk with the Lord and trust in his providential care for us and stay close to the Church and the Sacraments, we know it will lead us to our true home, which is heaven!

I also wanted to take the opportunity to formally introduce myself to you and tell you who I am.  My name is Father William Vagenas and I am the new resident priest here at Our Lady of Mercy.  I (along with my dog, Hope) moved into the rectory about a month ago.  I continue to be overwhelmed with the warm and gracious welcome I have received in that time.  In particular, I want to thank Father Michael and Father Frank.  They have been very accommodating and helpful during this transition. 

A little about me…I grew up in Hinsdale at St. Isaac Jogues where I attended second through eighth grade.  After graduating high school I entered St. John Vianney College Seminary and then continued studies at Mundelein Seminary.  I was ordained in 2012 and served at St. Michael in Wheaton.  After several years away from ministry in the diocese, I was asked to move here to assist with Masses and Confessions during the week and to assist with Masses on Sundays at St. Anne in Oswego.  While I maintain responsibilities outside the parish, I look forward to being with you all for the coming months as, together, we journey closer to God. 

I look forward to meeting so many of you in the coming weeks.  Know of my prayers for all of you.  Please continue to keep me in your prayers. 

May our Lady of Mercy intercede for us all!

Fr. Vagenas

September 8 – Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time

As a third grader I took part in a weekly Bible Camp at a local church. One of the workbook activities asked, “Who first told you about Jesus?” In my case, it was my grandparents who had told me about the faith. As a child, I enjoyed looking at the many images of Jesus and Mary in their house, and my grandma explained to me who they were. As simple as it sounds, this encounter helped prepare for me for my further encounters with Jesus. It helped prepare me as a seven-year-old not only to receive Jesus in the Eucharist, but also to begin thinking about the priesthood. And it helped prepare me as a seminarian to receive the powerful reminder that Jesus does speak to us in prayer. But it all went back to that initial encounter.

Today’s Gospel of the healing of the deaf and mute man is commemorated during the sacrament of Baptism through the Ephphatha Rite. In this Rite, the minister touches the ears and the mouth of the infant and says, “May the Lord Jesus, who made the deaf to hear and the mute to speak, grant that you may soon receive his word with your ears and profess the faith with your lips, to the glory and praise of God the Father.” Jesus’ physical healing of the man in today’s Gospel points to a deeper spiritual meaning, that Jesus opens our ears to receive His Word, and our lips to proclaim it.

In order to proclaim the faith, we first have to receive it with our ears. This is where it can be helpful to return to that moment when the faith was first proclaimed to us. This reminds us how God has been drawing us closer to Himself throughout our lives, but it also can reveal to us places where we need to grow. Even if we have already had a lifechanging encounter with Jesus, that encounter is only the beginning. We still need to ask Him to keep the ears of our hearts open to hear when He is speaking to us.

When we do this, we are allowing the Holy Spirit to equip us to proclaim that same Gospel to others. But the key word to remember here is the word of Jesus: “Ephphatha,” which means “be opened.” We need to be open to the action of the Holy Spirit, so that He can help us to know when it is the right time to share the Gospel with others, but also to realize that even though we are the ones proclaiming the Gospel, it is the Holy Spirit Who moves their hearts to encounter Him.

As we return to that moment when our ears and hearts were first opened to the love of Christ, we also ask Jesus to help us to continue to be open to Him. This openness to Christ can then allow us to be the one who first introduced another person to Jesus.

Father Frank

September 1 – Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

I’ve encountered people, even in my own family, who would like to be spiritual, but not religious.  If I had to name the reason for that statement, it would probably have to do with their disapproval of rules and statutes that are involved with being religious. At the foundation of who we are as humans is the realization that we were meant for communion and relationship. And what is religion, but people coming together in communion to practice rules and statutes? Hence, we were actually meant to be religious people, not separate from religion and only spiritual.

Our first reading reveals God calling on the Israelite people to observe His statutes and decrees, forming them as a people in the faith. In our second reading, St. James confirms that the people of God are called to be “doers of the word”, and not only listen on the sidelines.  Yet in our Gospel, it might seem that the Lord is telling us not to follow religious practices… So what are we to do?

Have you ever noticed a time when rules can actually be a good thing?  I remember being trained in manners for a formal dinner. Knowing which fork to use, which glass is yours, etc… actually gives you the freedom to enter into conversation with the others at the table.  If you are too worried about which bread plate is yours, you can’t be free to enjoy the evening! In this case, rules give us freedom and open us to relationship. Our faith is likewise; if we live out the statutes of our faith, we actually enter into deeper relationships with God and neighbor.

What about rules in the confines of a sport? From baseball, football, lacrosse, and soccer to hockey, each sport has its own rules. Those who master the game, master their knowledge of all the rules involved in order to compete well. If the rules constantly change, the sport becomes irrelevant.  Our faith is likewise. If we want to enter into the depth of our faith well, we will need to understand and live by the statutes that the Lord lays before us.

So what is Christ getting at in the Gospel? The rules and statutes that Jesus rebukes are those that removed the focus from God and others, and instead focused on the individual pride and ego. The Pharisees and scribes had been separating themselves from the people they were called to serve.  They were giving the impression that they were following the rules God commanded, but their hearts were far from God. They kept piling up expectations upon the Jewish people, while ignoring the pride, evil, and greed growing within their hearts. This is a reminder to us that we must never forget to keep our focus on God, and how to grow closer to him as we dive deeper into the rules and statutes of our faith. We must always remember the “why” behind them.

Our faith does have rules, but they are ultimately there so we can enter deeply into our relationship with God and others, and have life to the full!

Father Michael

August 25 – Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time

At the first wedding I celebrated, I said to the couple, “Since this is my first time celebrating a wedding, I will probably make some mistakes, but since this is also your first time getting married, hopefully, you won’t be able to tell the difference. But while I hope that I will witness many other marriages after this one, I hope this is your only wedding.”

Over the last couple weeks, we have been working our way through Jesus’ teaching on the Bread of Life, the Eucharist, and this weekend, we have reached the end of the chapter. In conjunction with the Second Reading, we discover a profound connection between the Eucharist and marriage.

In the Second Reading, in speaking of marriage, St. Paul writes, “This is a great mystery, but I speak in reference to Christ and the church.” That word—mystery—was translated into Latin as sacramentum, from which we get our word “sacrament.” The word sacramentum referred to an oath taken by a soldier. This captures an important aspect of the sacraments, that they are our oath of faithfulness to God’s covenant.

A bride and groom seal their vows to each other by saying “I do,” promising to be faithful “in good times and in bad.” When we come forward to receive the Holy Eucharist, we respond “Amen.” Amen means “I believe,” but it also has that sense of sealing the covenant with God.

When Jesus tells the crowd to eat His flesh and drink His blood, many of the disciples return to their old way of life. As a result, Jesus turns to His apostles and says, “Do you also want to leave?” But when Jesus asks this, it is in a time of distress, and that’s what makes Peter’s response so much more impressive: “Master, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life.”

Whenever we encounter a moment of difficulty, when we feel God is far away, Jesus addresses that same question to us: “Do you also want to leave?” And we are called to that same fidelity to Christ in the moments of dryness as when we feel close to Him. In fact, our faith has the potential to grow even stronger in those moments because we are making the choice to love God for Himself rather than for the good feelings He gives us.

I’ve been a witness to many more weddings since then, and one thing I always like to remind the couple is that the wedding is just one day while a marriage is for life. The same is true of our faith. While we have those times of closeness to Jesus where it is easy to say “amen” to God, it is in the difficult moments that we truly live out our faithfulness. As we come forward to receive the Body of Christ at Mass, may we say “amen” to our relationship with Jesus, in that moment, but also in all the moments of our lives.

Father Frank

August 18 – Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Understanding our Catholic faith and beliefs are important.  In a world where there are countless beliefs, many that are contrary to our faith, it is important to study and learn our own faith. However, with the globalization of many cultures, some people will try to avoid conflict and take a universal approach by accepting all beliefs as “equal but different.”  Or, in order to avoid conflict all together without rejecting their own beliefs, they will say, “I agree to disagree.”  

I, however, would like challenge us with a simple fact: belief leads to action. This means that right beliefs leads to right action, and wrong belief leads to wrong action.  Therefore, it is important to practice right beliefs. For example, if I don’t believe there is anything wrong with my weight or health when I’m overweight and out of shape, I won’t change my habits to correct it. 

That’s why I’m grateful for not only these last few years of our Eucharistic revival in the Catholic Church in the U.S., but these last few weeks at Mass as we proclaimed the 6th chapter of the Gospel of John, also known as “The Bread of Life Discourse.”  The Lord confirms what we truly believe as he states, “I am the living bread that came down from Heaven, whoever eats this bread will live forever; and the bread that I will give is my flesh for the life of the world.” Even as the Jews seem to quarrel, Jesus doubles down “Amen, Amen, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you do not have life within you.”

This belief should draw us to right action! It should stir up in us the desire to receive our Lord, to be with our Lord, and to encounter the depth of his love in the Eucharist. Recently, I was approached and asked the following question, “I am away from the Lord, but how can I grow in my relationship with Jesus?”  My response was to seek out the Sacraments. We truly believe that God acts in them and that through them He encounters us. Seek out the Sacrament of Confession, the Anointing of the Sick, and never, I repeat never, separate yourself from the Eucharist!  Do these simple things and you will never be far from the Lord.  Even Jesus makes it clear, “For my flesh is true food, and my blood is true drink.  Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me and I in him.” May we always be grateful to have received the great gift of the Catholic Faith, and these incredible truths that Jesus himself shares with us.

Father Michael

August 11 – Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

When I was in FOCUS, I had the opportunity to work with many amazing and faithful lay men and women. I always enjoyed coming together for our summer training where we could reconnect and share the amazing ways that the Lord had worked in our lives.  We would share everything from our daily struggles to the many graces we encountered in serving the Lord. One of the stories that remains with me to this day came from a missionary who was hesitant that she could even do this type of amazing work when she first arrived.  Her dad was a deacon in the Church, and she came across FOCUS not through her own experience, but through outside recruitment.  She was hired, but felt overwhelmed as she compared herself to the other missionaries.  She felt like she didn’t have the ability to reach others for the Lord. However, she eventually overcame that fear and it literally changed her life.  

In her first couple of years, she gained confidence and grew to trust in the Lord.  Her “yes” to missionary work would eventually lead her to find her vocation and her spouse. She encountered a man who was not practicing any faith. She doubted that her invitation to him to encounter the Lord would bear any fruit, but something happened. Grace entered him, his heart was opened to the Lord, and he had a conversion of faith – which led to a deepening of their friendship.  Before she knew it they were dating, which led to a proposal, marriage, and now a beautiful family. 

What struck me the most was how she came back and shared her hesitancy of how she doubted that the Lord could work in her simple invitation.  Clearly, the Lord had amazing and beautiful plans.  Her story always strikes me because it highlights a common theme among all of us: How often do we put limitations on how God can work in our lives and in the lives of others? 

This isn’t anything new, and we see it in the Gospel as Jesus proclaims that he is the” Bread of Life” and the “Bread sent down from Heaven.” The people begin to question Jesus’ origin saying, “Is this not Jesus, the son of Joseph?” Their doubt was that God could not work through someone they knew. They doubted that God could do something so personal in their own lives.  Yes, they believed in the great stories of Moses and how the Israelites were provided Manna every day in the desert.  However, when it came to something personal, they felt that God was far away!

The Gospel, the good news, is that God is not far away.  He comes to us every weekend in a deep and personal way in the Eucharist.  Every time we receive the Lord in the Eucharist, we receive a profound gift of Love. Let us cast our doubts aside and realize the beautiful gift we receive in the Eucharist: the Body and Blood of Christ!   

Father Michael

August 4 – Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

I love Colorado!  I would always joke that those words would just come out of my mouth as I tried to grasp the majesty of the Rocky Mountains. I had a chance to live in Colorado for 4 years, 1 year in Colorado Springs and 3 years in Boulder. In that time, I had a chance to hike some beautiful mountains, or 14er’s, which the locals called mountains that were 14,000 feet above sea level.

One thing is clear; to climb a mountain takes a lot of work and preparation – and sometimes even training! It’s interesting to see that the Scriptures and early church writers both saw the spiritual journey as similar to climbing a mountain. Some of it has to do with the idea of climbing to the heights of heaven. But, it also reveals the simple truth of our faith; we can’t be passive and we can’t just stand still. We must always seek God’s grace to grow ever closer to him; otherwise, we would just slide down the mountain due to our tendency to sin, known as concupiscence.

 In the story of the Exodus, God revealed his ultimate power over creation through the 10 plagues. Then the Israelites were protected from Pharaoh and his army through the miraculous crossing of the Red Sea. And yet, after all that we see the Israelites slide into sin and desire to go back to Egypt, longing to return to slavery and worship of pagan idols. What happened?  They stopped surrendering and trusting in the Lord in the midst of the desert, even though they had seen his power.

How many of us in our Christian journey have had a powerful encounter with God, only to doubt his love for us when we enter the desert of life or encounter a cross we did not want. The Israelites reaction was, “I want to go back to when life didn’t involve the cross.” 

In the first reading, God reveals to the people that he will provide the food they need to make it through the desert. In the Gospel today, the Lord leads us into the Bread of Life Discourse, revealing that which will give us the strength to endure through the desert and crosses of life.  He is going to give us his very self in the Eucharist at every Mass. As we come to our last year of the Eucharistic Revival, may the desire remain that we cling close to the Lord and that we stay close to the Eucharist. Let us pray that despite whatever we may be going through in our lives, we may always seek the grace of God in the Eucharist- that which will nourish and strengthen us on our journey to God!  

Father Michael

July 28 – Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Every year for the feast of St. Lucy, my family makes arancini, which are balls of rice mixed with cheese and egg that we fill with a meat sauce, cover with breadcrumbs and egg, and fry. One year, it turned out that I was making the arancini too big and we wouldn’t have enough for everybody. I quickly pivoted and started taking rice from the bigger arancini I had already made and made smaller ones. My uncle was amazed, and he kept telling people about how I seemed to make more arancini appear out of nowhere.

Clearly, what I did wasn’t a miracle. And unfortunately, some people interpret Jesus’ feeding of the five thousand in a similar way. They say that all the people in the crowd had brought some food with them and shared it, so that it was really a “miracle of sharing.” But why would we want to turn what is clearly a miracle into something mundane?

On the spiritual level, it’s because, as Michelle Benzinger says, we believe the lie that our God is a god of scarcity. But He is a God of abundance! The miracle of today’s Gospel shows it. Yet often we still live in the lie of scarcity.

To some extent, it makes sense. The Gospel begins with five loaves and two fish to feed five thousand men. That clearly is not enough. But Jesus does not want us to remain in that place. So He takes the bread, gives thanks, and gives it to the five thousand, and there are twelve wicker baskets full of leftover fragments!

Maybe we wonder why Jesus doesn’t feed everyone this way. In a way, what we’re really saying is, “Why doesn’t God do this for me?” But it’s not about the food. It’s about the fact that Jesus will provide us with more than enough.

We see this above all in the Eucharist. In the Eucharist, Jesus continues to feed us, not just with bodily food, but with His own Body and Blood. And even as we go to Mass every week, we might be tempted to give into the lie of scarcity. But God is giving us Himself; there is nothing more that He can give us.

The Gospel tells us that Jesus performs the miracle to test His disciples. They could have refused to follow Jesus’ command, but they obey, and through their faith, a miracle takes place. At every Mass, a greater miracle than the feeding of the five thousand takes place. It’s up to us to receive it.

When I was making the arancini, all I did was redistribute the rice that was already there, but God works true miracles of abundance in our lives. He will not abandon us because a situation is too difficult, though the way He come through might be in a way we might not expect, whether through five barley loaves and two fish or a little bit of bread and wine.

Father Frank

July 21 – Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Have you ever come back from a vacation and felt like you needed another vacation from your vacation?  As we work, we come to know our limitations and the need to take a break. However, I would argue that not many of us know how to refuel properly. For example, I’ll go for a run (once in a blue moon) only to come back and eat that candy bar, because I think I deserve it!  As much as the candy bar tastes good, it is not exactly what my body needs after a run.

Many of us exert ourselves, but then try to refuel with things that never satisfy. In these summer months, many of us find time to go on a vacation. However, I would encourage you to reflect on how replenishing your vacations actually are, or how you can make your vacations a real time of rest and growth in the spiritual life! 

When I was a missionary, we would encourage our students that when they go home for breaks, to not to take a vacation away from God. In a similar vein, how many of us travel and take a break from going to Sunday Mass?  It is more than just fulfilling our Sunday obligation, but we should invite the Lord into our break, so that we can actually be fed and nourished.  It is beautiful that in our Gospel, after the Apostles were sent on mission, Jesus personally took them to a deserted place so that they could rest.  He wanted to reveal the importance of getting away from the world and spending time with him. 

Taking time for silence is important. Reading spiritual books, or listening to podcasts that lift the soul to God can be extremely fruitful. How many of us say that we don’t have time to pray as much as we should, but then on vacation we don’t make time to seek the Lord- even though we don’t have a million things to get done!

As a priest, I am required by Canonical (Church) law to take a 5-day retreat every year! Luckily, I’m a rule follower and I took my retreat at the beginning of June. It was life giving. I slept, prayed, worked out, and read. I had the opportunity to pray the rosary and divine mercy chaplet every day with a group of holy cloistered nuns. I offered Mass every day for our parish. 

It also allowed me to examine my year as a priest. Just as our first reading calls out the bad shepherds of Israel, I prayed for forgiveness for the ways I may have failed as a shepherd, and I gave thanks to the Lord for the graces I have received as a shepherd (which are many at OLM).

I hope you have seen the fruit of that retreat in my own life and priesthood since I have returned, and I encourage you to find the time to do the same. May the next vacation you take be an opportunity to rest in the Lord and be replenished by him!

Father Michael

Mass Times


Saturday 8:30AM Daily Mass and 4PM Sunday Vigil

Sunday 8AM | 10AM  | 12PM | 5:30PM


Monday 8AM
Monday in Spanish 6:30PM
Tuesday 8AM & 6:30PM
Wednesday 12PM
Thursday 6:30AM & 8AM
Friday 12PM
Saturday 8:30AM


Tuesdays 7PM until all are heard
Wednesdays 12:30PM until all are heard

Fridays 12:30PM
Saturday 9AM – 10AM | 1:30PM – 2:30PM

During Magnify last Weds of the month 7PM – 8:30PM
Or please schedule an appointment here.

Eucharistic Adoration

Monday through Friday 8:30AM – 10PM
Magnify last Weds of the month 7PM – 8:30PM

Private Prayer in Church

Open daily 8:30AM – 8PM
(Will close if there is a Funeral, Wedding, or Baptism as well as early closing when the safety and security are at risk as determined by the pastor.)


Parish Office

(630) 851-3444

Monday thru Thursday
8:30AM – 4PM

8:30AM – 1PM

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