February 9th | 5th Sunday of Ordinary Time

Guess what? The beginning of Lent is only two and a half weeks away! Ash Wednesday is on Wednesday, February 26. This year our schedule for Ash Wednesday services will be a little different from previous years. And, we are adding something new for families. We will have a distribution of ash service at 5:30pm following by a cheese pizza dinner and Lenten activities for families. This is open to ALL parish families, not just families in RE. Reservations will be required so we know how much pizza to order and supplies to provide. Make reservations by calling or emailing the Religious Education office. The Ash Wednesday schedule of services is as follows:

Ash Wednesday – February 26, 2020
6:30am Mass
8:00am Mass
12:00noon Scripture Service
4:00pm Scripture Service
5:30pm Scripture Service (family)
7:30pm Mass

We also want to give you advance notice of a change in Mass time for Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday. These Masses are longer than usual due to added rituals. To give proper time to celebrate these Masses and reduce congestion in the parking lot, please make note of the following Mass times for Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday.

Palm Sunday – April 4 & 5, 2020 – Mass Times
Saturday 4:00pm
Sunday 7:00am 9:00am 11:00am 1:00pm 5:30pm

Easter – April 11 & 12, 2020 – Mass Times
Saturday 8:00pm
Sunday 7:00am 9:00am 11:00am 1:00pm No 5:30pm (There will be Mass in Church & Gym at 9:00am and 11:00am)

We have also added additional confession times during Lent. That schedule will be posted shortly.

Have a blessed week!

Fr Don

February 2nd | 4th Sunday of Ordinary Time

Today we celebrate the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord. Forty days after His birth, Mary and Joseph brought Jesus to the temple for the rites of purification and dedication as prescribed by the Torah. According to the Book of Leviticus (12:1-4), when a woman bore a male child, she was considered “unclean” for seven days. On the eighth day, the boy was circumcised. The mother continued to stay at home for 33 days for her blood to be purified. After the 40 days, the mother and the father came to the temple for the rite of purification. For some, this feast concludes the Christmas celebration and they leave their Christmas decoration up to today. So, the Presentation is a proclamation of Christ – Messiah and Priest, Lord and Savior. He is the light who came into this world to dispel sin and darkness. Since the seventh century, candles that will be used throughout the year at church and in homes are blessed at Mass today giving birth to another name used for this day, “Candlemas Day”. As we consider the feast of the Presentation, we remember that our parents presented us at church for our baptism. We were dedicated to God, and given the name “Christian.” We, too, received a lit candle from the paschal candle, at which the priest or deacon baptizing said: “You have been enlightened by Christ. Walk always as a child of the light and keep the flame of faith alive in your heart. When the Lord comes, may you go out to meet Him with all the saints in the heavenly kingdom.” Therefore, as a light, each of us must bear witness to Our Lord. We must be the beacon that guides others to Christ.

In an effort to create a greater sense of awe and reverence in the celebration of Mass, you may have noticed our altar servers doing things a little differently. First, some of our senior servers and selected adults have been trained in the role of Master of Ceremonies. They wear a cassock and surplice. They help our servers to carry out their tasks at Mass in a more uniform, reverential, and prayerful way. Our hope is that this assists you in your reverence and prayer as we celebrate Mass. Also, we have been keeping the doors between the church and the narthex closed before Mass so that it is more quiet in church before Mass. We encourage conversations be held in the narthex rather than the church.

And finally a reminder…….please park in the designed handicap parking spots ONLY if you have the appropriate placard….especially in the small parking lot between the rectory and church building. I have spoken to the Aurora police department, and if parishioner or staff sees a violation, they may call the police department and an officer will come out and issue a ticket. If it continues to be a problem, officers may drive through the lot during Mass times and ticket any violators.

Have a blessed week!

Fr Don

January 26th | Third Sunday In Ordinary Time

As you know, in the year 2000 when Pope John Paul II canonized St. Faustina, he established the Sunday after Easter as Divine Mercy Sunday. On September 30, 2019, on the memorial of St. Jerome, Pope Francis announced that the Third Sunday in Ordinary Time will be celebrated as The Sunday of the Word of God. This year, the 3rd Sunday in Ordinary time falls on January 26th. In Pope Francis’ Apostolic Letter “Aperuit Illis” instituting The Sunday of the Word of God, he writes: “He opened their minds to understand the Scriptures” (Lk 24:45). This was one of the final acts of the risen Lord before his Ascension. Jesus appeared to the assembled disciples, broke bread with them and opened their minds to the understanding of the sacred Scriptures. To them, amid their fear and bewilderment, he unveiled the meaning of the paschal mystery: that in accordance with the Father’s eternal plan he had to suffer and rise from the dead, in order to bring repentance and the forgiveness of sins (Lk 24:26.46-47). He then promised to send the Holy Spirit, who would give them strength to be witnesses of this saving mystery (Lk 24:49).

The relationship between the Risen Lord, the community of believers and sacred Scripture is essential to our identity as Christians. Without the Lord who opens our minds to them, it is impossible to understand the Scriptures in depth. Yet the contrary is equally true: without the Scriptures, the events of the mission of Jesus and of his Church in this world would remain incomprehensible. Hence, Saint Jerome could rightly claim: “Ignorance of the Scriptures is ignorance of Christ”.

We as Catholics have a history of ignorance of the Sacred Scriptures. I suspect the “older” crowd reading this article, like me, were taught that reading and interpreting Sacred Scripture was the job of the bishops and priests. They would tell us what the Scriptures meant. So personal study of the Scriptures was not encouraged. Many of you, like me, probably had a decorative family bible with our family tree inscribed in it sitting on the coffee table in the living room as a decoration, but was never opened and read. All of us probably have protestant friends who can put us to shame by quoting chapter and verse passages from the Bible.

Since Vatican II, Catholics have been encouraged to study and discuss the Sacred Scriptures and incorporate them in our spirituality and daily life. Many programs and bible studies have followed. Many Catholics seem not yet to have made the connection between being disciples of Jesus and devouring the Word of God. It is Pope Francis hope that: “The Sunday of the Word of God help his people to grow in religious and intimate familiarity with the sacred Scriptures.”

Have a blessed week!

Fr. Don

January 22nd | Solemnity of the Baptism of the Lord

Last Sunday ended the Christmas season and I have not yet taken the opportunity to express some words of appreciation. Fr. Mark and I want to extend our appreciation and acknowledge all the time, energy, dedication and efforts that went in by so many of you to make our Advent and Christmas celebrations visually and musically joyful and prayerful.

The Art & Environment Committee consisting of Jeanne Daill, Linda Eichoff, Marty Kadzelia, and Karen Schwartz spent many months and hours reading liturgy documents, developing ideas, planning and procuring materials. They implemented their plans with the help of many volunteers. Those who helped set-up decorations indoors or outdoors for Advent and Christmas at the church and rectory include: Therese Tyk, who designed and made all the festive outdoor pots displayed at the entryways to church and the rectory. Others who helped in various ways with making bows, floral arrangements, moving trees and nativity figures, setting up and taking down, and various other tasks include: Len Eickhoff, Claudia Molina, Soledad Diaz, Jim Fisher, Phil Zwick, Anne Clark, Phyllis Anderson, Jessica Guajardo, Luz Rivero, Georgina Rodriguez, Cristina Ramirez, Rosy Pina, Maria Galvez, Veronica Manzanares, Daniela Molina, Jessica Molina, Jordan Young, Kurt Daill, Aaron & Ryan Woods, Cristina Ramirez, Ruben Manzanares, Miroslava Manzanares, Lucera Manzanares, Ruben Manzanares Jr., Imelda Orig, Shirley Staples, Elise Flagg, Chris Harvey,John Shea, Doug Tyk, Mary Orvino.

Unfortunately, the squirrel families that live in the trees behind the rectory played Christmas grinches! Mr. Feldman provided lights on the trees and bushes surrounding the outdoor Mary shrine, but the squirrels chewed the wires and the lights went out! They did it also to the colored LED lights on four large bushes outside the rectory. Shame on them!! They better watch out if I turn Chardonnay loose on them!!

The music, under the direction of our Director of Music Ministries Frank Sauter, was especially outstanding! The choral and orchestral music prior to midnight Mass was truly inspiring. Thanks to all who played instruments in the orchestra and to the guest conductor, Shaun Schaefers and to Ben Gruman who played cello in the trio version of “O Holy Night”. Thanks to our Adult Choir for their voices leading us in prayerful song and to soloist Emily Brink. Thanks to our Children’s Choir, Mercy Singers, and all the musicians and cantors who provided music for our Masses during the Advent and Christmas season. Thanks as well to all the liturgical ministers who served for Advent and Christmas Masses.

The parish staff thank all who dropped off goodies in the office for us to share. Fr. Mark, Deacon Senovio and I wish to extend our deep gratitude for all the personal gifts and cards we received. We are humbled by your generosity and kindness! We truly feel the love and support of the wonderful parishioners at Our Lady of Mercy.

Our 2019 Christmas collection through envelopes, cash, and on-line giving totaled $64,400. This is approximately $12,000 less than the Christmas collection last year. Thank you for your generosity.

Have a blessed week!

Fr Don

January 12th | Solemnity of the Baptism of the Lord

Today’s feast of the Baptism of Jesus ends the Christmas season in the church liturgical calendar. I suspect that the vast majority of you have long ago taken down Christmas decorations. If you have waited until now to take them down, good for you! Some people leave their Christmas decorations up until February 2, which is the feast of the Presentation of Jesus in the temple. Nevertheless, back to today’s feast.

Did you ever wonder why Jesus was baptized? He was sinless, so why did he submit to baptism? Matthew tells us in the gospel today that Jesus requested John to baptize him. First, unlike the baptism we received, John’s baptism was a Jewish ritual to prepare for the end time, which John said was coming quickly. In addition to changing one’s life in a positive way, this kind of baptism was also an entry rite for those who wanted to follow the teaching of John the Baptist. Jesus was portrayed as being attracted to John the Baptist and his message. Matthew makes it clear that the situation is awkward, which both Jesus and John recognize. But as soon as Jesus emerges from the waters of baptism, the real meaning of the event becomes clear. His identity as God’s beloved Son is confirmed by the Holy Spirit and proclaimed by the voice of God, declaring that Jesus is God’s beloved Son. In a real way, Jesus’ baptism can be seen as inaugurating Jesus into a ministry that will begin immediately. This confirmation of Jesus’ divine ministry fulfills the Old Testament prophet’s proclamations. The next step for Jesus will be his confrontation with the devil in the wilderness. There, he will be challenged to prove his identity.

While Christian baptism we have received frees us from original sin, it does much more than that! Quoting from the baptismal ritual book: “Baptism is, above all, the sacrament of that faith by which men and women, enlightened by the Spirit’s grace, respond to the gospel of Christ….Further, baptism is the sacrament by which men and women are incorporated into the Church, built into a house where God lives, in the Spirit, into a holy nation and a royal priesthood.” In other words, our baptism is our entry rite for those who want to follow Jesus and his teachings. And, as Jesus commissioned his apostles to “Go make disciples of all nations…” at our baptism we are commissioned to do the same.

The vast majority of us were baptized as infants and likely do not realize that making disciples of Jesus isn’t just the calling of priests and religious. ALL who are baptized Christian are supposed to be making disciples! The feast of The Baptism of Jesus is a wake up call for all of us to be about doing what we are commissioned to do!

Fr Don

January 5th | Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord

I hope you still have your Christmas decorations up! After all, today we celebrate the Epiphany, known in many cultures as “little Christmas.” Christmas celebrates the birth of the long awaited for messiah of the Jewish people. This good news is revealed by angels to a group of shepherds abiding in the fields keeping watch over their flocks by night. Epiphany celebrates the birth of the savior of all nations. This good news is revealed by a star followed by gentile magi to the place where the child lay. When the wise men came to Herod in Jerusalem inquiring about the child whose star they had followed, the scribes Herod called together were able to explain where the messiah should be born, but they remained quite unperturbed about the news. Although they were familiar with visions like the one in today’s first reading, they seemed impervious to the possibility that Isaiah’s promised caravans and gift-bearing royalty had, at long last, arrived on their doorstep. For whatever reason, they did not accompany the travelers from the East on their journey to Bethlehem. Similarly, many my know the whole of Christianity but make no movement. The power that forever altered heaven and earth leaves many people completely unmoved. But what a difference! With only a rumor to go by, the visitors from the East traveled a far distance in search of One whom they thought would make a difference in the world. Obviously, that “rumor” that good news, has spread throughout the world, and today’s feast attests to the universal scope of Jesus’ mission and God’s all-inclusive plan of Salvation. The various ways in which this feast is celebrated by believers everywhere also witnesses to the international character of the church.

One of those traditions, not too familiar in the United States is marking of the church doors with chalk, which we are doing today. Epiphany, also known as Twelfth Night, Theophany, or Three Kings Day marks the occasion of a time-honored Christian tradition of “chalking the doors.” The formula for the ritual — adapted for 2020 — is simple: take chalk of any color and write the following above the entrance of your home: 20 + C + M + B + 20. The letters have two meanings. First, they represent the initials of the Magi — Caspar, Malchior, and Balthazar — who came to visit Jesus in His first home. They also abbreviate the Latin phrase, Christus mansionem benedicat: “May Christ bless the house.” The “+” signs represent the cross, and the “20” at the beginning and the “20” at the end mark the year. Taken together, this inscription is performed as a request for Christ to bless those homes so marked and that He stay with those who dwell therein throughout the entire year.

Have a blessed Christmas Season!

Fr Don

December 29th | Feast of the Holy Family

If I were to ask you if yours was a holy family, what would your response be? I suspect the vast majority of you would roll your eyes and say “my family? No Way!” It seems that every family has a “black sheep” or is dysfunctional in some way. Many families have secrets they prefer to keep in the closet about a living or deceased relative. Family life is not always easy! But, we can all help our families to be better, even if they cannot be perfect. And, let us not confuse perfection with holiness. One does not have to be “perfect” to be holy! Today’s feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph can give us some ideas of how to become of holy family.

The beginning of the Holy Family was not easy! The angels singing and the shepherds adoring sound great. But in a sense Mary and Joseph were “on the road.” They had to leave their current home to register for the census. There was no place in the inn when Mary’s time to deliver came. Many of you mothers can imagine what that was like. Even a motel today is not where you would want to give birth and a barn isn’t even imaginable! In spite of all the hardship Mary and Joseph experienced, they were outstanding parents. Think of Joseph listening to the angel in his dream and taking Mary and Jesus to Egypt to keep Jesus safe from Herod. Before they were merely “on the road,” but now they are refugees in another country. Even when they are able to return to their own country, Joseph still had to settle them in a different part of the country to be safe.

Our first reading tells us how God sets a father and mother over a family and how the children are to treat their parents – with honor. Our reading from Colossians spells that out for us. Because of Jesus we are God’s chosen ones, holy and beloved. That means that we must live in a special way as Jesus, Mary, and Joseph did. It means we must have compassion for one another and be kind, gentle, and patient with one another. Just as the Lord is forgiving of our faults, we must be forgiving of one another. But, most of all, we must be loving with one another. None of this is easy for sure, but it is necessary.

Something else is necessary as well. We must have gratitude in our hearts to God. Our mother and father gave us life or we would not even be here today. That in itself is a wonderful miracle of love and one that calls for gratitude.

Family life isn’t easy – but with a little more respect, kindness, patience and love, our families can become holier. Celebrate your family today and do so with gratitude for each member – even the one(s) who are a challenge to your patience!

Have a blessed Christmas season!

Fr Don

December 22nd | Fourth Sunday of Advent

After three Sundays of Advent with no mention of the birth of Jesus in our Scripture readings at Mass, finally we have them today, the fourth and final Sunday of Advent. In our first reading, Isaiah the prophet and king Ahaz of Judah have a dramatic encounter amid the threat of an attack against Jerusalem and the king’s efforts to build up the city’s defenses. Isaiah challenges the king to consider what he is doing to secure his kingdom’s relationship with God. Isaiah invites the king to choose any sign at all that will convince him of God’s love and protection over the city. Isaiah wants the king to trust that the attack he so much fears will never materialize. Surprisingly, the king refuses the invitation to trust. He already has his own plans in place and feels that asking for a sign from God will be an imposition. Isaiah has had enough of such talk! The king is already making the people weary with his fears and limited thinking. Isaiah reproaches the king for this latest example showing his lack of faith, which the prophet imagines must by now be proving tiresome to God as well. Isaiah announces that God is going to give the king a sign that will make it perfectly clear his fear of attack is entirely without foundation. A virgin will conceive and bear a son who will be given the name Emmanuel, meaning, “God is with us.” This name will give testimony to the faith of that young woman, who knew of God’s power to save and give life. Her faith stands in stark contrast to the lack of faith displayed by King Ahaz and his royal household.

In Matthew’s gospel account today, his focus is on another person of faith – Joseph. In the Gospel proclaimed on the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception, we heard Mary say “yes” to God’s plan for her life – even though she did not totally understand what God was asking of her. Today we hear Joseph give his “yes” also – to the dream, the angel’s message, and to the responsibility of being a husband and a foster father.

Although we have little time even to consider saying “yes” to one more thing, this is exactly what God is inviting us to do! Consider opportunities to say, “yes” to His invitation between now and Christmas Day. While Christmas celebrates the Word made flesh, Christ has no body now but yours, to carry on His mission. Some suggestions….invite someone without family to join yours for Christmas dinner. Leave a card and small gift for neighbors or at the nursing home. Take a plate of homemade cookies to a new mom or make a generous donation to a charity. What IS God asking you to do to celebrate Christmas?

Have a Blessed Christmas in 3 days!

Fr Don

December 15th | Third Sunday of Advent

Whoo hoo! It is the Third Sunday of Advent! I guess the more correct way to say it is Gaudete Sunday – Latin translation to English…..REJOICE! We light the rose-colored candle in the Advent wreath and rose-colored vestments are an option for the priest to wear. Last year a parishioner sent me a text with an amusing cartoon about the rose-colored vestments. The priest is at the altar celebrating Mass wearing rose-colored vestments. The girl altar server says to the boy altar server: “I like Father’s pink robe.” The boy altar server responds: “It’s not pink!” The girl altar server says: “How do you know?” The boy altar server says: “Because Jesus rose from the dead. He didn’t pink from it!”

As the Scripture readings for the Third Sunday of Advent moves us closer to the Christmas celebration of the First Coming of Jesus, we do have reason to REJOICE!! In our first reading, the prophet Isaiah announces that God is approaching to deliver the people and to advance the plan of salvation. The first half of the reading contrasts the lifeless conditions of a desert with a lush garden teeming with life. The latter half of the reading brings this lovely imagery to bear on the human condition. Sin and ignorance have rendered the people spiritually weak and feeble. Their eyes are unable to see by the light of heaven; their ears are deaf to God’s word; they are unable to make progress along the way of life. But now, they sing and dance as they return to God. That was then. We have reason to REJOICE NOW! For in the Gospel, when John the Baptist, in prison, asks whether Jesus is the one to come, Jesus tells John’s disciples to go back and tell John what they see and hear. The blind regain their sight! The lame walk! Lepers are cleansed! The deaf hear! The dead are raised! As Christians, we know and experience these very things in our life today because of the suffering, death, and Resurrection of Jesus. So indeed, we have two reasons to REJOICE today. First, Jesus came which we celebrate at Christmas, and second, Jesus will come again!!

Have a blessed Advent!

Fr Don

December 8th | Second Sunday of Advent

Normally the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of Mary is celebrated on December 8th. However because this year it falls on a Sunday, the Sunday Mass always take precedence over any feast day. The Immaculate Conception will be celebrated on Monday, December 9th and is NOT a holy day of obligation this year. Mass is at 8:00AM on Monday and there is not any additional Masses scheduled since it is not a holy day of obligation this year.

What does the Immaculate Conception celebrate? Officially taught by Pope Pius IX in consultation with the world’s bishops and promulgated in the papal bull Ineffabilis Deus on December 8, 1854. The dogma of the Immaculate Conception holds that the Blessed Virgin Mary “was, from the first moment of her conception, by the singular grace and privilege of almighty God and in view of the merits of Jesus Christ the Savior of the human race, preserved free from all stain of original sin.”

The religious meaning of this dogma centers on the victory of God’s grace, freely given in Christ. Sin is universal, and the whole human race is in need of salvation. This is offered because of God’s love and mercy poured out in the life, death, and Resurrection of Jesus, prior to any merits or deserving works on the part of human beings. The dogma of Mary’s original sinlessness celebrates God’s victory over the powers and principalities of this world as this woman comes into existence. In her very being, through the mercy of God, the grip of evil is broken. So to us Catholics, it is fitting that grace be freely given to Mary from the first moment of her existence because of her role in being the faith-filled mother of Jesus. Her yes to God brought Christ into the world, through whom the ancient sin of Adam and Eve is overturned. That God generously graces Mary, enabling her living union with God from her beginning even while not removing her from the sufferings of history, is congruent with divine mercy. It also signifies the good news that for the Church and for every human being, grace is more original than sin!

We light the second candle of the Advent wreath today. The countdown to Christmas is moving on. The media, and especially advertisements, remind us constantly that time is short. So too does John the Baptist in today’s gospel. His reminder is to repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. With that in mind, I invite you to our Advent Communal Penance Service this Tuesday, December 10th at 7:00PM. There will be a brief prayer service followed by individual confession. Clean not only your house for Christmas, but your soul as well!!

Have a blessed Advent.

Fr Don

Mass Times


Saturday 8:30AM Daily Mass and 4PM Sunday Vigil

Sunday 8AM | 10AM  | 12PM | 5:30PM


Monday 8AM
Monday in Spanish 6:30PM
Tuesday 8AM & 6:30PM
Wednesday 12PM
Thursday 6:30AM & 8AM
Friday 12PM
Saturday 8:30AM


Tuesdays 7PM until all are heard
Wednesdays 12:30PM until all are heard

Fridays 12:30PM
Saturday 9AM – 10AM | 1:30PM – 2:30PM

During Magnify last Weds of the month 7PM – 8:30PM
Or please schedule an appointment here.

Eucharistic Adoration

Monday through Friday 8:30AM – 10PM
Magnify last Weds of the month 7PM – 8:30PM

Private Prayer in Church

Open daily 8:30AM – 8PM
(Will close if there is a Funeral, Wedding, or Baptism as well as early closing when the safety and security are at risk as determined by the pastor.)


Parish Office

(630) 851-3444

Monday thru Thursday
8:30AM – 4PM

8:30AM – 1PM

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