April 5th | Palm Sunday

“The very large crowd spread their cloaks on the road, while other cut branches from the trees and strewed them on the road. The crowds preceding him and those following kept crying out and saying: Hosanna to the Son of David, blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord; hosanna in the highest.” The words of Matthew’s gospel seem to ring a little empty this morning. There are no crowds here, no excitement and enthusiasm, no waving of palm branches to be blessed. It all seems so surreal. How is it that a virus has robbed Christians from celebrating the most holy and sacred time of the year? And quite likely it will be the same on Easter Sunday. These several weeks of no public Masses, no Holy Week liturgies, no Easter due to the COVID-19 virus has made me reflect on how lucky we are to weekly celebrate as a community the mysteries of our faith. It makes me reflect upon the Catholics throughout the world who only have a priest come once a month or even just once a year to celebrate Mass with them. How do they sustain and nurture their faith without weekly celebrating the Eucharist? It is so central to who we are as Catholics! They say that absence makes the heart grow fonder! I can only imagine their hunger. And now we get a taste of what some Catholics throughout the world experience throughout their lives. In the several weeks that you have not been able to receive communion, I pray that the absence indeed has made your heart grow fonder! And when we are able to celebrate public Masses again, I hope that you who come every week, and those who have been away for awhile will fill our church with loud Hosannas!!

Please be sure to check our website and app for resources to celebrate Holy Week at home. Let us not loose our sense of community…..join us for our livestreamed liturgies. In the meantime, know that Fr. Mark and I keep you in our thoughts and prayers. We miss you!! Have a blessed Holy Week!

March 29th | 5th Sunday of Lent

On this Fifth Sunday of Lent, we meet dead Lazarus brought back to life. In doing so, perhaps we meet ourselves!! If you haven’t caught my drift yet, I started my last two bulletin articles with the same line after the person we met in that week’s gospel…. “In doing so perhaps we meet ourselves!!” The gospel story two weeks ago of the woman at the well, the gospel last week of the man born blind, and the gospel of today, Lazarus all form the basis of the scrutiny prayers used each week with the elect who are to be baptized at the Easter Vigil. These prayers call not only the elect to see themselves in the character of the particular gospel and what Jesus does for those characters the prayers call us to see ourselves as well. So today, we all called to recognize what is dead in us, and ask Jesus to raise us from our sins so that we might live a new life NOW! Has love grown cold? Have hurts made us bitter and resentful? Have we isolated ourselves, unwilling to forgive? Certainly, Lazarus had human faults and failings. It is important to note in this gospel that Jesus resuscitated Lazarus back to the life in the time he was living. Lazarus got his same body back, he was the age he was when he died, he was the same person, given the chance to live again with the new life and ability to change that which was dead in him. Resurrection on the other hand comes at the end of time, and resurrection is something much more than resuscitation! At the resurrection, we are transformed in to the likeness of the Risen Lord – a completely new body! So, while we are still here on earth, we have the chance to live a happy life in this body if only we let Jesus heal what is dead in us!

The Coronavirus pandemic has certainly challenged one of the things we hold dearest…our independence. Many having to self-isolate, stores and restaurants closed, and worst of all, cancellation of public Holy Week and Easter liturgies. This pandemic has also made us more conscious of our mortality. This conversation between Martha and Jesus in today’s Gospel is a reminder to us not to fear. Lazarus had died. Martha said to Jesus “Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died. But even now I know that whatever you ask of God, God will give you.” Jesus said to her, “Your brother will rise.” Martha said to him, “I know he will rise, in the resurrection on the last day.” Jesus told her, “I am the resurrection and the life; whoever believes in me, even if he dies, will live, and everyone who lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?” Martha replied Yes, Lord, I have come to believe that you are the Christ, the Son of God, the one who is coming into the world.” May we live with the faith of Martha through this Coronavirus pandemic.

Fr Don

March 22nd | 4th Sunday of Lent

On this Fourth Sunday of Lent, we meet the man born blind. In doing so, perhaps we meet ourselves!! As with all the miraculous healings of Jesus, there is more to the story than the physical healing. The miracle is played down. The drama of the story focuses not on the miracle itself, but on the response of the healed man’s neighbors, the Pharisees, and his parents. The purpose of this gospel account is a recognition story. Throughout the interrogation of the man born blind, he progressively recognizes Jesus to be: “the man called Jesus,” then, “He is a prophet,” and finally, belief that Jesus is “the son of man.” While most of us can see physically, all of us are spiritually blind at times. And the point of the story…..even with the miraculous healing, the Pharisees were blinded by their pre- occupation that Jesus healed on the Sabbath, a violation of the law. The parents of the man were blinded by their fear of being expelled from the synagogue and thus gave only bare-bones testimony.

Visual sight is a powerful metaphor for our attitudes toward the world around us and the people who come into our lives every day. Although medical technology today has improved the sight of many, our spiritual blindness hasn’t always changed. In today’s first reading, the story of the anointing of David as Israel’s first king, Samuel is ready to anoint one of the handsome and powerful sons of Jesse. He never suspects that God’s anointed would be the youngest, the least, the shepherd boy from the hills. God tells him he’s judging according to human, not divine, standards. Too often we prefer good looks, ce- lebrity, and power over humility, virtue, and care for the common good when we’re choosing our leaders. Our media-driven world has made us far too reliant on the superficial and the sensational.

So, what blinds us from recognizing Jesus in the circumstances, people and trials in our life? Lent is a time for some laser surgery on our sins to correct our vision. When you figure out what it is that blinds you, bring it to confession, and let God through the power of forgiveness, correct your vision so you can see him clearly throughout your life.

A couple of corrections to my previous articles: In listing the names of the members of our new Pastoral Council, I omitted Ric Rodriguez. In congratulating Fr. Mark on the birth of his new nephew, I said the child was the first of his twin sister Lisa and her husband. Actually, Lisa is Fr. Mark’s mother. His twin sister in Jen. Sorry All!

Have a Blessed Lent!

Fr Don

March 15th | 3rd Sunday of Lent

On this Third Sunday of Lent, we meet the woman at the well. In doing so, perhaps we meet ourselves!! We all thirst for something in our life, something we need, something we desire. Perhaps we want someone to love, someone with whom we can share our life and build a family. Perhaps we want to play professional sports. Maybe we want to be a doctor or an entrepreneur. Perhaps we want to be respected in the eyes of others. Each one of us longs for something: that our spouse would love us differently, that our friends would treat us with more respect, that we could make a lot of money. Our hearts are thirsty. It is the way that we are. It is a part of the human condition. At first glance, this thirst in our heart can seem like a kind of selfishness, simply catering to our own desires. But today’s Gospel presents such thirst in a very different perspective. It tells us that God has placed the thirst in our hearts for a purpose. St. Augustine, one of the great theologians of the Church, said, “Oh God, you have created us for yourself, and our hearts are restless till they rest in you.” A great spiritual writer of our time, whose books I read and highly recommend, Fr. Ronald Rolheiser has described this thirst as “a holy longing” because if we follow it, it will ultimately lead us to God.

The Samaritan woman in today’s gospel comes to the well because she wants water. She wants water, which she can drink and with which she can clean and cook. But when she comes to the well for that water, she meets Jesus. There she listens to him as he talks about a living water that will lead to salvation. The woman does not come to the well to find Christ’s water, she comes to find the water that is in the well. But her thirst for that water leads her to consider and ultimately to accept the water that Jesus offers. A natural water leads her to an eternal water. A physical thirst leads her to a drink beyond her imagining.

Everything that we thirst for is a limited good. As we confront the limited nature of the things we desire, they push us to seek the unlimited goodness who is God. Money will only keep us happy for so long. Then we will long for something else. Even the closest and most intimate human relationship has its down side. As we face the limits of relationships, we recognize that we want something more. It is gratifying to be successful in our work and in the eyes of other. But once we claim that success, our heart says, “Is that all there is?” The Samaritan woman looks out at us from today’s Gospel and says, “When you find the water you seek, you will want more. God has made us that way. The water you obtain is meant to lead you to the water that only Jesus can give.”

Have a Blessed Lent!

Fr Don

March 8th | 2nd Sunday of Lent

Today I want to start by offering congratulations to Fr. Mark on the birth of his newest nephew, Luke James, born on February 26, 2020. Luke is the first child of Fr. Mark’s twin sister Lisa and her husband Sean. Fr. Mark’s brother and his wife have two boys and a girl. Let us pray that Fr. Mark will influence one of his nephews to become a priest! I have three nephews, but none followed me.

I also want to introduce the members of our new Parish Pastoral Council. They will be meeting for the first time on Saturday, March 21. The former Council went on a “hiatus” while I worked with my Pastoral Leadership Team (Fr. Mark, Phil Britton, Mary Jo Trapani, and Zara Tan) to create a parish vision and re-structure the styles and forms of parish leadership. The new Pastoral Council consists of 4 members from the former council: Maybird D’Silva, Marty Kadziela, Jim Marks, and John Shea; 3 members who responded to my bulletin invite last year: Dave Baier, Margaret Dodd, and Doug McIlvaine; and 5 members invited through discernment of my Pastoral Leadership Team: Joana Lopez, Ric Rodriguez, Lea Rodriguez, Mary Rsavy, and Angie Tse. Required reading for the new members have been the two books that have guided my Pastoral Leadership Team in transitioning our parish from maintenance mode to mission mode. If you are interested in reading the books to get a greater insight as to what is going on at OLM, the titles are: Divine Renovation by Fr. James Mallon and Ablaze by Deacon Keith Strohm. The Pastoral Council will meet with the Leadership Team quarterly. After our first meeting in March, look for the “Pastoral Council” tab on the website for pictures of the members, and a summary of our first meeting.

Today is the Second Sunday of Lent and the gospel of the Transfiguration. Jesus led Peter, James, and John up a high mountain. This Lent we are journeying to the heights. Those heights being the renewal of our baptismal promises on Easter Sunday. Let us strengthen our spiritual muscles to reach the top of the mountain through prayer, fasting, almsgiving and receiving the sacrament of reconciliation during this Lent. The next three Sundays of Lent, we will celebrate the liturgical rites of the Scrutinies with the elect who will be baptized this year at the Easter Vigil. The First Scrutiny will be at the 4:00pm Mass on March 14, the Second Scrutiny will be at the 9:00am Mass on March 22, and the Third Scrutiny will be at the 10:45am Mass on March 29. Please pray for our elect for baptism, and our candidates for Reception into the Church.

Have a blessed Lent!

Fr Don

March 1st | 1st Sunday of Lent

Today is the First Sunday of Lent. We all know Lent as a time of fasting, almsgiving, and prayer. We know it too as a time to reflect on our sinfulness, go to confession, and do penance in preparation to celebrate Easter. While repentance is a well-known Lenten theme, many people are surprised to learn that Baptism is just as an integral part of the season of Lent as is the sacrificing and penance. Having said that, we generally do not baptize infants during Lent (except in an emergency). During Lent, we want our focus to shift to adult baptism. Lent is the final period of preparation for adult (catechumens) for baptism at the Easter Vigil. In the coming weeks they will have a more intense preparation through the scrutiny prayers and anointing with the oil of Catechumens. The rest of us, baptized as infants, are to prepare ourselves to renew, on Easter Sunday, the promises of baptism that our parents and godparents made for us. Here are a few questions for your reflection during Lent. After water was poured over your head, you were then anointed on the head with the oil, the Chrism of salvation, as Priest, Prophet and King. How are you living that reality – that you, like Christ, are a Priest, Prophet, and King? Then you were clothed in a white garment as a sign that you have become a new creation and clothed yourself in Christ. How have you lived your Christian dignity as a person clothed in Christ? One of your godparents lit a candle from the Easter Candle, with these words: “Receive the Light of Christ.” How has the light of Christ shown through you in your thoughts, actions, and words? Think about these as you prepare to climb the mountain of Lent to the glorious heights of Easter.

Our Middle School Youth Minister, Candy Rice has announced that she will be retiring (for the second time) from Our Lady of Mercy at the end of June. Candy led the EDGE program for our sixth, seventh, and eighth grade students and parents. Candy worked in that position from 2007 until retiring (the first time) in 2012. John Werle held the position from 2012 – 2017. Prior to Fr. Hugh’s retirement in June 2017, he invited Candy to come back to OLM as Middle School Youth Minister, which I am glad she did! When I arrived in June 2017, it was good to have staff all in place. I want to thank Candy for the years of service she has given to the Our Lady of Mercy Parish as a staff member, a guide and friend to countless number of middle school youth, and their parents! She has always brought joy and enthusiasm to her ministry, and her love for the emerging teens was always very evident! We wish Candy every blessing in her retirement!

Have a blessed Lent!

Fr Don

February 23rd | 7th Sunday of Ordinary Time

Today is pledge Sunday for this year’s Catholic Ministries Annual Appeal. I hope you will join Fr. Mark and myself in making a gift to support the ministries offered to the people of our Diocese through the Diocesan agencies and offices. Last week in my article, I described some of the ways in which the Diocesan ministries serve our parish. You have been so generous in the past, please help us reach and surpass our goal of $146,700.

Ash Wednesday is this coming Wednesday, February 26. This year our schedule for Ash Wednesday services will be a little different from previous years. We have added something new for families. We will have a distribution of ash service at 5:30pm followed by a cheese pizza dinner and Lenten activities for families. This is open to ALL parish families, not just families in RE. Reservations will be required so we know how much pizza to order and supplies to provide. Make reservations by calling or e-mailing the Religious Education office. The Ash Wednesday schedule of services is as follows:

Ash Wednesday – February 26, 2020
6:30am Mass
8:00am Mass
12:00noon Scripture Service
4:00pm Scripture Service
5:30pm Scripture Service (family)
7:30pm Mass

In today’s Gospel, Jesus continues his Sermon on the Mount by speaking up boldly against retaliation of any kind. Jesus teaches love of enemies. Jesus understands that all men and women share a radical humanity that in the beginning was good. Enemies emerge in the course of time, but this is not part of God’s plan. It comes instead from human distortion. The model offered by Jesus is to be “perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect.” This is not the perfection of the philosophers or the mathematicians. God’s perfection is wholeness (shalom). In God’s perfection, all the pieces fit just as they did in the beginning when God created all things. Jesus is not willing to give up that radical vision. Fulfilling the law and the prophets is extremely challenging. For Jesus there is no such thing as business as usual in the kingdom of heaven….”You have hear it said…But I say to you.” Let us begin Lent with the resolution to try to become perfect by loving our enemies!

Have a Blessed Week!

Fr Don

February 16th | 6th Sunday of Ordinary Time

Today throughout the Diocese of Joliet, we begin our annual Catholic Ministries Appeal for 2020. The theme, “Be Kind and Merciful” speaks so well to the work of the Church throughout the Diocese of Joliet. So many lives are touched through the 28 ministries and programs offered by the Diocesan Church. We are all aware of the work of Catholic Charities and their providing for the needs of the poor with food, shelter and counseling. Your gift to the CMAA also touches our parish. Did you know that your gift to the CMAA has funded the education of our transitional deacon Senovio and the rest of the 37 seminarians studying to become priests? We will rejoice with Deacon Senovio when he is ordained a priest this coming May! Your gift also provides for the formation of the three men from our parish, Tony Leazzo, Doug McIlvaine, and Bugsy Sindac, who are preparing to be ordained permanent deacons. Tony will be ordained in August of this year. Doug and Bugsy have a couple more years to go! And, there are two additional men from our parish in the application process. The Appeal also helps fund Young Adult and Youth Ministry programs that serve approximately 25,500 of our youth and young adults throughout the Diocese. The Diocesan Religious Education Office provides oversight, guidance, support, training and services for Mary Jo Tripani, our Director of Religious Education, Candy Rice, our Middle School Youth Minister, and Dave Miserendino, our Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministry. Ultimately, the families, children, youth, and teens of our parish are the recipients of what the Diocese provides for our staff. The diocese makes available employee insurance, property insurance, electricity and natural gas at a lower cost than an individual parish could afford.

In the time I have been pastor of OLM we have exceeded our parish goal. Like last year, we will receive a 70% rebate of the funds collected over our goal. This year our goal is $146,700. Next weekend is pledge Sunday. I once again ask you to join me in making a gift to the 2020 Catholic Ministries Annual Appeal and help us surpass our goal again! If you received your pledge commitment card in the mail, please complete it and bring it to Mass next Sunday. We will also have pledge cards in the pews. No gift is too small!! Together we are all part of the Church of Joliet – every gift counts! And, I assure you, NONE of the money collected by the Catholic Ministries Annual Appeal is used in the settling of law suits for the past sins of our priests and bishops. Your gift is used entirely to provide kindness and mercy to the 585,080 Catholics in the Diocese of Joliet.

Have a blessed week!

Fr Don

February 9th | 5th Sunday of Ordinary Time

Guess what? The beginning of Lent is only two and a half weeks away! Ash Wednesday is on Wednesday, February 26. This year our schedule for Ash Wednesday services will be a little different from previous years. And, we are adding something new for families. We will have a distribution of ash service at 5:30pm following by a cheese pizza dinner and Lenten activities for families. This is open to ALL parish families, not just families in RE. Reservations will be required so we know how much pizza to order and supplies to provide. Make reservations by calling or emailing the Religious Education office. The Ash Wednesday schedule of services is as follows:

Ash Wednesday – February 26, 2020
6:30am Mass
8:00am Mass
12:00noon Scripture Service
4:00pm Scripture Service
5:30pm Scripture Service (family)
7:30pm Mass

We also want to give you advance notice of a change in Mass time for Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday. These Masses are longer than usual due to added rituals. To give proper time to celebrate these Masses and reduce congestion in the parking lot, please make note of the following Mass times for Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday.

Palm Sunday – April 4 & 5, 2020 – Mass Times
Saturday 4:00pm
Sunday 7:00am 9:00am 11:00am 1:00pm 5:30pm

Easter – April 11 & 12, 2020 – Mass Times
Saturday 8:00pm
Sunday 7:00am 9:00am 11:00am 1:00pm No 5:30pm (There will be Mass in Church & Gym at 9:00am and 11:00am)

We have also added additional confession times during Lent. That schedule will be posted shortly.

Have a blessed week!

Fr Don

February 2nd | 4th Sunday of Ordinary Time

Today we celebrate the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord. Forty days after His birth, Mary and Joseph brought Jesus to the temple for the rites of purification and dedication as prescribed by the Torah. According to the Book of Leviticus (12:1-4), when a woman bore a male child, she was considered “unclean” for seven days. On the eighth day, the boy was circumcised. The mother continued to stay at home for 33 days for her blood to be purified. After the 40 days, the mother and the father came to the temple for the rite of purification. For some, this feast concludes the Christmas celebration and they leave their Christmas decoration up to today. So, the Presentation is a proclamation of Christ – Messiah and Priest, Lord and Savior. He is the light who came into this world to dispel sin and darkness. Since the seventh century, candles that will be used throughout the year at church and in homes are blessed at Mass today giving birth to another name used for this day, “Candlemas Day”. As we consider the feast of the Presentation, we remember that our parents presented us at church for our baptism. We were dedicated to God, and given the name “Christian.” We, too, received a lit candle from the paschal candle, at which the priest or deacon baptizing said: “You have been enlightened by Christ. Walk always as a child of the light and keep the flame of faith alive in your heart. When the Lord comes, may you go out to meet Him with all the saints in the heavenly kingdom.” Therefore, as a light, each of us must bear witness to Our Lord. We must be the beacon that guides others to Christ.

In an effort to create a greater sense of awe and reverence in the celebration of Mass, you may have noticed our altar servers doing things a little differently. First, some of our senior servers and selected adults have been trained in the role of Master of Ceremonies. They wear a cassock and surplice. They help our servers to carry out their tasks at Mass in a more uniform, reverential, and prayerful way. Our hope is that this assists you in your reverence and prayer as we celebrate Mass. Also, we have been keeping the doors between the church and the narthex closed before Mass so that it is more quiet in church before Mass. We encourage conversations be held in the narthex rather than the church.

And finally a reminder…….please park in the designed handicap parking spots ONLY if you have the appropriate placard….especially in the small parking lot between the rectory and church building. I have spoken to the Aurora police department, and if parishioner or staff sees a violation, they may call the police department and an officer will come out and issue a ticket. If it continues to be a problem, officers may drive through the lot during Mass times and ticket any violators.

Have a blessed week!

Fr Don

Mass Times


Saturday 8:30AM Daily Mass and 4PM Sunday Vigil

Sunday 8AM | 10AM  | 12PM | 5:30PM


Monday 8AM
Monday in Spanish 6:30PM
Tuesday 8AM & 6:30PM
Wednesday 12PM
Thursday 6:30AM & 8AM
Friday 12PM
Saturday 8:30AM


Tuesdays 7PM until all are heard
Wednesdays 12:30PM until all are heard

Fridays 12:30PM
Saturday 9AM – 10AM | 1:30PM – 2:30PM

During Magnify last Weds of the month 7PM – 8:30PM
Or please schedule an appointment here.

Eucharistic Adoration

Monday through Friday 8:30AM – 10PM
Magnify last Weds of the month 7PM – 8:30PM

Private Prayer in Church

Open daily 8:30AM – 8PM
(Will close if there is a Funeral, Wedding, or Baptism as well as early closing when the safety and security are at risk as determined by the pastor.)


Parish Office

(630) 851-3444

Monday thru Thursday
8:30AM – 4PM

8:30AM – 1PM

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