February 21, 2023 | Parish Update

February 21, 2023 | Parish Update

Ash Weds/Lent Schedule & Resources, A note from Bishop Hicks on the CMAA, It’s not too late to sign up for CRHP or The Rescue Project (go deeper in your relationship with Jesus at both places)

View the full posting at our Flocknote email (don’t forget to join so you can receive the update via email)

A Reflection from Bishop Hicks . . .

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, 

In his first Letter to the Corinthians, St. Paul tells us, “… all belong to you, and you to Christ, and Christ to God” (1 Cor 3:22-23).

After much reflection on this passage, I believe St. Paul is essentially saying, “We belong to God!” Not only does this perfectly encapsulate the baptized missionary disciples of the Diocese of Joliet, but also how we choose to live out the Gospel through our support of the Catholic Ministries Annual Appeal (CMAA).

When we give to the CMAA, we not only show our love of God, but we also demonstrate and share God’s love with our neighbors. Every day across the Diocese of Joliet, because of your generosity, we serve people in need through Catholic Charities, form the next generation of faithful in our Catholic schools and parishes, and educate the men who will serve as our priests.

Each of us is asked to prayerfully reflect on the love God has for us as well as Christ’s Church. We are asked to put that love into action by caring for our neighbors. The stories and videos of individuals featured on our website pages demonstrate how gifts to the CMAA allow us to care for our neighbors.

I invite you to put your faith into action, with love, and make your pledge today.

Most Reverend Ronald A. Hicks
Bishop of Joliet

Your Gift to the CMAA makes a difference

  • Our donors help ensure the works of the Lord can continue to be made possible throughout our diocese. It’s through gifts to the CMAA that our diocesan-wide ministries help feed and shelter the homeless, educate seminarians, teach our faith to children and adults through catholic schools and religious education programs, care for retired priests, and more.
  • Every gift—large and small—is appreciated and will help us to meet our goal. We encourage you to watch our testimonials and witness how your gifts will bless our ministries. Thank you to the many people who have demonstrated to those in need that we all belong to God through their gifts to the 2023 Catholic Ministries Annual Appeal (CMAA).
  • Our parish’s goal for the 2023 CMAA is $141,900. The diocese will return 70 percent of any amount we raise over this goal to us. Please send your gift to this year’s CMAA at this link.


Join us on Ash Wednesday 2/22

  • Begin Lent with us on Ash Wednesday 2/22nd and receive Ashes at either the 6:30am, 8am, 12pm (livestreamed), 7pm Mass times or at the 5:30pm Scripture Service.
  • To find out more about Ash Wednesday check out our FAQ page (is it a Holy Day of Obligation, does someone need to be Catholic to receive ashes etc.)
  • The 5:30pm Scripture Service will be followed by a simple meatless supper in the gym for families with children, grandparents, godparents, single adults, college students, relatives, and friends. Lenten take-home activities for families and friends will be available. Registration is required for the simple supper, please sign up at this link or click on the graphic below. Contact Karen Schwartz for any questions karens@olmercy.old.diocesanweb.org

The Rescue Project 2/23

  • What is The Rescue Project?  Simply put, the Rescue Project is an experience of the gospel surrounded by foodconversation and prayer. It seeks to proclaim the gospel in a compelling and attractive way over eight weeks in a small group format. Held on Thursdays during Lent at 6:30pm starting 2/23rd and ends on 4/20th (no gatherings during Holy Week and Easter Week). This experience is imbued with beauty, authentic humanity, and accompaniment. More concretely, ‘The Rescue Project’ is proposing another way to see reality through biblical lenses; it’s a way to make sense out of why are things going wrong when they go wrong and why it is that even when times are tough, especially when times are tough, we don’t have to be anxious or afraid or give in to depression or despair.
  • The Rescue Project proposes a simple question: what if there’s a different story—a story that engages people to answer the deepest cries of the human heart?
    Check out the trailer from Father John Riccardo or click on the graphic below for the website for more details and registration. We hope to see you there at this life-changing experience!

Lenten Resources Page 2/23

  • To accompany you on your Lenten journey, the Lenten Resources page has the Lent Schedule (such as Confession timesEaster Egg Hunt, Friday Fish Dinners) and Holy Week Schedule, as well as Lenten GuidelinesFAQs, and prayerful suggestions for deepening your relationship with Jesus through Prayer, fasting, and Almsgiving.
  • Pick up a Lenten Flyer to place on your fridge if you didn’t get one yet, it has all our Lenten Offerings on there, you can also view it here.


Did you get a chance to
……sign up for the Novena for Fr Michael?
….…save the date for his installation Mass?

  • The installation Mass for a new pastor is a rare but beautiful occurrence, so come and celebrate the installation of Fr. Michael by as our Pastor on  Saturday, March 11th, at the 4pm Mass by Bishop Ronald Hicks!
  • We hope to see you there, as well as the welcome reception in the Parish Life Center (PLC) afterward.
  • As we celebrate Fr. Michael’s installation as the fourth Pastor of Our Lady of Mercy, join us in praying a novena as a spiritual bouquet from our community to him. Sign up here to receive the email of the Novena.  Please pray for Fr. Michael as he continues to guide our parish and its surrounding communities under his spiritual care.

Hallow App

  • We are thrilled to announce that Our Lady of Mercy has been selected as one of only a handful of parishes to pilot Hallow’s Lenten Challenge from Ash Wednesday to Easter Sunday. For those who don’t know, Hallow is the #1 Catholic prayer app in the world and offers over 5,000 audio-guided prayers on their mobile app.
    As part of this partnership, all parishioners will have free and full access to the app and are invited to participate in the Hallow’s Lenten Challenge through the app at their own pace (without the requirement of meeting in person or virtual meetings).
  • Sign up now at www.hallow.com/ourladyofm-len.  Let us pray together as a parish this Lent! 
  • Overall OLM Parish Group at Hallow: www.hallow.com/groups/join/MN2VVL
  • OLM Prayer Intentions Group: www.hallow.com/groups/join/MPNVV2

Weekly Praying for Priests

  • A prayer group has been praying for priests in front of the Blessed Sacrament weekly for over a year now, as well as on First Fridays. With Lent approaching, these prayer gatherings could be an offering of prayer/sacrifice. Even if you can’t join the group inside the church, you can pray wherever you are at during the times below.
  • Here are the days/hours:Wednesdays at 10:30am – Rosary and Chaplet of Divine Mercy with meditations for priests,   Thursdays at 12:30pm –  Rosary and Chaplet of Divine Mercy with meditations for priests,First Friday of the month following 12pm Mass – Stations of the Cross with meditations for priests in the narthex.

Restore weekly confidential meetings

  • Restore is a ministry that accompanies men so as to win the battle against the struggles of living a lust-free life.
  • The ministry meets at a weekly (anonymous) meeting where men lean on each other for support and accountability and share ideas about strengthening their resolve to stay on God’s path of chastity.  All men are welcome, whether you have been free of the addiction for many years or struggle with it every single day. Though the meetings are weekly, at the last weekly meeting of the month, men are guided by a licensed Catholic therapist. If you are ready to start breaking free from the struggles of living chastely and want to Restore your life email Restore.olm@gmail.com to find out more information on when and where we meet or call 331-684-7415.

CRHP Men’s Retreat 2/25 – 2/26 & Women’s Retreat 3/5 – 3/6

  • CRHP is an incredible experience that will recharge your faith life, help you develop lasting friendships, and fill you with newfound energy and purpose.
  • The CRHP experience provides you with opportunities to allow God to speak to your heart through witness talks, Scripture, fellowship, prayer, Eucharistic Adoration, Reconciliation, and Mass. COME TO BE SERVED. You will not be asked to contribute or to do anything that makes you uncomfortable. You will not be asked to give a witness talk. This will be done by team members.This FREE retreat experience will include all meals, beverages, and snacks.
  • Connect with the Men and Women’s invitation coordinators for any questions Jeff Daley (708)705-3590 Jeffdaley83@gmail.com or Ida Phillips (630)605=6038 crhpolm@gmail.com.
  • Sign up now and encounter Jesus and fellow men and women in a similar journey in a life-changing way.

Stations of the Cross on Fridays starting 2/25

  • Every Friday in Lent, we journey together through the Stations of the Cross, and on 3/10 and 3/17, we share a meat-free meal. Come join us!
    12 pm • Stations of the Cross in Spanish
    7 pm • Stations of the Cross in English

Prayer Ministry 2/25 & 2/26

  • Receive Prayer Ministry after all the Mass times this weekend 2/25 and 2/26! Prayer ministry is an opportunity for those in need of physical, emotional, or spiritual healing or with a specific intention. Come as an individual, as a couple, or as. a family and receive prayer for yourself or request prayers for someone in need. Listen and receive the prayers while being open to the Holy Spirit’s movement. Trained prayer ministers are available.

First Friday and First Saturday Devotions 3/3 and 3/4

  • Respect Life 1st Friday Devotion on 3/3
  • We hope you can come out anytime from 8am to 4pm, to pray for the helpless, innocent unborn who can’t speak for themselves.  Pray in front of Planned Parenthood, at the public right of way access.  Connect with Lisa SanDiego for any questions (630) 258-0122 or sandiego_family@msn.com.    https://bit.ly/3yGSzmU
  • Confessions immediately following the 8am Mass
  • Every 1st Friday (in addition to the 8am Mass), we will have a 12pm Mass. We hope you join us.
  • 1st Saturday 3/4 after the 8:30 am Mass is the First Saturday Devotion  
    • This devotion is one of the principal points of the Fatima message.  It consists of the following, on 5 consecutive first Saturdays: Going to Confession, receiving the Sacrament of Holy Communion, praying five decades of the Rosary, and Meditating for 15 minutes on the mysteries of the Rosary.
      Find out the reasons why the five Saturdays from our Lord Jesus to Sister Lucia as well as additional details here.  We hope you incorporate this powerful devotion into your life. Please connect with Bonnie Ramirez 630-723-4289 for any questions.

Lenten Fish Dinners on Friday 3/10 & 3/17

  • Have a fish dinner to support our teens going on the Mission Trip on Friday, 3/10 and 3/17 from 5:30pm to 8:30pm.
  • Purchase your meal tickets at this link soon for there are limited meal quantities.
  • Meals are $15 each which includes potatoes, dinner roll, dessert and beverage (soda or water). Meal choices are:
    • Jumbo Shrimp (6 pieces)
    • Cod (Fried)
    • Salmon (6 oz)
  • Purchase your meals at the following links

Lenten Movie Night on Love & Mercy 3/17

  • Immediately after the Stations of the Cross on 3/17 is the Lenten Movie Night on “Love and Mercy: Faustina” in room 211 at 7pm.
  • Connect with Bill Troller for questions at trollerw@live.com
  • This is a great way to understand the Divine Mercy movement, how it was born, and how it was spread. The film also reveals new information from scientific analyses of the image of the Divine Mercy as it compares to the Shroud of Turin, proving St. Faustina did indeed see Christ. 

Parish Mission on 3/20 and 3/21

  • Save the date for our powerful Parish Mission held from 7pm to 8:30pm on Monday, 3/20th, and Tuesday, 3/21st.
  • Mission Night 1 Your True Identity and Mission Night 2 What is this thing we call the heart?
  • Hosted by Fr. Matthew Alexander, formation and spiritual director at St. John Vianney Seminary since 2019. Fr Matthew is from the Chicagoland area and has greatly impacted Fr. Michael in his own use of the one wheel.  Fr. Matthew has strong opinions of deep-dish pizza and loves to play Ultimate Frisbee with seminarians.  Fr. Matthew has been trained in the spiritual exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola and continues to teach classes at the seminary on how to pray and pay attention to movements of the heart.

Confessions on 3/27 through 3/31

  • You can find the Lenten Confession schedule on our Lent Resource page. Please note that in addition to the regular Confession times we have, additional opportunities for Confessions are from Monday 3/27 through Friday 3/31, from 7pm to 8:30pm.

Lenten Themed MAGNIFY 3/29

  • There will be additional priests to hear Confessions at the Lenten themed MAGNIFY! Please be sure to save 3/29th on your lenten spiritual calendar because truly it is because of God’s infinite love for us that we are encouraged to make use of the sacrament of Penance; it is in this sacrament that we release the past to God’s mercy, the present to His love, and the future to His providence.
  • In addition to Confessions, there is Prayer Ministry, Adoration Praise and Worship and Scriptural Reflection.

Knights of Columbus Easter Egg Hunt on 4/1

  • The Knights of Columbus are hosting an Easter Egg Hunt for kids age 0-10 on Saturday, 4/1st at 10am with the Egg Hunt starting at 10:30am it will be held in the PLC. Please bring your Easter basket or a bag to hold all the eggs you find. Maybe even the Easter Bunny will stop in for some fun. Hope to see everyone there!

The Lenten Resource Page has the Holy Week Schedule 4/2 thru 4/9  

  • Proceed to the Lenten Resource Page for the Holy Week Schedule. We will also post the rest of the schedule at the next parish update.

Knights of Columbus Robert H. Weaver Scholarship Application Submit by 6/17

  • Calling all High School Seniors at Our Lady of Mercy, applications for the 2023 Robert H Weaver Knights of Columbus College Scholarship program are now being accepted. A total of $2,000 will be awarded to students graduating from High School in 2023 and attending a 2 or 4-year University program starting in the fall of 2023.  Awards will be made in July.  Good luck to all applicants. 
  • All applications must be submitted no later than Saturday, 6/17th @ 4pm.
  • Proceed to this link for application details, and requirements. For any questions please reach out to Jeff LeRoy, Grand Knight jleroy53@hotmail.com.

Go on a Pilgrimage with Father James 6/5 thru 6/17

  • Father James will be leading a Great Shrines of France Pilgrimage June 5-17, 2023 with Father James  Join him as he leads pilgrims and explores France’s beautiful Catholic Shrines on this cross-country Pilgrimage. From small villages in the South of France to Paris, one of the greatest cities in the world, France is sure to take your breath away. On this Pilgrimage, you will see magnificent Shrines and Churches and learn of the lives of; St. Bernadette, St. Thomas Aquinas, St. Veronica and Zaccheus, St. Margaret Mary Alacoque, St. Therese of Lisieux, and St. Catherine Labourne. Don’t miss this incredible tour highlighting the Best Shrines in France.
  • Father James is looking forward to answering any questions you may have email him at frjames@olmercy.old.diocesanweb.org or you can also check out details of the pilgrimage at this link.

Teen Mission Trip 7/19 thru 7/15 

World Youth Day 7/29 thru 8/7 

  • The Consuming Fire Young Adult Grow Group is looking to join the Joliet Diocese on a Pilgrimage to Lisbon, Portugal for World Youth Day 2023 from July 29 to August 7. Come and join them!  This includes an optional pre-tour to Madrid from July 25 to 29.  Proceed here for further details.  

Knights of Columbus Free Throw Contest Winners

  • The Robert H. Weaver Knights of Columbus Council #12005 would like to congratulate the following winners of our free throw competition held January 19, 2023, at the Our Lady of Mercy Parish Life Center:  Gabriella Curcio, Leonardo Medina, Oliwia Kaminski, Juan Pablo Cordero, Grace Grunloh, & James Taylor 
  • We wish them luck as they move on to the District competition in February, with the winners advancing to the Regional competition in March. We thank all the kids that came out for a fun evening of competition. Congratulations once again.

Health Updates on Father Don

  • Please continue to keep Father Don in your prayers. To keep updated on how he is doing, please check the following CaringBridge website.

Bishop Hick’s Monthly Column 

  • Bishop Hicks’ monthly column for February is titled “Feeding the hungry through our ministries.”Read his insightful column HERE.

Scam Emails

  • From time to time, there are phishing (SCAM) emails going out to members of the parish and staff claiming to be Father Michael.
    Please note that Father Michael and Father James DO NOT send texts or emails asking for money or gift cards. If you receive a message appearing to be from Father Michael or Father James, please discard it, (any email that does not have “olmercy.old.diocesanweb.org” is a fake email) and DO NOT SEND ANY ELECTRONIC MONETARY AID.  No one on the staff will personally ask for money in whatever form (gift cards etc). If someone sends you a private message, asking for a donation of sorts, it’s undoubtedly a fake account. Please keep praying for us, and God bless you!

Do you have a story to share of your time with Jesus in the Eucharist?

  • In the Eucharist, Jesus wants to remind you that you are never alone, that He is with you. In your brokenness, sorrows, and frustrations, He is with you. In everything you face—when you’re tired, ready to give up, hanging on by a thread, Jesus says to you, “I AM HERE.”  
  • If you have experienced the above with Jesus, we invite you to share your story so as to inspire others to spend time with Jesus in the Eucharist, and to go to Holy Mass.  Allow your story to be the vessel that can reach that person who Jesus is drawing to Himself more closely, especially those who are going through a tough time right now.  Let us take part in the National Eucharistic Revival in a tangible way; come and share your story of your encounter with Jesus in the Eucharist.  Connect with zara@olmercy.old.diocesanweb.org to share your encounter.

Our Lady of Mercy Garden of Hope, Love & Mercy

  • The Justice & Peace Ministry, which has constructed a Community Garden on Our Lady of Mercy parish grounds and provided fresh produce over the past few months has had a fruitful season and looks forward to expanding in 2023. Produce from the garden has been donated to local organizations such as the Marie Wilkinson Food Pantry and  Hesed House. Late-season plantings are still producing vegetables and herbs. The faithful volunteers have been pleased with the success of this very worthy cause. If you have a green thumb or wish to participate in the preparation and planting, watering, weeding, and harvesting in early spring and throughout the 2023 growing season, please contact Chris at 631-561-9722 or chrisharveyny@gmail.com or Ida at 630-605-6038 or idamphillips122@gmail.com

Did You Know We Have a Parish School?

  • All Saints Catholic Academy (ASCA) located at 1155 Aurora Ave, Naperville is our parish school!
  • Are you a parent with preschool, elementary, and middle school-aged children struggling with the antithetical Christian values the government schools are indoctrinating the children who attend government schools?  You’re not alone.
  • Join a growing number of OLM parents who have made the movement!  Consider connecting with some of the families who have made the move from sending their child(ren) to public school to All Saints Catholic Academy.
  • Connect with Patty Bajek at (630) 961-6125, or pbajek@ascacademy.org to express your interest and schedule a personalized tour.  Or peruse their website to explore your interest.  

St. Vincent de Paul Society Volunteers

  • Thank you for your support of our clothing drive. Your clothing donation, as well as your financial donations throughout the year, allows us to help our parishioners and neighbors in need. In 2022, we provided assistance to 72 households, helping 185 men, women and children to remain in their homes or apartments in time of financial need.
  • The ministry is always looking for volunteers to join our St. Vincent de Paul Society in assisting our neighbors in need. If you would like to volunteer or learn more, send an email to olmsvdp@gmail.com with your name and contact information.


For the Hispanic Community

  • Please proceed here for the OLM Hispanic Ministry’s upcoming events and resources.
    Continúe aquí para conocer los próximos eventos y recursos del Ministerio Hispano de OLM.
  • There will be Stations of the Cross in Spanish every 2nd Wednesday of the month after the 12pm Mass.
    A partir de la próxima semana, habrá Estaciones de la Cruz en español cada segundo miércoles del mes después de la misa de las 12 pm.

A Note from the Intercessory Prayer Ministry

  • How can we pray for you today?
    There are times when life is overwhelming when all we have is questions. In those moments, hope can feel far away. The great thing about prayer is that it shifts our perspective toward the One who stands ready to listen. No matter what you’re facing, we’d love to pray with you. Submit your prayer requests at this link
  • Prayer Ministry takes place monthly at MAGNIFY and on the last weekend of the month Mass times.  Prayer ministry is an opportunity for those in need of physical, emotional, or spiritual healing or with a specific intention. Come as an individual, as a couple, or as. a family and receive prayer for yourself or request prayers for someone in need. Listen and receive the prayers while being open to the Holy Spirit’s movement. Trained prayer ministers are available.

Have you downloaded our myParish App yet?

  • If you haven’t done so, we encourage you to download the Our Lady of Mercy app, available to download for iPhone and Android smartphones.  Or text APP to 88202 to download.
    • Stay connected with our parish throughout the week with instant notifications, an easy-to-access event calendar, and the ability to quickly reply to or share messages via Facebook or Twitter. Also enjoy a bunch of additional features like prayers, daily readings, helpful reminders to silence your phone before Mass or Confession, and much more.

OSV Giving Link Update

  • Our online giving link has been updated by our provider (OSV), please be sure to update your bookmark, below is the link.
  • The myParish App “Giving” button has been updated.  Don’t have the myParish App yet? Text APP to 88202 to download!  Receive this update, instant news, and get access to the parish calendar, daily readings, and Confession guide.
  • https://www.osvhub.com/olmercy/giving/funds

Grow Groups | We continue to launch Grow Groups, one group at a time.
Connect with zara@olmercy.old.diocesanweb.org for any questions.

Mission. A Mother’s Heart is a group for Catholic mothers with children ages 0-11 who are seeking to journey with other like-minded women of faith.  Following the example of St. Thérèse of Lisieux, we strive to imitate her “little way” of growing in holiness through the lenses of motherhood and family.
Website. Proceed here for details.
Meets. Thursdays twice a month.  For any of the following: book chats, podcast discussions, “Mom’s Night Out”, community service projects, fellowship, playgroups, prayer.
Connect.  Reach out to Lydia Schmitt lydiadschmitt@gmail.com for any questions.

Mission. This group exists to grow a community that inspires and forms the young adult generation to be saints.
Website. Proceed here for details.
Meets. Tuesdays @ 7pm and twice a month for social gatherings.
Connect.  Reach out to Matt Kubanda and Mary Rysavy rysavyme@gmail.com
World Youth Day 2023.  The Consuming Fire Young Adult Grow Group is looking to join the Joliet Diocese on a Pilgrimage to Lisbon, Portugal for World Youth Day 2023 from July 29 to August 7.  This includes an optional pre-tour to Madrid from July 25 to 29.  Proceed here for further details.  

Mission. “Encounter/Grow/Witness” is the threefold dimension of the Christian life.  Once we encounter Jesus, we are then called to grow daily as His disciples. Grow Groups are one way Our Lady of Mercy is responding to our missionary identity where we are called to help parishioners grow continually in discipleship.
Website. Proceed here for details.
Meets. Wednesdays 7pm to 8:30pm
Connect. For more information, connect with Bob Maxwell at bmaxwell@deltadentalil.com or 630-962-8464

  Vine & Branches is a group at Our Lady of Mercy that offers support and belonging to individuals of any age or faith who are divorced or separated on the way to divorce.
Website.Proceed here for details
Meets. Wednesdays @ 7pm with social gatherings.
Connect. The group leaders are looking forward to hearing from you, please don’t hesitate to reach out to them.
Kim Harris kimharris73@yahoo.com
Mary LoGalbo logalbo.marycarol@gmail.com
John Frederick jdfredericj@icloud.com
Jim Marks jimm6351@yahoo.com


FREE ONLINE RESOURCES In this section, you will find free conferences, webinars, and studies that you can freely take part in that can grow your faith.


Hosted by the Federation of Diocesan Liturgical Commissions, this weekly free Lenten Webinar will be held live on Thursdays from 2/23rd through 3/23rd at 12pm.  This 5-part Lenten series explore the Mass presented by the nation’s most respected theologians and liturgists. They will offer not merely an exploration of the elements of the Mass but will reflect on its rich theology and identify implications for pastoral practice.  Details and registration are found here.

FORMED.ORG Diving into the beauty of the Faith has never been easier: at home, on the go, or from any internet-connected device. Discover thousands of books, audio talks, movies, documentaries, and studies… there is something for every member of the family to help them grow closer to Christ and His Church

  1. Visit http://signup.formed.org/
  2. Enter our parish zip or name
  3. Enter your name and email

Check out our “Eucharist Resources” page to help us understand deeply the centrality of the Eucharist in our lives.

From Augustine Institute comes this NEW AND FREE Catholic prayer app that inspires your daily conversation with God through faithful meditations and nourishing Scripture. There is also Family Content: Enjoy and share family-favorite audio from the series Brother Francis and the Jesus Stories.  Please enjoy this latest offering from the Augustine Institute.

Hallow is a Catholic prayer & meditation app that helps users deepen their relationship with God through contemplative prayer and strengthen one’s mental health in the process. Easy-to-use, audio-guided sessions anywhere from 1 to 60 minutes long. Pray your own way with a personalized prayer plan pulling from 3,000+ unique sessions including the Lectio Divina on the Daily Gospel, Rosary, Examen, Night Prayer, Calm & Humility “Praylists” and much more. Hallow Light is free. Hallow Plus is $5 per month ($60 per year). Sign up for either one here.

Explore the goodness, truth, and beauty of the faith!Did you know that you have complete access to Bishop Barron’s Word on Fire ENGAGE video library! Check out this link to watch any of the videos whenever you want without ever having to login.
Not sure where to start? How about checking out the short 5 episode series on The Eucharist This fresh look at the Eucharist brings to light its reality as sacred meal, the sacrifice necessary for communion with God, and the real presence of Christ.

Blessed is She is a sisterhood of women who want to grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ through their Catholic faith.  They create beautiful and accessible resources, products, and experiences to deepen prayer and foster community, both online and in person.  

Founded in 2013, The Catholic Gentleman has become one of the most recognizable online men’s apostolate. Each week hundreds of thousands of men around the world visit our site for the insightful articles and the highest-quality products designed to encourage a life of authentic manhood. Their mission: To inspire men to holiness

Looking for authentically Catholic content for men? Look no further than HeroicMen.com—the all-new, 100% FREE Catholic streaming platform for men.
Learn about your faith from today’s best Catholic speakers—and do it all from the convenience of home. Stream-on-demand from your phone or tablet, too, for quality Catholic content on the go.  Get it all—for FREE – at HeroicMen.com

Have you wanted to get to know St. Thomas Aquinas and his writings more so as to grow closer to Jesus? Sign up for any of the short and free courses at Aquinas 101 a project of the Thomistic Institute seeks to promote understanding of the thought of St. Thomas Aquinas, the eminent 13th-century philosopher, and theologian. 
Aquinas is a masterful interpreter of reality. His writings assist us in answering perennial questions on topics like God, man, the natural world, law, and morality, and questions of special relevance to our time like the relationship between modern science and faith or pursuing happiness in the digital era.


If you have physical, mental, emotional or spiritual health concerns or questions about end-of-life issues, funeral planning, journeying through grief, caregiving for a loved one or are homebound, please contact Jolene LeRoy RN Parish Nurse and Director of Pastoral Care for support and resources at jolenel@olmercy.old.diocesanweb.org or 331-707-5380.

Do you find yourself struggling in overcoming your battle with pornography?   Restore is a weekly (anonymous) meeting where men lean on each other for support and accountability and share ideas about strengthening our resolve to stay on God’s path of chastity.  All men are welcome, whether you have been free of pornography addiction for many years or struggle with it every single day.If you are ready to start breaking free from the grips of pornography and want to Restore your life, email us at Restore.olm@gmail.com to find out more information on when and where we meet or call 331-684-7415. Check out the website for FAQs and further details. Be encouraged; check out this Testimony.

If you are experiencing grief and would like to join others for a time of sharing stories, tears and laughter, prayer, and moving forward in hope – please come on Monday, June 27 from 11am to 1pm in the Ministry Room located in the church. There is no registration. This is an opportunity to receive support and understanding during your grief journey. If you have questions, please call Jolene LeRoy RN Parish Nurse and Director of Pastoral Care at 331-707-5380.

January 28, 2023 | Parish Update

January 28, 2023 | Parish Update

Being generous in building up His kingdom, Catholic Bible Study on ‘The Chosen Season 2’, & The Rescue Project

View the full posting at our Flocknote email (don’t forget to join so you can receive the update via email)

From Father Michael . . .

I remember when I was in the seminary, the Powerball Lottery got up to its highest payout yet; 700+ Million dollars. Needless to say, I couldn’t help but stop by a gas station and buy a ticket. All of a sudden, I started doing the calculations: half to taxes, a hundred million to the Diocese, Catholic Schools, and the Hospital; take care of my family debts; pay for my nephew and niece’s colleges… In the end, I would only keep 10 million to myself. How I came up with that number, I don’t know, but needless to say, I wanted to keep some of the winnings for myself, despite the fact that I was on my way to serving the Church and the People of God.  

A similar situation occurred after becoming a priest. A rather well-off parishioner from my former parish was boasting on my behalf saying, “I bet I could offer you a million dollars and I know you would turn it down!” Little did he know of my lack of humility and how eager I would have been to take him up on his offer! Without hesitation, my mind went through the same process: support this and that ministry, give some gifts to my family, and in the end, buy myself a nice new car!

These experiences taught me something very simple: when the occasion presents itself, I do have a tendency to keep things for myself, even if I try to justify it with charity. As a result, I can now see the Church’s wisdom in the spiritual discipline of tithing. Money is a perennial temptation for all of us—“You cannot worship God and money,” (Matt 6:24) and, “Truly I tell you, it will be hard for a rich person to enter the kingdom of heaven.” (Matt 19:23) In tithing I have found the freedom to stop calculating where I can splurge on myself, and instead to grow in dependence upon God. Tithing gives us an opportunity to let go of our attachments and to give ourselves back to God.

Of course, tithing literally 10% of one’s income is not as doable for everyone. The financial situation in our country is only getting harder. Tithing is not meant to be a cold calculation as if God were taxing us in addition to Uncle Sam, but rather it is meant to be a response to God’s generous love. That being said, I also know from my own brokenness that we humans have a tendency to justify keeping more than we need for ourselves. Perhaps that’s why the very first beatitude is, “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” God has designed that the Body of Christ be built up not by Church taxes, but by the individual decisions of her members to “seek first the kingdom of God.” Regardless of which of the many beautiful Catholic movements and charities that you decide to support, may we continue to strive to be generous in building up His Kingdom so that we can say with St. Paul, “I know indeed how to live in humble circumstances; I know also how to live with abundance,” but “more than that, I even consider everything as a loss because of the supreme good of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord.” (Phil 4:12 and 3:8)

Father Michael

We look forward to seeing you at Our Lady of Mercy taking part in many of our offerings, or maybe when you stop by and visit Jesus at the Blessed Sacrament Chapel, at daily Mass during the week, or during Eucharistic Adoration.

Prayer Ministry 1/29

  • Receive Prayer Ministry after all the Mass times this weekend 1/28 and 1/29! Prayer ministry is an opportunity for those in need of physical, emotional, or spiritual healing or with a specific intention. Come as an individual, as a couple, or as. a family and receive prayer for yourself or request prayers for someone in need. Listen and receive the prayers while being open to the Holy Spirit’s movement. Trained prayer ministers are available.

To All Men: Find Out How to become a Knight 1/29

  • Thinking of becoming a Knight? The Knights of Columbus Council 12005 will be holding an information meeting on Sunday 1/29 after the 10am Mass in room 114 to explain who the Knights of Columbus are and how to become a member. We will show a short video and provide refreshments. Interested practicing Catholic Men and their families are invited to join us. Membership is open to all practicing Catholic men aged 18 and up, it will only take 30 minutes of your time and you can become part of the largest Catholic Men’s service organization in the world. We need you to help us make a difference! For information reach out to Jeff LeRoy, Grand Knight, at jleroy53@hotmail.com or call 630- 336-7728.

Donuts & Coffee Sunday 1/29

  • Stop by the PLC after the 8am and 10am Masses on 1/29th for yummy Donuts, good Coffee & wonderful Fellowship.  

New Altar Server Training 1/29

  • Training for New Altar Servers will take place in the Church on Sunday, January 29 from 2:30 to 4:00 PM. Boys and girls that registered in the parish and are in 5th grade or higher are eligible to become Altar Servers. If you have any questions, please contact Pat Heraty at pat.heraty@opcpolymers.com

Go on a Pilgrimage with Father James Informational Sessions 1/29 & 1/30

  • Find out more about the Great Shrines of France Pilgrimage June 5-17, 2023 with Father James  Join him as he leads pilgrims and explores France’s beautiful Catholic Shrines on this cross-country Pilgrimage. From small villages in the South of France to Paris, one of the greatest cities in the world, France is sure to take your breath away. On this Pilgrimage, you will see magnificent Shrines and Churches and learn of the lives of; St. Bernadette, St. Thomas Aquinas, St. Veronica and Zaccheus, St. Margaret Mary Alacoque, St. Therese of Lisieux, and St. Catherine Labourne. Don’t miss this incredible tour highlighting the Best Shrines in France.
  • Informational sessions for this 12-day pilgrimage are on Sunday 1/29 at 11:15am and Monday 1/30 at 7:30pm.  Father James is looking forward to answering any questions you may have, you can also check out details of the pilgrimage at this link.


Bible Study on Season 2 of The Chosen starts 1/31

  • We’re excited to invite you to “Season 2 of The Chosen” Catholic Bible Study on Tuesdays starting January 31st @ 7pm.  
    Whether you’ve never been to a Bible Study, are intimidated by the Bible, or are a regular participant in our Bible Studies, this experience is for you!
    Through both watching the series episode and breaking open the Scripture readings related to each episode, the experience will enable you to imagine yourself in the story.
    This will change the way you read the Bible forever.
  • Contact Joe Wiacek or Joe Glasgow with any questions joewiacek@gmail.com or jglasgowjr@gmail.com.
  • Register now at this link.

Consuming Fire Young Adult Grow Group on 1/31

  • This week’s gathering is on “The 7 Deadly Sins & Virtues to Combat.” 
  • All young adults are invited to join the Consuming Fire Young Adult Community. This group meets every Tuesday from 7pm to 8:30pm in the basement of the rectory (the priest’s home). We gather to eat, pray, and ‘do life together’!
  • From the weekly Tuesday gatherings to additional social gatherings (hiking, dinner at someone’s home or at a restaurant, movie nights, adoration, rosary walks, hosting aa Swing Dance lesson through Theology of Dance gathering) there are so many good reasons to join this fun, and awesome group! Want more information? Sign up HERE

Salt and Light Grow Group on 2/2

  • With a new meeting day of Thursday evenings at 7pm, come and join Salt and Light to watch a compelling talk on the Faith followed with group discussion.
  • Connect with Bob Maxwell at bmaxwell@deltadentalil.com or 630-962-8464 or Geri Capulong at gericapulong@gmail.com for questions or sign up online at this link. In addition to the Thursday gatherings, the group also gets together socially once a month and also has volunteer gatherings at Feed My Starving Children FMSC.  

First Friday and First Saturday Devotions 2/3 and 2/4

  • Respect Life 1st Friday Devotion on 2/3
  • We hope you can come out anytime from 8am to 4pm, to pray for the helpless, innocent unborn who can’t speak for themselves.  Pray in front of Planned Parenthood, at the public right of way access.  Connect with Lisa SanDiego for any questions (630) 258-0122 or sandiego_family@msn.com.    https://bit.ly/3yGSzmU
  • Confessions immediately following the 8am Mass
  • Every 1st Friday (in addition to the 8am Mass), we will have a 12pm Mass. We hope you join us.
  • 1st Saturday 2/4 after the 8:30 am Mass is the First Saturday Devotion  
    • This devotion is one of the principal points of the Fatima message.  It consists of the following, on 5 consecutive first Saturdays: Going to Confession, receiving the Sacrament of Holy Communion, praying five decades of the Rosary, and Meditating for 15 minutes on the mysteries of the Rosary.
      Find out the reasons why the five Saturdays from our Lord Jesus to Sister Lucia as well as additional details here.  We hope you incorporate this powerful devotion into your life. Please connect with Bonnie Ramirez 630-723-4289 for any questions.

Restore weekly confidential meetings

  • Restore is a ministry that accompanies men so as to win the battle against the struggles of living a lust-free life.
  • The ministry meets at a weekly (anonymous) meeting where men lean on each other for support and accountability and share ideas about strengthening their resolve to stay on God’s path of chastity.  All men are welcome, whether you have been free of the addiction for many years or struggle with it every single day. Though the meetings are weekly, at the last weekly meeting of the month, men are guided by a licensed Catholic therapist. If you are ready to start breaking free from the struggles of living chastely and want to Restore your life email Restore.olm@gmail.com to find out more information on when and where we meet or call 331-684-7415.


Charismatic Healing Mass 2/4

  • On Saturday, 2/4 at 6pm is the Charismatic Healing Mass. A healing Mass is a normal Mass, but it has a special focus on God’s healing power; this will be reflected in the songs, prayers, and scripture readings. If you’re in need of God’s healing grace, come to the Charismatic Healing Mass. Father Michael Kearney will preside and Deacon Art Tiongson will be assisting. Laying of Hands will follow after Mass.

PADS Hesed House Board available through 2/5

  • Stop by the atrium (at the main entrance) to select any of the “wish-list” items on the PADS Hesed House Board which will be used to prepare meals for 235 guests at the Hesed House homeless shelter.  
    The board will be available through 2/5.  Drop off the wish list items before all Masses on 2/4 & 2/5 in time for OLM’s commitment of the first Tuesday of each month.
  • If you prefer to donate monetarily, thank you for your graciousness!  Donate via the online giving portal and select “Hesed House” or make checks payable to Our Lady of Mercy notIng on the memo it is for “Hesed House-PADS.”
  • Interested in volunteering?  Please connect with Maybird D’Silva at maydsilva@aol.com or click here for more information.

Diocesan Forty Hours Devotion 2/8 through 2/10

  • Join with our Diocesan Church on 2/8th through 2/10th to celebrate a time of spiritual devotion before the Blessed Sacrament during this National Eucharistic Revival.
    Come to the Cathedral of St. Raymond Nonnatus in Joliet. Each day will begin with morning Mass and conclude with an evening Prayer Service. Mass times are 2/8th at 6:30am, 2/9th and 2/10th at 8am.
    Throughout the days there will be silent adoration of the Blessed Sacrament as well as communal Prayer Services led by various cultural and parish entities. We encourage all people – parish groups, families, neighbors – to come and reflect in prayer on the wondrous gift of the Eucharist that has been given to us. And to join our hearts in prayer for the needs of our Church and the needs of all people. May God in his goodness bless our Diocese! Questions? Contact Sister Sharon Stola at the Office of Divine Worship 815-221-6230 or sstola@dioceseofjoliet.org

Free Friday Movie Night on “The Matter of Life” 2/10

  • We will be showing the award-winning film “The Matter of Life” on Friday 2/10th at 6:30pm.  This must-see film cuts through the angry rhetoric and divisiveness about the most contentious issue of our day: abortion. This powerful film brings compassion and clarity to the abortion debate and presents a message that goes beyond pro-life and pro-abortion arguments. It forces us to ask the question: Are the unborn one of us? Featuring the stories of women, former abortion clinic workers, historians, religious workers, pro-life atheists, and many more, The Matter of Life stresses entering this conversation with understanding, love, and support. Doing so is critical to save the lives of the unborn and to care for the women who carry them. It is time to understand the pro-life case and form beliefs on more than what is said in the media. Check out the trailer below.
  • Brought to you by the OLM Respect Life Ministry, 40 Days for Life and the Illinois Family Institute, we hope to see you there.  Please connect with Lisa San Diego for any questions sandiego_family@msn.com 

MAGNIFY on 2/15

  • Because Ash Wednesday is on 2/22nd, MAGNIFY will be on 2/15th this month, please save the date.

Catholic Charities Mobile Food Pantry 2/15

  • This month’s Mobile Food Pantry is on Weds 2/15th from 4:30pm to 6pm in the parking lot at OLM.  Don’t forget to share the Our Lady of Mercy social media posting on your network; you never know who among your network is in need of food. (Here are shareable links to an Instagram postFacebook post).
  • The Catholic Charities, Diocese of Joliet Mobile Food Pantry delivers healthy food (meat, produce, and non-perishable items) to people in need. No identification or information will be required or collected. This event is open to anyone in need of food! Mobile Food Pantries use a “drive-thru” method to distribute food during the COVID-19 pandemic. Please clear space in your trunk or backseat so volunteers can load boxes of food directly into your vehicle. Catholic Charities helps people of all faiths and beliefs. Mobile Food Pantries take place rain or shine!

St. Peregrine Prayer Service on 2/21

  • The monthly prayer service will be on Tuesday, February 21 at 7pm (after the 6:30pm Mass) in the church led by Deacon Tony Leazzo. Come together to support one another in prayer and presence.
  • St. Peregrine is the patron saint of the sick, especially those experiencing cancer, serious illness, or chronic illness. Anyone experiencing physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual health concerns would benefit from attending the prayer service. There will be time after the service to venerate the relic of St. Peregrine and pray for your personal needs or intentions.

Join us on Ash Wednesday 2/22

  • Begin Lent with us on Ash Wednesday 2/22nd and receive Ashes at either the 6:30am, 8am, 12pm (livestreamed), 7:30pm Mass times or at the 5:30pm Scripture Service.
  • The 5:30pm Scripture Service will be followed by a simple meatless supper in the gym for families with children, grandparents, godparents, single adults, college students, relatives, and friends. Lenten take-home activities for families and friends will be available. Registration is required for the simple supper. Please contact Karen Schwartz to register karens@olmercy.old.diocesanweb.org 

The Rescue Project 2/23

  • …. what if there is another story?  We are all shaped by a story. The choices we make, the way we live, the things we believe—the way we see life itself—are the result of the stories that we have accepted as truthful accounts of reality. Our modern world presents the story that we are personally liberated, no longer connected to anything beyond ourselves, free to do whatever we like. And we have never been as unhappy.
    The Rescue Project proposes a simple question: what if there’s a different story—a story that engages people to answer the deepest cries of the human heart?
    Check out the trailer from Father John Riccardo or click on the graphic below for the website for more details and registration
  • Held on Thursdays during Lent at 6:30pm starting 2/23rd and ends on 4/20th (no gatherings during Holy Week and Easter Week).  We hope to see you there at this life-changing experience!

CRHP Men’s Retreat 2/25 – 2/26 & Women’s Retreat 3/5 – 3/6

  • CRHP is an incredible experience that will recharge your faith life, help you develop lasting friendships, and fill you with newfound energy and purpose.
  • The CRHP experience provides you with opportunities to allow God to speak to your heart through witness talks, Scripture, fellowship, prayer, Eucharistic Adoration, Reconciliation, and Mass. COME TO BE SERVED. You will not be asked to contribute or to do anything that makes you uncomfortable. You will not be asked to give a witness talk. This will be done by team members. This FREE retreat experience will include all meals, beverages, and snacks.
  • Connect with the Men and Women’s invitation coordinators for any questions Jeff Daley (708)705-3590 Jeffdaley83@gmail.com or Ida Phillips (630)605=6038 crhpolm@gmail.com.
  • Sign up now and encounter Jesus and fellow men and women in a similar journey in a life-changing way.

Knights of Columbus Robert H. Weaver Scholarship Application Submit by 6/17

  • Calling all High School Seniors at Our Lady of Mercy, applications for the 2023 Robert H Weaver Knights of Columbus College Scholarship program are now being accepted. A total of $2,000 will be awarded to students graduating from High School in 2023 and attending a 2 or 4-year University program starting in the fall of 2023.  Awards will be made in July.  Good luck to all applicants. 
  • All applications must be submitted no later than Saturday, 6/17th @ 4pm.
  • Proceed to this link for application details, and requirements. For any questions please reach out to Jeff LeRoy, Grand Knight jleroy53@hotmail.com.

Teen Mission Trip July 2023 

World Youth Day July 2023 

  • The Consuming Fire Young Adult Grow Group is looking to join the Joliet Diocese on a Pilgrimage to Lisbon, Portugal for World Youth Day 2023 from July 29 to August 7. Come and join them!  This includes an optional pre-tour to Madrid from July 25 to 29.  Proceed here for further details.  

Health Updates on Father Don

  • Please continue to keep Father Don in your prayers. To keep updated on how he is doing, please check the following CaringBridge website.

Bishop Hick’s Monthly Column 

  • Bishop Hicks’ monthly column for January is titled “Peace Be With You”.Read his insightful column HERE.

Scam Emails

  • From time to time, there are phishing (SCAM) emails going out to members of the parish and staff claiming to be Father Michael.
    Please note that Father Michael, Father James, our deacons and staff DO NOT send texts or emails asking for money or gift cards. If you receive a message appearing to be from Father Michael or Father James, please discard it, (any email that does not have “olmercy.old.diocesanweb.org” is a fake email), and DO NOT SEND ANY ELECTRONIC MONETARY AID.  No one on the clergy or staff will personally ask for money in whatever form (gift cards etc). If someone sends you a private message, asking for a donation of sorts, it’s undoubtedly a fake account. Please keep praying for us, and God bless you!

Do you have a story to share of your time with Jesus in the Eucharist?

  • In the Eucharist, Jesus wants to remind you that you are never alone, that He is with you. In your brokenness, sorrows, and frustrations, He is with you. In everything you face—when you’re tired, ready to give up, hanging on by a thread, Jesus says to you, “I AM HERE.”  
  • If you have experienced the above with Jesus, we invite you to share your story so as to inspire others to spend time with Jesus in the Eucharist and to go to Holy Mass.  Allow your story to be the vessel that can reach that person who Jesus is drawing to Himself more closely, especially those who are going through a tough time right now.  Let us take part in the National Eucharistic Revival in a tangible way; come and share your story of your encounter with Jesus in the Eucharist.  Connect with zara@olmercy.old.diocesanweb.org to share your encounter.

Our Lady of Mercy Garden of Hope, Love & Mercy

  • The Justice & Peace Ministry, which has constructed a Community Garden on Our Lady of Mercy parish grounds and provided fresh produce over the past few months has had a fruitful season and looks forward to expanding in 2023. Produce from the garden has been donated to local organizations such as the Marie Wilkinson Food Pantry and  Hesed House. Late-season plantings are still producing vegetables and herbs. The faithful volunteers have been pleased with the success of this very worthy cause. If you have a green thumb or wish to participate in the preparation and planting, watering, weeding, and harvesting in early spring and throughout the 2023 growing season, please contact Chris at 631-561-9722 or chrisharveyny@gmail.com or Ida at 630-605-6038 or idamphillips122@gmail.com

Did You Know We Have a Parish School?

  • All Saints Catholic Academy (ASCA) located at 1155 Aurora Ave, Naperville is our parish school!
  • Are you a parent with preschool, elementary, and middle school-aged children struggling with the antithetical Christian values the government schools are indoctrinating the children who attend government schools?  You’re not alone.
  • Join a growing number of OLM parents who have made the movement!  Consider connecting with some of the families who have made the move from sending their child(ren) to public school to All Saints Catholic Academy.
  • Connect with Patty Bajek at (630) 961-6125, or pbajek@ascacademy.org to express your interest and schedule a personalized tour.  Or peruse their website to explore your interest.  

St. Vincent de Paul Society Volunteers

  • Thank you for your support of our clothing drive. Your clothing donation, as well as your financial donations throughout the year, allows us to help our parishioners and neighbors in need. In 2022, we provided assistance to 72 households, helping 185 men, women and children to remain in their homes or apartments in time of financial need.
  • The ministry is always looking for volunteers to join our St. Vincent de Paul Society in assisting our neighbors in need. If you would like to volunteer or learn more, send an email to olmsvdp@gmail.com with your name and contact information.


Supporting OLM through the CMAA

  • The 2023 Catholic Ministries Annual Appeal is now underway As the Diocese of Joliet launches the 2023 Catholic Ministries Annual Appeal (CMAA), we are asking all parishioners to pledge their support to this important effort for our community of faith. This year’s CMAA theme is We Belong to God. Through our support, we ensure that the mission and ministries of Christ’s Church are available to everyone. Together, we help the poor and vulnerable, increase vocations and educate people of all ages, ethnicities, and abilities in the faith. Our parish could not accomplish all of this on its own. Our parish’s goal for the 2023 CMAA is $141,900 and 70 percent of any amount we raise over our goal will be returned to us. Please review the materials you receive in the mail from the Diocese of Joliet this month and prayerfully reflect on your gift to this year’s annual appeal.
  • Donations can be made here. Check out how your gifts to the CMAA help at this link. Thank you for your consideration.

For the Hispanic Community

  • Please proceed here for the OLM Hispanic Ministry’s upcoming events and resources.
    Continúe aquí para conocer los próximos eventos y recursos del Ministerio Hispano de OLM.
  • There will be Stations of the Cross in Spanish every 2nd Wednesday of the month after the 12pm Mass.
    A partir de la próxima semana, habrá Estaciones de la Cruz en español cada segundo miércoles del mes después de la misa de las 12 pm.

A Note from the Intercessory Prayer Ministry

  • How can we be praying for you today?
    There are times when life is overwhelming when all we have is questions. In those moments, hope can feel far away. The great thing about prayer is that it shifts our perspective toward the One who stands ready to listen. No matter what you’re facing, we’d love to pray with you. Submit your prayer requests at this link
  • Prayer Ministry takes place monthly at MAGNIFY and on the last weekend of the month Mass times.  Prayer ministry is an opportunity for those in need of physical, emotional, or spiritual healing or with a specific intention. Come as an individual, as a couple, or as. a family and receive prayer for yourself or request prayers for someone in need. Listen and receive the prayers while being open to the Holy Spirit’s movement. Trained prayer ministers are available.

Have you downloaded our myParish App yet?

  • If you haven’t done so, we encourage you to download the Our Lady of Mercy app available to download for iPhone and Android smartphones.  Or text APP to 88202 to download.
    • Stay connected with our parish throughout the week with instant notifications, an easy-to-access event calendar, and the ability to quickly reply to or share messages via Facebook or Twitter. Also enjoy a bunch of additional features like prayers, daily readings, helpful reminders to silence your phone before Mass or Confession, and much more. 

OSV Giving Link Update

  • Our online giving link has been updated by our provider (OSV), please be sure to update your bookmark, below is the link.
  • The myParish App “Giving” button has been updated.  Don’t have the myParish App yet? Text APP to 88202 to download!  Receive this update, and instant news, and get access to the parish calendar, daily readings, and Confession guide.
  • https://www.osvhub.com/olmercy/giving/funds

Grow Groups | We continue to launch Grow Groups, one group at a time.
Connect with zara@olmercy.old.diocesanweb.org for any questions.

Mission. A Mother’s Heart is a group for Catholic mothers with children ages 0-11 who are seeking to journey with other like-minded women of faith.  Following the example of St. Thérèse of Lisieux, we strive to imitate her “little way” of growing in holiness through the lenses of motherhood and family.
Website. Proceed here for details.
Meets. Thursdays twice a month.  For any of the following: book chats, podcast discussions, “Mom’s Night Out”, community service projects, fellowship, playgroups, prayer.
Connect.  Reach out to Lydia Schmitt lydiadschmitt@gmail.com for any questions.

Mission. This group exists to grow a community that inspires and forms the young adult generation to be saints.
Website. Proceed here for details.
Meets. Tuesdays @ 7pm and twice a month for social gatherings.
Connect.  Reach out to Matt Kubanda and Mary Rysavy rysavyme@gmail.com
World Youth Day 2023.  The Consuming Fire Young Adult Grow Group is looking to join the Joliet Diocese on a Pilgrimage to Lisbon, Portugal for World Youth Day 2023 from July 29 to August 7.  This includes an optional pre-tour to Madrid from July 25 to 29.  Proceed here for further details.  

Mission. “Encounter/Grow/Witness” is the threefold dimension of the Christian life.  Once we encounter Jesus, we are then called to grow daily as His disciples. Grow Groups are one way Our Lady of Mercy is responding to our missionary identity where we are called to help parishioners grow continually in discipleship.
Website. Proceed here for details.
Meets. Wednesdays 7pm to 8:30pm
Connect. For more information, connect with Bob Maxwell at bmaxwell@deltadentalil.com or 630-962-8464

  Vine & Branches is a group at Our Lady of Mercy that offers support and belonging to individuals of any age or faith who are divorced or separated on the way to divorce.
Website.Proceed here for details
Meets. Wednesdays @ 7pm with social gatherings.
Connect. The group leaders are looking forward to hearing from you, please don’t hesitate to reach out to them.
Kim Harris kimharris73@yahoo.com
Mary LoGalbo logalbo.marycarol@gmail.com
John Frederick jdfredericj@icloud.com
Jim Marks jimm6351@yahoo.com


FREE ONLINE RESOURCES In this section, you will find free conferences, webinars, and studies that you can freely take part in that can grow your faith.


Hosted by the Federation of Diocesan Liturgical Commissions, this weekly free Lenten Webinar will be held live on Thursdays from 2/23rd through 3/23rd at 12pm.  This 5-part Lenten series explore the Mass presented by the nation’s most respected theologians and liturgists. They will offer not merely an exploration of the elements of the Mass but will reflect on its rich theology and identify implications for pastoral practice.  Details and registration are found here.

FORMED.ORG Diving into the beauty of the Faith has never been easier: at home, on the go, or from any internet-connected device. Discover thousands of books, audio talks, movies, documentaries, and studies… there is something for every member of the family to help them grow closer to Christ and His Church

  1. Visit http://signup.formed.org/
  2. Enter our parish zip or name
  3. Enter your name and email

Check out our “Eucharist Resources” page to help us understand deeply the centrality of the Eucharist in our lives.

From Augustine Institute comes this NEW AND FREE Catholic prayer app that inspires your daily conversation with God through faithful meditations and nourishing Scripture. There is also Family Content: Enjoy and share family-favorite audio from the series Brother Francis and the Jesus Stories.  Please enjoy this latest offering from the Augustine Institute.

Hallow is a Catholic prayer & meditation app that helps users deepen their relationship with God through contemplative prayer and strengthen one’s mental health in the process. Easy-to-use, audio-guided sessions anywhere from 1 to 60 minutes long. Pray your own way with a personalized prayer plan pulling from 3,000+ unique sessions including the Lectio Divina on the Daily Gospel, Rosary, Examen, Night Prayer, Calm & Humility “Praylists” and much more. Hallow Light is free. Hallow Plus is $5 per month ($60 per year). Sign up for either one here.

Explore the goodness, truth, and beauty of the faith!Did you know that you have complete access to Bishop Barron’s Word on Fire ENGAGE video library! Check out this link to watch any of the videos whenever you want without ever having to login.
Not sure where to start? How about checking out the short 5 episode series on The Eucharist This fresh look at the Eucharist brings to light its reality as sacred meal, the sacrifice necessary for communion with God, and the real presence of Christ.

Blessed is She is a sisterhood of women who want to grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ through their Catholic faith.  They create beautiful and accessible resources, products, and experiences to deepen prayer and foster community, both online and in person.  

Founded in 2013, The Catholic Gentleman has become one of the most recognizable online men’s apostolate. Each week hundreds of thousands of men around the world visit our site for the insightful articles and the highest-quality products designed to encourage a life of authentic manhood. Their mission: To inspire men to holiness

Looking for authentically Catholic content for men? Look no further than HeroicMen.com—the all-new, 100% FREE Catholic streaming platform for men.
Learn about your faith from today’s best Catholic speakers—and do it all from the convenience of home. Stream-on-demand from your phone or tablet, too, for quality Catholic content on the go.  Get it all—for FREE – at HeroicMen.com

Have you wanted to get to know St. Thomas Aquinas and his writings more so as to grow closer to Jesus? Sign up for any of the short and free courses at Aquinas 101 a project of the Thomistic Institute seeks to promote understanding of the thought of St. Thomas Aquinas, the eminent 13th-century philosopher, and theologian. 
Aquinas is a masterful interpreter of reality. His writings assist us in answering perennial questions on topics like God, man, the natural world, law, and morality, and questions of special relevance to our time like the relationship between modern science and faith or pursuing happiness in the digital era.


If you have physical, mental, emotional or spiritual health concerns or questions about end-of-life issues, funeral planning, journeying through grief, caregiving for a loved one or are homebound, please contact Jolene LeRoy RN Parish Nurse and Director of Pastoral Care for support and resources at jolenel@olmercy.old.diocesanweb.org or 331-707-5380.

All of us have experienced joys and sorrows, ups and downs, accomplishments and disappointments in our lives. There may have been times that resulted in brokenness or heavy hearts that affect our attitude and way of living. The Open HEARTS Ministry has changed its name to Healing Hearts as it is a ministry for anyone 18 years of age or older who would like to practice self-care for their own health and wellness and would also like to reach out to others to offer healing and hope.If you are in need of emotional or mental health support or resources, please contact Janice Hurtado Aeppli at 321-217- 7872 or at olmopenhearts@yahoo.com

Do you find yourself struggling in overcoming your battle with pornography?   Restore is a weekly (anonymous) meeting where men lean on each other for support and accountability and share ideas about strengthening our resolve to stay on God’s path of chastity.  All men are welcome, whether you have been free of pornography addiction for many years or struggle with it every single day.If you are ready to start breaking free from the grips of pornography and want to Restore your life, email us at Restore.olm@gmail.com to find out more information on when and where we meet or call 331-684-7415. Check out the website for FAQs and further details. Be encouraged; check out this Testimony.

If you are experiencing grief and would like to join others for a time of sharing stories, tears and laughter, prayer, and moving forward in hope – please come on Monday, June 27 from 11am to 1pm in the Ministry Room located in the church. There is no registration. This is an opportunity to receive support and understanding during your grief journey. If you have questions, please call Jolene LeRoy RN Parish Nurse and Director of Pastoral Care at 331-707-5380.

January 8, 2023 | Parish Update

January 8, 2023 | Parish Update

Being open to new relationships, Blessed Epiphany Chalk, Seminarian Vincent & Encountering Jesus at CRHP

View the full posting at our Flocknote email (don’t forget to join so you can receive the update via email)

From Father Michael . . .

The Heisman trophy is awarded to an individual college football player for his outstanding performance on the field. The trophy is a bronze figure of John Heisman with arm extended (a stiff-arm) to ward off any person getting to the football. Sometimes I think this trophy represents more than just a great football player but also a common image of how we can tend to live the Christian life. 

For better or for worse, relationships have the ability to change us. For that reason, we can often carry the same stance as the Heisman trophy: a stiff-arm that wards off potentially life-changing encounters. However, the Lord is constantly inviting us to relationship—both with him and his Body, the Church. Although keeping others at arm’s length can seem more comfortable, it also means that we could be keeping our Lord at a distance as well. 

The Magi offer us a good example. Instead of avoiding new relationships, they sought them out! They went on a long and arduous journey to enter into a new relationship with the King of the Jews. Unsure of what their meeting would mean, they stepped out of their comfortable lives as kings in search of something even greater. What is more, they had the humility to seek wisdom from others on their journey, leading to their eventual discovery of a little child with his mother, and a new King who was worthy of all their gifts. The last line in this narrative is subtle but profound: “They departed for their country by another way.” Their lives were changed! 

As we begin a new year, I encourage you to be open to new relationships. To put away our Heisman stance and open ourselves to the Lord and his Body at Our Lady of Mercy. May I even encourage you further by taking part in the many places of encounter, especially where you haven’t had a chance to take part in, here at Our Lady of Mercy. From encountering the Lord through those in need by helping out at PADS, the Mobile Food Pantry, the funeral, and homebound ministries, to diving deeper into profound intimacy with the Lord through the upcoming CRHP Men’s and Women’s Retreats, the next Bible Study on the Chosen, or the upcoming powerful gatherings in the Rescue Project. May our encounter with the Lord, in these places of encounter or on our own seeking of Him, have the same result as it did for the Magi, that our lives be changed!

Father Michael

We look forward to seeing you at Our Lady of Mercy taking part in many of our offerings, or maybe when you stop by and visit Jesus at the Blessed Sacrament Chapel, at daily Mass during the week, or during Eucharistic Adoration.

Remembering Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI by Father Michael

  • Pope Benedict was a great scholar and a great writer. As Pope John Paul II influenced me at the beginning of my spiritual life, Pope Benedict had a significant impact on my intellectual life and a lot of my homilies actually come from my readings of his writings. When he was in charge of the Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith, he published 74 books in 24 years. He is a prolific writer and just a phenomenal man and wonderful pope and so I ask that you continue to pray for him for his soul and the wonderful blessings and thanksgiving for his life.
  • Let us pray the following novena in honor of Pope Benedict XVI; receive the prayer in your Inbox every day until Friday, January 13th by signing up at this link.

Epiphany Sunday!

  • We celebrate Epiphany Sunday! Along with it marking the *official* end of the Christmas Season, it also has the unique tradition of “chalking the doors”
  • Blessed Epiphany chalk will be available in baskets after every Mass for you to take home and mark the doors of your own house along with the following two-sided prayer cards!  Don’t forget to bring them home.

Meet our new seminarian Vincent Otieno!

  • Be sure to say hello to our new seminarian, Vicent Otieno, at any of the weekend and daily Masses!  Let us welcome him with the Our Lady of Mercy radical hospitality; with much love.  Find out more about Vincent and his vocation story below.


Restore weekly confidential meetings

  • Restore is a ministry that accompanies men so as to win the battle against the struggles of living a lust-free life.
  • The ministry meets at a weekly (anonymous) meeting where men lean on each other for support and accountability and share ideas about strengthening their resolve to stay on God’s path of chastity.  All men are welcome, whether you have been free of the addiction for many years or struggle with it every single day. Though the meetings are weekly, at the last weekly meeting of the month, men are guided by a licensed Catholic therapist. If you are ready to start breaking free from the struggles of living chastely and want to Restore your life email Restore.olm@gmail.com to find out more information on when and where we meet or call 331-684-7415.

Consuming Fire Young Adult Grow Group on 1/10

  • All young adults are invited to join the Consuming Fire Young Adult Community. This group meets every Tuesday from 7pm to 8:30pm in the basement of the rectory (the priest’s home). We gather to eat, pray, and ‘do life together’!
  • From the weekly Tuesday gatherings to additional social gatherings (hiking, dinner at someone’s home or at a restaurant, movie nights, adoration, rosary walks, hosting aa Swing Dance lesson through Theology of Dance gathering) there are so many good reasons to join this fun, and awesome group! Want more information? Sign up HERE

AMA with Father James 1/10

Salt and Light Grow Group on 1/12

  • With a new meeting day of Thursday evenings at 7pm, come and join Salt and Light as they break open a series of films and discussions on “Faith and Reason.”
  • Connect with Bob Maxwell at bmaxwell@deltadentalil.com or 630-962-8464 or Geri Capulong at gericapulong@gmail.com for questions or sign up online at this link. In addition to the Thursday gatherings, the group also gets together socially once a month and also has volunteer gatherings at Feed My Starving Children FMSC.  

Exploring the Priesthood Weekends 1/13 – 1/15

  • Throughout a weekend of prayer, discussions, fraternity, recreation, and presentation from current faculty and seminarians, you will better understand God’s movement in your life as you experience life on campus.
  • There is no cost; private rooms and meals are included.
  • Register at USML.EDU/EPW
  • Attending Exploring the Priiesthhood Weekends is perfect for any man who is discerning a vocation to the priesthood. These weekends provide you with more tools for proper discernment.  The next one is in March 17 – 19.


Knights Pancake Breakfast 1/15

  • Eat pancake for a good cause! Please join the Knights of Columbus for a delicious pancake breakfast on Sunday 1/15 from 8am to noon.  All proceeds benefit the Summer Teen Mission Trip.

Catholic Charities Mobile Food Pantry 1/18

  • This month’s Mobile Food Pantry is on Weds 1/18th from 4:30pm to 6pm in the parking lot at OLM.  Don’t forget to share the Our Lady of Mercy social media posting on your network; you never know who among your network is in need of food. (Here are shareable links to an Instagram postFacebook post).
  • The Catholic Charities, Diocese of Joliet Mobile Food Pantry delivers healthy food (meat, produce, and non-perishable items) to people in need. No identification or information will be required or collected. This event is open to anyone in need of food! Mobile Food Pantries use a “drive-thru” method to distribute food during the COVID-19 pandemic. Please clear space in your trunk or backseat so volunteers can load boxes of food directly into your vehicle. Catholic Charities helps people of all faiths and beliefs. Mobile Food Pantries take place rain or shine!

Free Throw Championship 1/19

  • On Thursday 1/19 at 7pm is the Robert H. Weaver Knights of Columbus #12005 Free Throw Championship in the gym at the Parish Life Center. Registration begins at 6:45pm
  • All boys and girls aged 9 to 14, as of 1/1/2023, are invited to participate, please present proof of age during registration with written parental consent. Participants will compete in their respective age divisions, with the winners advancing to the district, region, and state competitions.  All contestants at this local event will be recognized for their participation.  The District competition will take place in February at a to-be-determined location.  For additional information call (630) 957-7559.

9 Days for Life Novena starts 1/19

  • The 9 days for Life Novena start 1/19 through 1/27, sign up to receive the Novena in your Inbox as well as pray the Novena before the daily Mass starts. Unborn babies and their parents need your help, advocate for the innocent unborn through the power of prayer.

Adoration for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children 1/22

  • In all the Dioceses, 1/22 shall be observed as a particular day of prayer for the full restoration of the legal guarantee of the right to life and of penance for violations to the dignity of the human person committed through acts of abortion.
  • On Sunday 1/22 from 7pm to 10pm we will have Adoration, devotion, and prayers because prayer is the foundation of everything we do in defense of human life. We hope to see you then; together let us be in prayer lifting up our hearts and minds to God for the protection of sacred human life.
    (A great prayer for life is urgently needed, a prayer which will rise up throughout the world. Through special initiatives and in daily prayer, may an impassioned plea rise to God, the Creator and lover of life, from every Christian community, from every group and association, from every family and from the heart of every believer. —Pope Saint John Paul II, Evangelium vitae}
  • Please connect Lisa San Diego from the Respect Life Ministry with any questions, she can be reached at 630-258-0122sandiego_family@msn.com

To All Men: Find Out How to become a Knight 1/29

  • Thinking of becoming a Knight? The Knights of Columbus Council 12005 will be holding an information meeting on Sunday 1/29 after the 10am Mass in room 114 to explain who the Knights of Columbus are and how to become a member. We will show a short video and provide refreshments. Interested practicing Catholic Men and their families are invited to join us. Membership is open to all practicing Catholic men aged 18 and up, it will only take 30 minutes of your time and you can become part of the largest Catholic Men’s service organization in the world. We need you to help us make a difference! For information reach out to Jeff LeRoy, Grand Knight, at jleroy53@hotmail.com or call 630- 336-7728.

Donuts & Coffee Sunday 1/29

  • Stop by the PLC after the 8am and 10am Masses on 1/29th for yummy Donuts, good Coffee & wonderful Fellowship.  

Go on a Pilgrimage with Father James Informational Sessions 1/29 & 1/30

  • Find out more about the Great Shrines of France Pilgrimage June 5-17, 2023 with Father James  Join him as he leads pilgrims and explores France’s beautiful Catholic Shrines on this cross-country Pilgrimage. From small villages in the South of France to Paris, one of the greatest cities in the world, France is sure to take your breath away. On this Pilgrimage, you will see magnificent Shrines and Churches and learn of the lives of; St. Bernadette, St. Thomas Aquinas, St. Veronica and Zaccheus, St. Margaret Mary Alacoque, St. Therese of Lisieux, and St. Catherine Labourne. Don’t miss this incredible tour highlighting the Best Shrines in France.
  • Informational sessions for this 12-day pilgrimage are on Sunday 1/29 at 11:15am and Monday 1/30 at 7:30pm.  Father James is looking forward to answering any questions you may have, you can also check out details of the pilgrimage at this link.

Bible Study on Season 2 of The Chosen starts 1/31

  • We’re excited to invite you to “Season 2 of The Chosen” Catholic Bible Study on Tuesdays starting January 31st @ 7pm.  
    Whether you’ve never been to a Bible Study, are intimidated by the Bible, or are a regular participant in our Bible Studies, this experience is for you!
    Through both watching the series episode and breaking open the Scripture readings related to each episode, the experience will enable you to imagine yourself in the story.
    This will change the way you read the Bible forever.
  • Contact Joe Wiacek or Joe Glasgow with any questions joewiacek@gmail.com or jglasgowjr@gmail.com.
  • Register now at this link.

CRHP Men’s Retreat 2/25 – 2/26 & Women’s Retreat 3/5 – 3/6

  • CRHP is an incredible experience that will recharge your faith life, help you develop lasting friendships, and fill you with newfound energy and purpose.
  • The CRHP experience provides you with opportunities to allow God to speak to your heart through witness talks, Scripture, fellowship, prayer, Eucharistic Adoration, Reconciliation, and Mass. COME TO BE SERVED. You will not be asked to contribute or to do anything that makes you uncomfortable. You will not be asked to give a witness talk. This will be done by team members.This FREE retreat experience will include all meals, beverages, and snacks.
  • Connect with the Men and Women’s invitation coordinators for any questions Jeff Daley (708)705-3590 Jeffdaley83@gmail.com or Ida Phillips (630)605=6038 crhpolm@gmail.com.
  • Sign up now and encounter Jesus and fellow men and women in a similar journey in a life-changing way.

Teen Mission Trip July 2023 

World Youth Day July 2023 

  • The Consuming Fire Young Adult Grow Group is looking to join the Joliet Diocese on a Pilgrimage to Lisbon, Portugal for World Youth Day 2023 from July 29 to August 7. Come and join them!  This includes an optional pre-tour to Madrid from July 25 to 29.  Proceed here for further details.  

Health Updates on Father Don

  • Please continue to keep Father Don in your prayers. To keep updated on how he is doing, please check the following CaringBridge website.

Bishop Hick’s Monthly Column 

  • Bishop Hicks monthly column for January is titled “Peace Be With You”.Read his insightful column HERE.

Scam Emails

  • From time to time, there are phishing (SCAM) emails going out to members of the parish and staff claiming to be Father Michael.
    Please note that Father Michael and Father James DO NOT send texts or emails asking for money or gift cards. If you receive a message appearing to be from Father Michael or Father James, please discard it, (any email that does not have “olmercy.old.diocesanweb.org” is a fake email) and DO NOT SEND ANY ELECTRONIC MONETARY AID.  No one on the staff will personally ask for money in whatever form (gift cards etc). If someone sends you a private message, asking for a donation of sorts, it’s undoubtedly a fake account. Please keep praying for us, and God bless you!

Do you have a story to share of your time with Jesus in the Eucharist?

  • In the Eucharist, Jesus wants to remind you that you are never alone, that He is with you. In your brokenness, sorrows, and frustrations, He is with you. In everything you face—when you’re tired, ready to give up, hanging on by a thread, Jesus says to you, “I AM HERE.”  
  • If you have experienced the above with Jesus, we invite you to share your story so as to inspire others to spend time with Jesus in the Eucharist, and to go to Holy Mass.  Allow your story to be the vessel that can reach that person who Jesus is drawing to Himself more closely, especially those who are going through a tough time right now.  Let us take part in the National Eucharistic Revival in a tangible way; come and share your story of your encounter with Jesus in the Eucharist.  Connect with zara@olmercy.old.diocesanweb.org to share your encounter.

Our Lady of Mercy Garden of Hope, Love & Mercy

  • The Justice & Peace Ministry, which has constructed a Community Garden on Our Lady of Mercy parish grounds and provided fresh produce over the past few months has had a fruitful season and looks forward to expanding in 2023. Produce from the garden has been donated to local organizations such as the Marie Wilkinson Food Pantry and  Hesed House. Late-season plantings are still producing vegetables and herbs. The faithful volunteers have been pleased with the success of this very worthy cause. If you have a green thumb or wish to participate in the preparation and planting, watering, weeding, and harvesting in early spring and throughout the 2023 growing season, please contact Chris at 631-561-9722 or chrisharveyny@gmail.com or Ida at 630-605-6038 or idamphillips122@gmail.com

Did You Know We Have a Parish School?

  • All Saints Catholic Academy (ASCA) located at 1155 Aurora Ave, Naperville is our parish school!
  • Are you a parent with preschool, elementary, and middle school-aged children struggling with the antithetical Christian values the government schools are indoctrinating the children who attend government schools?  You’re not alone.
  • Join a growing number of OLM parents who have made the movement!  Consider connecting with some of the families who have made the move from sending their child(ren) to public school to All Saints Catholic Academy.
  • Connect with Patty Bajek at (630) 961-6125, or pbajek@ascacademy.org to express your interest and schedule a personalized tour.  Or peruse their website to explore your interest.  

St. Vincent de Paul Society Volunteers

  • Thank you for your support of our clothing drive. Your clothing donation, as well as your financial donations throughout the year, allows us to help our parishioners and neighbors in need. In 2022, we provided assistance to 72 households, helping 185 men, women and children to remain in their homes or apartments in time of financial need.
  • The ministry is always looking for volunteers to join our St. Vincent de Paul Society in assisting our neighbors in need. If you would like to volunteer or learn more, send an email to olmsvdp@gmail.com with your name and contact information.


Supporting OLM through the CMAA

  • The 2023 Catholic Ministries Annual Appeal is now underway As the Diocese of Joliet launches the 2023 Catholic Ministries Annual Appeal (CMAA), we are asking all parishioners to pledge their support to this important effort for our community of faith. This year’s CMAA theme is We Belong to God. Through our support, we ensure that the mission and ministries of Christ’s Church are available to everyone. Together, we help the poor and vulnerable, increase vocations and educate people of all ages, ethnicities, and abilities in the faith. Our parish could not accomplish all of this on its own. Our parish’s goal for the 2023 CMAA is $141,900 and 70 percent of any amount we raise over our goal will be returned to us. Please review the materials you receive in the mail from the Diocese of Joliet this month and prayerfully reflect on your gift to this year’s annual appeal.
  • Donations can be made here. Check out how your gifts to the CMAA help at this link. Thank you for your consideration.

For the Hispanic Community

  • Please proceed here for the OLM Hispanic Ministry’s upcoming events and resources.
    Continúe aquí para conocer los próximos eventos y recursos del Ministerio Hispano de OLM.
  • There will be Stations of the Cross in Spanish every 2nd Wednesday of the month after the 12pm Mass.
    A partir de la próxima semana, habrá Estaciones de la Cruz en español cada segundo miércoles del mes después de la misa de las 12 pm.

A Note from the Intercessory Prayer Ministry

  • How can we be praying for you today?
    There are times when life is overwhelming when all we have is questions. In those moments, hope can feel far away. The great thing about prayer is that it shifts our perspective toward the One who stands ready to listen. No matter what you’re facing, we’d love to pray with you. Submit your prayer requests at this link
  • Prayer Ministry takes place monthly at MAGNIFY and on the last weekend of the month Mass times.  Prayer ministry is an opportunity for those in need of physical, emotional, or spiritual healing or with a specific intention. Come as an individual, as a couple, or as. a family and receive prayer for yourself or request prayers for someone in need. Listen and receive the prayers while being open to the Holy Spirit’s movement. Trained prayer ministers are available.

Have you downloaded our myParish App yet?

  • If you haven’t done so, we encourage you to download the Our Lady of Mercy app available to download for iPhone and Android smartphones.  Or text APP to 88202 to download.
    • Stay connected with our parish throughout the week with instant notifications, an easy-to-access event calendar, and the ability to quickly reply to or share messages via Facebook or Twitter. Also enjoy a bunch of additional features like prayers, daily readings, helpful reminders to silence your phone before Mass or Confession, and much more. 

OSV Giving Link Update

  • Our online giving link has been updated by our provider (OSV), please be sure to update your bookmark, below is the link.
  • The myParish App “Giving” button has been updated.  Don’t have the myParish App yet? Text APP to 88202 to download!  Receive this update, and instant news, and get access to the parish calendar, daily readings, and Confession guide.
  • https://www.osvhub.com/olmercy/giving/funds

Grow Groups | We continue to launch Grow Groups, one group at a time.
Connect with zara@olmercy.old.diocesanweb.org for any questions.

Mission. A Mother’s Heart is a group for Catholic mothers with children ages 0-11 who are seeking to journey with other like-minded women of faith.  Following the example of St. Thérèse of Lisieux, we strive to imitate her “little way” of growing in holiness through the lenses of motherhood and family.
Website. Proceed here for details.
Meets. Thursdays twice a month.  For any of the following: book chats, podcast discussions, “Mom’s Night Out”, community service projects, fellowship, playgroups, prayer.
Connect.  Reach out to Lydia Schmitt lydiadschmitt@gmail.com for any questions.

Mission. This group exists to grow a community that inspires and forms the young adult generation to be saints.
Website. Proceed here for details.
Meets. Tuesdays @ 7pm and twice a month for social gatherings.
Connect.  Reach out to Matt Kubanda and Mary Rysavy rysavyme@gmail.com
World Youth Day 2023.  The Consuming Fire Young Adult Grow Group is looking to join the Joliet Diocese on a Pilgrimage to Lisbon, Portugal for World Youth Day 2023 from July 29 to August 7.  This includes an optional pre-tour to Madrid from July 25 to 29.  Proceed here for further details.  

Mission. “Encounter/Grow/Witness” is the threefold dimension of the Christian life.  Once we encounter Jesus, we are then called to grow daily as His disciples. Grow Groups are one way Our Lady of Mercy is responding to our missionary identity where we are called to help parishioners grow continually in discipleship.
Website. Proceed here for details.
Meets. Wednesdays 7pm to 8:30pm
Connect. For more information, connect with Bob Maxwell at bmaxwell@deltadentalil.com or 630-962-8464

  Vine & Branches is a group at Our Lady of Mercy that offers support and belonging to individuals of any age or faith who are divorced or separated on the way to divorce.
Website.Proceed here for details
Meets. Wednesdays @ 7pm with social gatherings.
Connect. The group leaders are looking forward to hearing from you, please don’t hesitate to reach out to them.
Kim Harris kimharris73@yahoo.com
Mary LoGalbo logalbo.marycarol@gmail.com
John Frederick jdfredericj@icloud.com
Jim Marks jimm6351@yahoo.com



Registration is now available for the inaugural Wonder Conference, presented by the Word on Fire Institute, an annual opportunity to engage with theologians and other experts on important issues at the intersection of the Catholic faith and secular culture. This year’s conference is on faith and science. It is taking place at the Gaylord Texan Resort & Convention Center.
FREE ONLINE RESOURCES In this section, you will find free conferences, webinars, and studies that you can freely take part in that can grow your faith.
FORMED.ORGDiving into the beauty of the Faith has never been easier: at home, on the go, or from any internet-connected device. Discover thousands of books, audio talks, movies, documentaries, and studies… there is something for every member of the family to help them grow closer to Christ and His Church.

  1. Visit http://signup.formed.org/
  2. Enter our parish zip or name
  3. Enter your name and email

Check out our “Eucharist Resources” page to help us understand deeply the centrality of the Eucharist in our lives.

From Augustine Institute comes this NEW AND FREE Catholic prayer app that inspires your daily conversation with God through faithful meditations and nourishing Scripture. There is also Family Content: Enjoy and share family-favorite audio from the series Brother Francis and the Jesus Stories.  Please enjoy this latest offering from the Augustine Institute.

Hallow is a Catholic prayer & meditation app that helps users deepen their relationship with God through contemplative prayer and strengthen one’s mental health in the process. Easy-to-use, audio-guided sessions anywhere from 1 to 60 minutes long. Pray your own way with a personalized prayer plan pulling from 3,000+ unique sessions including the Lectio Divina on the Daily Gospel, Rosary, Examen, Night Prayer, Calm & Humility “Praylists” and much more. Hallow Light is free. Hallow Plus is $5 per month ($60 per year). Sign up for either one here.

Explore the goodness, truth, and beauty of the faith!Did you know that you have complete access to Bishop Barron’s Word on Fire ENGAGE video library! Check out this link to watch any of the videos whenever you want without ever having to login.
Not sure where to start? How about checking out the short 5 episode series on The Eucharist This fresh look at the Eucharist brings to light its reality as sacred meal, the sacrifice necessary for communion with God, and the real presence of Christ.

Blessed is She is a sisterhood of women who want to grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ through their Catholic faith.  They create beautiful and accessible resources, products, and experiences to deepen prayer and foster community, both online and in person.  

Founded in 2013, The Catholic Gentleman has become one of the most recognizable online men’s apostolate. Each week hundreds of thousands of men around the world visit our site for the insightful articles and the highest-quality products designed to encourage a life of authentic manhood. Their mission: To inspire men to holiness

Looking for authentically Catholic content for men? Look no further than HeroicMen.com—the all-new, 100% FREE Catholic streaming platform for men.
Learn about your faith from today’s best Catholic speakers—and do it all from the convenience of home. Stream-on-demand from your phone or tablet, too, for quality Catholic content on the go.  Get it all—for FREE – at HeroicMen.com

Have you wanted to get to know St. Thomas Aquinas and his writings more so as to grow closer to Jesus? Sign up for any of the short and free courses at Aquinas 101 a project of the Thomistic Institute seeks to promote understanding of the thought of St. Thomas Aquinas, the eminent 13th-century philosopher, and theologian. 
Aquinas is a masterful interpreter of reality. His writings assist us in answering perennial questions on topics like God, man, the natural world, law, and morality, and questions of special relevance to our time like the relationship between modern science and faith or pursuing happiness in the digital era.


If you have physical, mental, emotional or spiritual health concerns or questions about end-of-life issues, funeral planning, journeying through grief, caregiving for a loved one or are homebound, please contact Jolene LeRoy RN Parish Nurse and Director of Pastoral Care for support and resources at jolenel@olmercy.old.diocesanweb.org or 331-707-5380.

All of us have experienced joys and sorrows, ups and downs, accomplishments and disappointments in our lives. There may have been times that resulted in brokenness or heavy hearts that affect our attitude and way of living. The Open HEARTS Ministry has changed its name to Healing Hearts as it is a ministry for anyone 18 years of age or older who would like to practice self-care for their own health and wellness and would also like to reach out to others to offer healing and hope.If you are in need of emotional or mental health support or resources, please contact Janice Hurtado Aeppli at 321-217- 7872 or at olmopenhearts@yahoo.com

Do you find yourself struggling in overcoming your battle with pornography?   Restore is a weekly (anonymous) meeting where men lean on each other for support and accountability and share ideas about strengthening our resolve to stay on God’s path of chastity.  All men are welcome, whether you have been free of pornography addiction for many years or struggle with it every single day.If you are ready to start breaking free from the grips of pornography and want to Restore your life, email us at Restore.olm@gmail.com to find out more information on when and where we meet or call 331-684-7415. Check out the website for FAQs and further details. Be encouraged; check out this Testimony.

If you are experiencing grief and would like to join others for a time of sharing stories, tears and laughter, prayer, and moving forward in hope – please come on Monday, June 27 from 11am to 1pm in the Ministry Room located in the church. There is no registration. This is an opportunity to receive support and understanding during your grief journey. If you have questions, please call Jolene LeRoy RN Parish Nurse and Director of Pastoral Care at 331-707-5380.

Pregnant and parenting moms in need are in our parishes and our neighborhoods. As Pope Francis reminds us, our parishes need to be “islands of mercy in the midst of a sea of indifference.” Everyone in the parish community should know where to refer a pregnant woman in need.  Please see this infographic to be informed on how we are walking with Moms in need. Connect with Lydia Schmitt for further questions at lydias@olmercy.old.diocesanweb.org

December 3, 2022 | Parish Update

December 3, 2022 | Parish Update

Six Straight Days of Confession, Last day to register for Unbound, Hope to see you at Immaculate Conception Mass this week

View the full posting at https://app.flocknote.com/note/19237985

From Father Michael . . .

When I was growing up, my family would often host various holiday gatherings. Inevitably, when Thanksgiving or Christmas rolled around and we were on to host, the family would go into an all-out cleanup mode. Suddenly, everyone had extra chores, and I still remember that my job was to Windex the tabletops and vacuum the carpets.  The family went full court press on cleanup and our hope was to prepare a home worthy of receiving our extended family and honored guests.

We can make the same connection with the season of Advent.  This Liturgical season is meant to prepare our hearts to receive Jesus Christ on Christmas day.  St. John the Baptist proclaims, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand!”  His mission was much the same: to prepare people to receive Jesus through the gift of repentance.  Hence, if we’re wondering how to prepare for Christmas, the Sacrament of Reconciliation is always a beautiful way to prepare to receive Jesus.

It is important to note that, although St. John the Baptist’s message was proclaimed in the desert of all places, people still traveled great distances to receive his message of repentance. I truly believe that these travels themselves were even part of the preparation of repentance—showing they were willing to go out of their way to ask God for forgiveness. Likewise, any good confession needs preparation and effort. I would suggest taking the time to read through a good examination, whether it’s the ones in the narthex, on our MyParish app, online by searching for the “Knights of Columbus examination of conscience” or on our website under Sacraments and select Reconciliation (where you can find an Examination of Conscience for ChildrenTeensSinglesMarried and one in Spanish).

Now in all honesty, I have to acknowledge that when we had to prepare the house for our visitors, I didn’t always respond in the most enthusiastic way. I sometimes would only begrudgingly finish my tasks. However, the one thing that never changed was the joy that we all had in celebrating the holidays with family and friends. This can happen with the Sacrament of Reconciliation too! It might not be an enjoyable experience to have to acknowledge our brokenness and sins, but it will allow us all the more to celebrate the welcoming of Jesus into our hearts this Christmas!

In this spirit, Fr. James and I will be offering six straight days of confession this year.  
Starting Monday, December 12th, the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, through Friday the 16th, 7pm—8:30pm, followed by our normal Saturday confession times.  Our hope is to give an ample amount of time for people to prepare their hearts to receive Jesus.

Father Michael


We look forward to seeing you at Our Lady of Mercy taking part in many of the offerings we have, or maybe when you stop by and visit Jesus at the Blessed Sacrament Chapel, at daily Mass during the week, or during Eucharistic Adoration.


Our Lady of Guadalupe Mass 12/12
  • The Mass for the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe will be at 6:30pm on Monday 12/12 in Spanish.  We hope to see you at the Mass which commemorates this wonderful feast day of the Virgin Mary, Our Lady of Guadalupe, the patron saint of the Americas who appeared to Juan Diego in Mexico City in 1531.
Simbang Gabi on 12/17
  • Save the Date for the Simbang Gabi Filipino tradition of celebrating devotional Mass in preparation for the coming of the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ will be held on Saturday 12/17 at 6pm with fellowship and light refreshment after Mass.
  • Register here.
  • Come and join the Filipino community at the Simbang Gabi Mass which invites all of us to nurture the spirit of Advent not only as individual preparation but to prepare as a community, a family of God united in worship and in prayer. We bring our families and friends to the Eucharist, joining the entire community in waiting, and being strengthened by God’s Spirit in preparing for the birth of Jesus.
  • What is Simbang Gabi you may wonder? Find out here.

Donuts & Coffee Sunday 12/18
  • Stop by the PLC after the 8am and 10am Masses on 12/18th for Donuts, Coffee & Fellowship.
  • This month is hosted by Fit Shepherds and Santa will be present; come and take a picture with him. See you there!
Grief and Loss Support Group on 12/19
  • The monthly grief support session is Monday, December 19 from 11am to 12:30pm in Room 114 in the Parish Life Center. It will be a time to share stories, share a meal, and pray together – to encourage one another to move forward in hope. If you have any questions or would like support, please contact Jolene LeRoy RN Director of Pastoral Care at jolenel@olmercy.old.diocesanweb.org.
Healing Hearts Ministry on 12/19
  • Join others for a time of sharing, prayer and a self-care activity that will focus on gratitude and having a thankful heart on Monday, December 19 from 7pm to 8:30pm in Room 114 in the Parish Life Center. The time together is meant to improve the health and wellness of the mind, body, and spirit. If you have any questions, contact Janice Hurtado Aeppli at 312-217-7872.

A Thankful Note from the Art & Environment Team
  • At this time of Thanks and Giving, the Arts & Environment Committee at OLM would like to heartfully thank all who have offered their time and talent during the past liturgical year, to help make our worship space more inviting and welcoming. Not to mention any names, with fear of forgetting some, be assured you are remembered for your help.
  • As we begin a new liturgical year, and anticipate the birth of Jesus, we will, again, be decorating for ‘the holidays’. Trees need to be set up, lights strung, wreaths decorated, plants set up and watered during the season, figurines moved, floral arrangements designed and the list goes on knowing we decorate not only the worship space, but the total environment as well! If you can spare a morning, or an hour in the afternoon, please reach out to the core committee at aandeolm@gmail.com and we’ll welcome your time and your talent. All are welcome, all ideas are welcomed. A heartfelt ‘thanks’ cannot be said enough!
Christmas Flower Memorials
  • This Christmas we will decorate the church with poinsettias around the altar.  Flowers can also be memorialized by using one of the flower envelopes found in the narthex.  The recommended donation is $10.00.  Thank you for your generosity and for helping to make our church beautiful during the holiday season.

Are you curious about becoming Catholic? Are you Catholic but haven’t yet received all your sacraments?

  • O.C.I A., the Order of Christian Initiation for Adults, is the amazing journey of entering into the fullness of the Catholic faith. We will help you to learn, grow, find community, and prepare for the fullness of life that God desires for us all!
  • Even if you’re unsure with where you’re at regarding becoming Catholic or receiving all your sacraments, please fill out this formso that we can know how best to help! You are also welcome to reach out to Fr. James at frjames@olmercy.old.diocesanweb.org

Health Updates on Father Don
  • Please continue to keep Father Don in your prayers. To keep updated on how he is doing, please check the following CaringBridge website.
Free Throw Championship 1/19/2023
  • On Thursday 1/19/2022 at 7pm is the Robert H. Weaver Knights of Columbus #12005 Free Throw Championship in the gym at the Parish Life Center. Registration begins at 6:45pm
  • All boys and girls aged 9 to 14, as of 1/1/2023, are invited to participate, please present proof of age during registration with written parental consent. Participants will compete in their respective age divisions, with the winners advancing to the district, region, and state competitions.  All contestants at this local event will be recognized for their participation.  The District competition will take place in February at a to-be-determined location.  For additional information call (630) 957-7559.
Teen Mission Trip July 2023 

World Youth Day 2023 
  • The Consuming Fire Young Adult Grow Group is looking to join the Joliet Diocese on a Pilgrimage to Lisbon, Portugal for World Youth Day 2023 from July 29 to August 7. Come and join them!  This includes an optional pre-tour to Madrid from July 25 to 29.  Proceed here for further details.

Bishop Hick’s Monthly Column 
  • In his November column, Bishop Hicks writes about “Our Baptismal Duty.” Read his insightful column HERE.

Scam Emails
  • From time to time, there are phishing (SCAM) emails going out to members of the parish and staff claiming to be Father Michael.
    Please note that Father Michael and Father James DO NOT send texts or emails asking for money or gift cards. If you receive a message appearing to be from Father Michael or Father James, please discard it, (any email that does not have “olmercy.old.diocesanweb.org” is a fake email) and DO NOT SEND ANY ELECTRONIC MONETARY AID.  No one on the staff will personally ask for money in whatever form (gift cards etc). If someone sends you a private message, asking for a donation of sorts, it’s undoubtedly a fake account. Please keep praying for us, and God bless you!

Do you have a story to share of your time with Jesus in the Eucharist?

  • In the Eucharist, Jesus wants to remind you that you are never alone, that He is with you. In your brokenness, sorrows, and frustrations, He is with you. In everything you face—when you’re tired, ready to give up, hanging on by a thread, Jesus says to you, “I AM HERE.”
  • If you have experienced the above with Jesus, we invite you to share your story so as to inspire others to spend time with Jesus in the Eucharist, and to go to Holy Mass.  Allow your story to be the vessel that can reach that person who Jesus is drawing to Himself more closely, especially those who are going through a tough time right now.  Let us take part in the National Eucharistic Revival in a tangible way; come and share your story of your encounter with Jesus in the Eucharist.  Connect with zara@olmercy.old.diocesanweb.org to share your encounter.

Our Lady of Mercy Garden of Hope, Love & Mercy

  • The Justice & Peace Ministry, which has constructed a Community Garden on Our Lady of Mercy parish grounds and provided fresh produce over the past few months has had a fruitful season and looks forward to expanding in 2023. Produce from the garden has been donated to local organizations such as the Marie Wilkinson Food Pantry and  Hesed House. Late-season plantings are still producing vegetables and herbs. The faithful volunteers have been pleased with the success of this very worthy cause. If you have a green thumb or wish to participate in the preparation and planting, watering, weeding, and harvesting in early spring and throughout the 2023 growing season, please contact Chris at 631-561-9722 or chrisharveyny@gmail.com or Ida at 630-605-6038 or idamphillips122@gmail.com.

Did You Know We Have a Parish School?
  • All Saints Catholic Academy (ASCA) located at 1155 Aurora Ave, Naperville is our parish school!
  • Are you a parent with preschool, elementary, and middle school-aged children struggling with the antithetical Christian values the government schools are indoctrinating the children who attend the government schools?  You’re not alone.
  • Join a growing number of OLM parents who have made the movement!  Consider connecting with some of the families who have made the move from sending their child(ren) to public school to All Saints Catholic Academy.
  • Connect with Patty Bajek at (630) 961-6125, or pbajek@ascacademy.org to express your interest and schedule a personalized tour.  Or peruse their website to explore your interest.
St. Vincent de Paul Society Volunteers
  • Thank you for your support of our clothing drive. Your clothing donation, as well as your financial donations throughout the year, allows us to help our parishioners and neighbors in need. In the last quarter of 2021, we provided assistance to 35 people/families.
  • The ministry is always looking for volunteers to join our St. Vincent de Paul Society in assisting our neighbors in need. If you would like to volunteer or learn more, send an email to olmsvdp@gmail.com with your name and contact information.
Supporting OLM through the CMAA
  • Thank you so much to those who have pledged!  Once we have reached our goal in paid pledges, 70% of the additional funds received will be returned to our parish.
  • Father Don and Bishop Hicks are asking us to join them in pledging to the CMAA to help the poor and vulnerable, form our future shepherds, and spread the faith through our Catholic schools, faith formation programs in parishes, and programs for young adults.
  • Donations can be made here Check out how your gifts to the CMAA help at this link. Thank you for your consideration.
For the Hispanic Community
  • Please proceed here for the OLM Hispanic Ministry’s upcoming events and resources.
    Continúe aquí para conocer los próximos eventos y recursos del Ministerio Hispano de OLM.
  • There will be Stations of the Cross in Spanish every 2nd Wednesday of the month after the 12pm Mass.
    A partir de la próxima semana, habrá Estaciones de la Cruz en español cada segundo miércoles del mes después de la misa de las 12 pm.
A Note from the Intercessory Prayer Ministry
  • How can we be praying for you today?
    There are times when life is overwhelming when all we have is questions. In those moments, hope can feel far away. The great thing about prayer is that it shifts our perspective toward the One who stands ready to listen. No matter what you’re facing, we’d love to pray with you. Submit your prayer requests at this link
  • Prayer Ministry takes place monthly at MAGNIFY and on the last weekend of the month Mass times.  Prayer ministry is an opportunity for those in need of physical, emotional, or spiritual healing or with a specific intention. Come as an individual, as a couple, or as. a family and receive prayer for yourself or request prayers for someone in need. Listen and receive the prayers while being open to the Holy Spirit’s movement. Trained prayer ministers are available.
Have you downloaded our myParish App yet?
  • If you haven’t done so, we encourage you to download the Our Lady of Mercy app available to download for iPhone and Android smartphones.  Or text APP to 88202 to download.
    • Stay connected with our parish throughout the week with instant notifications, an easy-to-access event calendar, and the ability to quickly reply to or share messages via Facebook or Twitter. Also enjoy a bunch of additional features like prayers, daily readings, helpful reminders to silence your phone before Mass or Confession, and much more.
OSV Giving Link Update
  • Our online giving link has been updated by our provider (OSV), please be sure to update your bookmark, below is the link.
  • The myParish App “Giving” button has been updated.  Don’t have the myParish App yet? Text APP to 88202 to download!  Receive this update, instant news, and get access to the parish calendar, daily readings, and Confession guide among a plethora of things.
  • https://www.osvhub.com/olmercy/giving/funds

Grow Groups | We continue to launch Grow Groups, one group at a time.

Connect with zara@olmercy.old.diocesanweb.org for any questions.

Mission. A Mother’s Heart is a group for Catholic mothers with children ages 0-11 who are seeking to journey with other like-minded women of faith.  Following the example of St. Thérèse of Lisieux, we strive to imitate her “little way” of growing in holiness through the lenses of motherhood and family.
Meets. Thursdays twice a month.  For any of the following: book chats, podcast discussions, “Mom’s Night Out”, community service projects, fellowship, playgroups, prayer.
Connect.  Reach out to Lydia Schmitt lydiadschmitt@gmail.com for any questions.
Mission. This group exists to grow a community that inspires and forms the young adult generation to be saints.
Meets. Tuesdays @ 7pm and twice a month for social gatherings.
Connect.  Reach out to Matt Kubanda and Mary Rysavy rysavyme@gmail.com
World Youth Day 2023.  The Consuming Fire Young Adult Grow Group is looking to join the Joliet Diocese on a Pilgrimage to Lisbon, Portugal for World Youth Day 2023 from July 29 to August 7.  This includes an optional pre-tour to Madrid from July 25 to 29.  Proceed here for further details.


Mission. “Encounter/Grow/Witness” is the threefold dimension of the Christian life.  Once we encounter Jesus, we are then called to grow daily as His disciples. Grow Groups are one way Our Lady of Mercy is responding to our missionary identity where we are called to help parishioners grow continually in discipleship.
Meets. Wednesdays 7pm to 8:30pm
Connect. For more information, connect with Bob Maxwell at bmaxwell@deltadentalil.com or 630-962-8464
Mission.  Vine & Branches is a group at Our Lady of Mercy that offers support and belonging to individuals of any age or faith who are divorced or separated on the way to divorce.
Meets. Wednesdays @ 7pm with social gatherings.
Connect. The group leaders are looking forward to hearing from you, please don’t hesitate to reach out to them.
Kim Harris kimharris73@yahoo.com
Mary LoGalbo logalbo.marycarol@gmail.com
John Frederick jdfredericj@icloud.com
Jim Marks jimm6351@yahoo.com


Hosted by Encounter Ministries in Grand Rapids, MI, conference participants can expect an atmosphere of Spirit-filled worship in the presence of God, Holy Mass, inspiring and transforming keynote speakers, breakout sessions, Eucharistic Adoration, a healing service, fellowship, and many opportunities for prayer ministry and growth in the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Proceed here for details and registration.

Taking place in St. Louis, MO, SEEK is the only Catholic conference of its size diving into the heart of the Gospel and exploring how to answer Christ’s call in every moment. SEEK is for everyone. That means you. There’s Prayer, Fellowship, Inspiration, and Entertainment, sign up for SEEK23 and join the thousands who are answering a new call to become a disciple.


Registration is now available for the inaugural Wonder Conference, presented by the Word on Fire Institute, an annual opportunity to engage with theologians and other experts on important issues at the intersection of the Catholic faith and secular culture. This year’s conference is on faith and science. It is taking place at the Gaylord Texan Resort & Convention Center.

FREE ONLINE RESOURCES In this section, you will find free conferences, webinars, and studies that you can freely take part in that can grow your faith.


Diving into the beauty of the Faith has never been easier: at home, on the go, or from any internet-connected device. Discover thousands of books, audio talks, movies, documentaries, and studies… there is something for every member of the family to help them grow closer to Christ and His Church.

  1. Visit http://signup.formed.org/
  2. Enter our parish zip or name
  3. Enter your name and email

Check out our “Eucharist Resources” page to help us understand deeply the centrality of the Eucharist in our lives.


From Augustine Institute comes this NEW AND FREE Catholic prayer app that inspires your daily conversation with God through faithful meditations and nourishing Scripture. There is also Family Content: Enjoy and share family-favorite audio from the series Brother Francis and the Jesus Stories.  Please enjoy this latest offering from the Augustine Institute.


Hallow is a Catholic prayer & meditation app that helps users deepen their relationship with God through contemplative prayer and strengthen one’s mental health in the process. Easy-to-use, audio-guided sessions anywhere from 1 to 60 minutes long. Pray your own way with a personalized prayer plan pulling from 3,000+ unique sessions including the Lectio Divina on the Daily Gospel, Rosary, Examen, Night Prayer, Calm & Humility “Praylists” and much more. Hallow Light is free. Hallow Plus is $5 per month ($60 per year). Sign up for either one here.


Engage the goodness, truth, and beauty of the faith!
Did you know that you have complete access to Bishop Barron’s Word on Fire ENGAGE video library!   Check out this link to watch any of the videos whenever you want without ever having to login.

Not sure where to start? How about checking out the short 5 episode series on The Eucharist This fresh look at the Eucharist brings to light its reality as sacred meal, the sacrifice necessary for communion with God, and the real presence of Christ.


Blessed is She is a sisterhood of women who want to grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ through their Catholic faith.  They create beautiful and accessible resources, products, and experiences to deepen prayer and foster community, both online and in person.


Founded in 2013, The Catholic Gentleman has become one of the most recognizable online men’s apostolate. Each week hundreds of thousands of men around the world visit our site for the insightful articles and the highest-quality products designed to encourage a life of authentic manhood. Their mission: To inspire men to holiness.


Looking for authentically Catholic content for men? Look no further than HeroicMen.com—the all-new, 100% FREE Catholic streaming platform for men.
Learn about your faith from today’s best Catholic speakers—and do it all from the convenience of home. Stream-on-demand from your phone or tablet, too, for quality Catholic content on the go.  Get it all—for FREE – at HeroicMen.com


Have you wanted to get to know St. Thomas Aquinas and his writings more so as to grow closer to Jesus?

Sign up for any of the short and free courses at Aquinas 101 a project of the

Thomistic Institute seeks to promote understanding of the thought of St. Thomas Aquinas, the eminent 13th-century philosopher, and theologian.

Aquinas is a masterful interpreter of reality. His writings assist us in answering perennial questions on topics like God, man, the natural world, law, and morality, and questions of special relevance to our time like the relationship between modern science and faith or pursuing happiness in the digital era.


If you have physical, mental, emotional or spiritual health concerns or questions about end-of-life issues, funeral planning, journeying through grief, caregiving for a loved one or are homebound, please contact Jolene LeRoy RN Parish Nurse and Director of Pastoral Care for support and resources at jolenel@olmercy.old.diocesanweb.org or 331-707-5380.

All of us have experienced joys and sorrows, ups and downs, accomplishments and disappointments in our lives. There may have been times that resulted in brokenness or heavy hearts that affect our attitude and way of living. The Open HEARTS Ministry has changed its name to Healing Hearts as it is a ministry for anyone 18 years of age or older who would like to practice self-care for their own health and wellness and would also like to reach out to others to offer healing and hope.

If you are in need of emotional or mental health support or resources, please contact Janice Hurtado Aeppli at 321-217- 7872 or at olmopenhearts@yahoo.com

Do you find yourself struggling in overcoming your battle with pornography?   Restore is a weekly (anonymous) meeting where men lean on each other for support and accountability and share ideas as to how to strengthen our resolve to stay on God’s path of chastity.  All men are welcome, whether you have been free of pornography addiction for many years or struggle with it every single day.

If you are ready to start breaking free from the grips of pornography and want to Restore your life email us at Restore.olm@gmail.com to find out more information on when and where we meet.

Be encouraged; check out this Testimony.

If you are experiencing grief and would like to join others for a time of sharing stories, tears and laughter, prayer, and moving forward in hope – please come on Monday, June 27 from 11am to 1pm in the Ministry Room located in the church. There is no registration. This is an opportunity to receive support and understanding during your grief journey. If you have questions, please call Jolene LeRoy RN Parish Nurse and Director of Pastoral Care at 331-707-5380.


Pregnant and parenting moms in need are in our parishes and our neighborhoods. As Pope Francis reminds us, our parishes need to be “islands of mercy in the midst of a sea of indifference.” Everyone in the parish community should know where to refer a pregnant woman in need.  Please see this infographic to be informed on how we are walking with Moms in need. Connect with Lydia Schmitt for further questions at lydias@olmercy.old.diocesanweb.org



November 27, 2022 | Parish Update

November 27, 2022 | Parish Update

Our need for Jesus & Advent Schedule/Resources

View the full posting at https://app.flocknote.com/note/19135300

From Father James . . .

Our need for the humility of Jesus—found firstly in the manger—is a great place to begin our Advent. Allow me to share with you a little excerpt from one of my favorite novelists, Michael O’Brien, in his book Plague Journal:
     “There are ways of dealing with trouble in an affluent age. If you have enough money or influence, health, and power, you can stave off trouble for a long time. You can pad and buffer and distract yourself until the illusion of mastery is complete. The only weakness in this seemingly perfect method is that your life must then be preoccupied with padding, buffering, and distracting. Most of us do it to some degree. We can’t help it really. Pain just isn’t fun; helplessness is scary. But suffering finds us all sooner or later. There is no hiding place, and, when raising a family, you are especially exposed to the dangers of human existence. 
     I didn’t know it then, but the cost of a happy family is the death of selfishness. The father must die if he is to give life to his spouse and children. Not a pleasant thought but a true one. An entire lifetime can be spent avoiding it. It’s simply not enough to provide and protect. In themselves, of course, providing and protecting are good and necessary things. That is our responsibility. 
     But a father can provide a mountain of material goods for his family and defend it against all kinds of inconveniences, thinking he can rest easy, having done his part, and still have missed the essential point: he is called to be an image of love and truth. The house he provides, be it a cabin, a mansion, or a barge painted Christmas colors, must have at its core a heart that is willing to look at its poverty. As long as we’re convinced of our own strengths, our cleverness, and our cagey ability to endure, we still think we’re in charge. We construct a lifestyle of eliminating difficulties at any cost. It takes a lot of padding if you’re to avoid the unexplainable, unjust blows of suffering. There will come a time, however, when this elaborate defense system crumbles.” 
If we don’t see our need for Jesus, our own poverties, then Advent isn’t very exciting. If, on the other hand, we know that we are nothing without Jesus, and if Jesus becomes the deepest desire of our hearts, then we won’t be able to help but echo the ancient, eager cry of Advent, “Maranatha!” Come, Lord Jesus! … into my heart, into my life, into my family, into my sufferings, into my joys, and into my poverty! You alone give perfect peace. You alone give perfect joy. 
Father James


We look forward to seeing you at Our Lady of Mercy taking part in many of the offerings we have, or maybe when you stop by and visit Jesus at the Blessed Sacrament Chapel, at daily Mass during the week, or during Eucharistic Adoration.


Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception 12/7
  • The Mass times for the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception are Vigil Mass at 7pm on 12/6th and Mass times of 6:30am, 8am, 12pm and 7pm on 12/7th.  We pray to see you at any of the Mass times; let us rejoice with the Immaculate Mother of God, for it is through her intercession that God has bestowed every spiritual blessing upon us.  
  • God chose Mary, the Immaculate Conception, to be our “model of holiness” by preserving her entirely from original sin, making her all-pure and all-holy. In doing this God also shows us what is possible for us, too, wounded by sin—the healing and restoration of our whole humanity. The intercession and maternal love of the Immaculate One, given to us as our Mother, is the special way God has chosen to bestow upon us the grace of such a healing. As the Mother of our Savior, Mary shares uniquely in His redemptive sacrifice. We turn to her with confidence, for she is “our life, our sweetness, and our hope.” Immaculate Mary, pray for us!

Unbound on 12/9 & 12/10

    • Because of the fruitfulness of the last conference and repeated requests, there will be an Unbound Freedom in Christ Conference on 12/9 from 6:30pm to 9:15pm through 12/10 from 9am to 9pm with catered lunch & dinner included.
    • Recommended reading prior to the conference is the “Unbound: A Practical Guide to Deliverance.”  The book is available in the parish office for $15, purchase a copy today and prepare your heart to be overwhelmed by the love of Jesus.
    • Unsure about Unbound? Check out the short videos below of the recent conference and a snippet of what Unbound is or proceed to this link. Experience what over 200 people experienced at the last conference; sign up now.
Our Lady of Guadalupe Mass 12/12
  • The Mass for the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe will be at 6:30pm on Monday 12/12 in Spanish.  We hope to see you at the Mass which commemorates this wonderful feast day of the Virgin Mary, Our Lady of Guadalupe, the patron saint of the Americas who appeared to Juan Diego in Mexico City in 1531.
Simbang Gabi on 12/17
  • Save the Date for the Simbang Gabi Filipino tradition of celebrating devotional Mass in preparation for the coming of the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ will be held on Saturday 12/17 at 6pm with fellowship and light refreshment after Mass. Registration will start at the end of November.
  • Come and join the Filipino community at the Simbang Gabi Mass which invites all of us to nurture the spirit of Advent not only as individual preparation but to prepare as a community, a family of God united in worship and in prayer. We bring our families and friends to the Eucharist, joining the entire community in waiting, and being strengthened by God’s Spirit in preparing for the birth of Jesus.
  • What is Simbang Gabi you may wonder? Find out here.
Donuts & Coffee Sunday 12/18
  • Stop by the PLC after the 8am and 10am Masses on 12/18th for Donuts, Coffee & Fellowship.  See you there!
Healing Hearts Ministry on 12/19
  • Join others for a time of sharing, prayer and a self-care activity that will focus on gratitude and having a thankful heart on Monday, December 19 from 7pm to 8:30pm in Room 114 in the Parish Life Center. The time together is meant to improve the health and wellness of the mind, body, and spirit. If you have any questions, contact Janice Hurtado Aeppli at 312-217-7872.
A Thankful Note from the Art & Environment Team
  • At this time of Thanks and Giving, the Arts & Environment Committee at OLM would like to heartfully thank all who have offered their time and talent during the past liturgical year, to help make our worship space more inviting and welcoming. Not to mention any names, with fear of forgetting some, be assured you are remembered for your help.
  • As we begin a new liturgical year, and anticipate the birth of Jesus, we will, again, be decorating for ‘the holidays’. Trees need to be set up, lights strung, wreaths decorated, plants set up and watered during the season, figurines moved, floral arrangements designed and the list goes on knowing we decorate not only the worship space, but the total environment as well! If you can spare a morning, or an hour in the afternoon, please reach out to the core committee at aandeolm@gmail.com and we’ll welcome your time and your talent. All are welcome, all ideas are welcomed. A heartfelt ‘thanks’ cannot be said enough!
Christmas Flower Memorials
  • This Christmas we will decorate the church with poinsettias around the altar.  Flowers can also be memorialized by using one of the flower envelopes found in the narthex.  The recommended donation is $10.00.  Thank you for your generosity and for helping to make our church beautiful during the holiday season.

Are you curious about becoming Catholic? Are you Catholic but haven’t yet received all your sacraments?

  • O.C.I A., the Order of Christian Initiation for Adults, is the amazing journey of entering into the fullness of the Catholic faith. We will help you to learn, grow, find community, and prepare for the fullness of life that God desires for us all!
  • Even if you’re unsure with where you’re at regarding becoming Catholic or receiving all your sacraments, please fill out this formso that we can know how best to help! You are also welcome to reach out to Fr. James at frjames@olmercy.old.diocesanweb.org

Health Updates on Father Don
  • Please continue to keep Father Don in your prayers. To keep updated on how he is doing, please check the following CaringBridge website.
Free Throw Championship 1/19/2023
  • On Thursday 1/19/2022 at 7pm is the Robert H. Weaver Knights of Columbus #12005 Free Throw Championship in the gym at the Parish Life Center. Registration begins at 6:45pm
  • All boys and girls aged 9 to 14, as of 1/1/2023, are invited to participate, please present proof of age during registration with written parental consent. Participants will compete in their respective age divisions, with the winners advancing to the district, region, and state competitions.  All contestants at this local event will be recognized for their participation.  The District competition will take place in February at a to-be-determined location.  For additional information call (630) 957-7559.
Teen Mission Trip July 2023 

World Youth Day 2023 
  • The Consuming Fire Young Adult Grow Group is looking to join the Joliet Diocese on a Pilgrimage to Lisbon, Portugal for World Youth Day 2023 from July 29 to August 7. Come and join them!  This includes an optional pre-tour to Madrid from July 25 to 29.  Proceed here for further details.

Bishop Hick’s Monthly Column 
  • In his November column, Bishop Hicks writes about “Our Baptismal Duty.” Read his insightful column HERE.

Scam Emails
  • From time to time, there are phishing (SCAM) emails going out to members of the parish and staff claiming to be Father Michael.
    Please note that Father Michael and Father James DO NOT send texts or emails asking for money or gift cards. If you receive a message appearing to be from Father Michael or Father James, please discard it, (any email that does not have “olmercy.old.diocesanweb.org” is a fake email) and DO NOT SEND ANY ELECTRONIC MONETARY AID.  No one on the staff will personally ask for money in whatever form (gift cards etc). If someone sends you a private message, asking for a donation of sorts, it’s undoubtedly a fake account. Please keep praying for us, and God bless you!

Do you have a story to share of your time with Jesus in the Eucharist?

  • In the Eucharist, Jesus wants to remind you that you are never alone, that He is with you. In your brokenness, sorrows, and frustrations, He is with you. In everything you face—when you’re tired, ready to give up, hanging on by a thread, Jesus says to you, “I AM HERE.”
  • If you have experienced the above with Jesus, we invite you to share your story so as to inspire others to spend time with Jesus in the Eucharist, and to go to Holy Mass.  Allow your story to be the vessel that can reach that person who Jesus is drawing to Himself more closely, especially those who are going through a tough time right now.  Let us take part in the National Eucharistic Revival in a tangible way; come and share your story of your encounter with Jesus in the Eucharist.  Connect with zara@olmercy.old.diocesanweb.org to share your encounter.

Our Lady of Mercy Garden of Hope, Love & Mercy

  • The Justice & Peace Ministry, which has constructed a Community Garden on Our Lady of Mercy parish grounds and provided fresh produce over the past few months has had a fruitful season and looks forward to expanding in 2023. Produce from the garden has been donated to local organizations such as the Marie Wilkinson Food Pantry and  Hesed House. Late-season plantings are still producing vegetables and herbs. The faithful volunteers have been pleased with the success of this very worthy cause. If you have a green thumb or wish to participate in the preparation and planting, watering, weeding, and harvesting in early spring and throughout the 2023 growing season, please contact Chris at 631-561-9722 or chrisharveyny@gmail.com or Ida at 630-605-6038 or idamphillips122@gmail.com.

Did You Know We Have a Parish School?
  • All Saints Catholic Academy (ASCA) located at 1155 Aurora Ave, Naperville is our parish school!
  • Are you a parent with preschool, elementary, and middle school-aged children struggling with the antithetical Christian values the government schools are indoctrinating the children who attend the government schools?  You’re not alone.
  • Join a growing number of OLM parents who have made the movement!  Consider connecting with some of the families who have made the move from sending their child(ren) to public school to All Saints Catholic Academy.
  • Connect with Patty Bajek at (630) 961-6125, or pbajek@ascacademy.org to express your interest and schedule a personalized tour.  Or peruse their website to explore your interest.
St. Vincent de Paul Society Volunteers
  • Thank you for your support of our clothing drive. Your clothing donation, as well as your financial donations throughout the year, allows us to help our parishioners and neighbors in need. In the last quarter of 2021, we provided assistance to 35 people/families.
  • The ministry is always looking for volunteers to join our St. Vincent de Paul Society in assisting our neighbors in need. If you would like to volunteer or learn more, send an email to olmsvdp@gmail.com with your name and contact information.
Supporting OLM through the CMAA
  • Thank you so much to those who have pledged!  Once we have reached our goal in paid pledges, 70% of the additional funds received will be returned to our parish.
  • Father Don and Bishop Hicks are asking us to join them in pledging to the CMAA to help the poor and vulnerable, form our future shepherds, and spread the faith through our Catholic schools, faith formation programs in parishes, and programs for young adults.
  • Donations can be made here Check out how your gifts to the CMAA help at this link. Thank you for your consideration.
For the Hispanic Community
  • Please proceed here for the OLM Hispanic Ministry’s upcoming events and resources.
    Continúe aquí para conocer los próximos eventos y recursos del Ministerio Hispano de OLM.
  • There will be Stations of the Cross in Spanish every 2nd Wednesday of the month after the 12pm Mass.
    A partir de la próxima semana, habrá Estaciones de la Cruz en español cada segundo miércoles del mes después de la misa de las 12 pm.
A Note from the Intercessory Prayer Ministry
  • How can we be praying for you today?
    There are times when life is overwhelming when all we have is questions. In those moments, hope can feel far away. The great thing about prayer is that it shifts our perspective toward the One who stands ready to listen. No matter what you’re facing, we’d love to pray with you. Submit your prayer requests at this link
  • Prayer Ministry takes place monthly at MAGNIFY and on the last weekend of the month Mass times.  Prayer ministry is an opportunity for those in need of physical, emotional, or spiritual healing or with a specific intention. Come as an individual, as a couple, or as. a family and receive prayer for yourself or request prayers for someone in need. Listen and receive the prayers while being open to the Holy Spirit’s movement. Trained prayer ministers are available.
Have you downloaded our myParish App yet?
  • If you haven’t done so, we encourage you to download the Our Lady of Mercy app available to download for iPhone and Android smartphones.  Or text APP to 88202 to download.
    • Stay connected with our parish throughout the week with instant notifications, an easy-to-access event calendar, and the ability to quickly reply to or share messages via Facebook or Twitter. Also enjoy a bunch of additional features like prayers, daily readings, helpful reminders to silence your phone before Mass or Confession, and much more.
OSV Giving Link Update
  • Our online giving link has been updated by our provider (OSV), please be sure to update your bookmark, below is the link.
  • The myParish App “Giving” button has been updated.  Don’t have the myParish App yet? Text APP to 88202 to download!  Receive this update, instant news, and get access to the parish calendar, daily readings, and Confession guide among a plethora of things.
  • https://www.osvhub.com/olmercy/giving/funds

Grow Groups | We continue to launch Grow Groups, one group at a time.

Connect with zara@olmercy.old.diocesanweb.org for any questions.

Mission. A Mother’s Heart is a group for Catholic mothers with children ages 0-11 who are seeking to journey with other like-minded women of faith.  Following the example of St. Thérèse of Lisieux, we strive to imitate her “little way” of growing in holiness through the lenses of motherhood and family.
Meets. Thursdays twice a month.  For any of the following: book chats, podcast discussions, “Mom’s Night Out”, community service projects, fellowship, playgroups, prayer.
Connect.  Reach out to Lydia Schmitt lydiadschmitt@gmail.com for any questions.
Mission. This group exists to grow a community that inspires and forms the young adult generation to be saints.
Meets. Tuesdays @ 7pm and twice a month for social gatherings.
Connect.  Reach out to Matt Kubanda and Mary Rysavy rysavyme@gmail.com
World Youth Day 2023.  The Consuming Fire Young Adult Grow Group is looking to join the Joliet Diocese on a Pilgrimage to Lisbon, Portugal for World Youth Day 2023 from July 29 to August 7.  This includes an optional pre-tour to Madrid from July 25 to 29.  Proceed here for further details.


Mission. “Encounter/Grow/Witness” is the threefold dimension of the Christian life.  Once we encounter Jesus, we are then called to grow daily as His disciples. Grow Groups are one way Our Lady of Mercy is responding to our missionary identity where we are called to help parishioners grow continually in discipleship.
Meets. Wednesdays 7pm to 8:30pm
Connect. For more information, connect with Bob Maxwell at bmaxwell@deltadentalil.com or 630-962-8464
Mission.  Vine & Branches is a group at Our Lady of Mercy that offers support and belonging to individuals of any age or faith who are divorced or separated on the way to divorce.
Meets. Wednesdays @ 7pm with social gatherings.
Connect. The group leaders are looking forward to hearing from you, please don’t hesitate to reach out to them.
Kim Harris kimharris73@yahoo.com
Mary LoGalbo logalbo.marycarol@gmail.com
John Frederick jdfredericj@icloud.com
Jim Marks jimm6351@yahoo.com


Hosted by Encounter Ministries in Grand Rapids, MI, conference participants can expect an atmosphere of Spirit-filled worship in the presence of God, Holy Mass, inspiring and transforming keynote speakers, breakout sessions, Eucharistic Adoration, a healing service, fellowship, and many opportunities for prayer ministry and growth in the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Proceed here for details and registration.

Taking place in St. Louis, MO, SEEK is the only Catholic conference of its size diving into the heart of the Gospel and exploring how to answer Christ’s call in every moment. SEEK is for everyone. That means you. There’s Prayer, Fellowship, Inspiration, and Entertainment, sign up for SEEK23 and join the thousands who are answering a new call to become a disciple.


Registration is now available for the inaugural Wonder Conference, presented by the Word on Fire Institute, an annual opportunity to engage with theologians and other experts on important issues at the intersection of the Catholic faith and secular culture. This year’s conference is on faith and science. It is taking place at the Gaylord Texan Resort & Convention Center.

FREE ONLINE RESOURCES In this section, you will find free conferences, webinars, and studies that you can freely take part in that can grow your faith.


Diving into the beauty of the Faith has never been easier: at home, on the go, or from any internet-connected device. Discover thousands of books, audio talks, movies, documentaries, and studies… there is something for every member of the family to help them grow closer to Christ and His Church.

  1. Visit http://signup.formed.org/
  2. Enter our parish zip or name
  3. Enter your name and email

Check out our “Eucharist Resources” page to help us understand deeply the centrality of the Eucharist in our lives.


From Augustine Institute comes this NEW AND FREE Catholic prayer app that inspires your daily conversation with God through faithful meditations and nourishing Scripture. There is also Family Content: Enjoy and share family-favorite audio from the series Brother Francis and the Jesus Stories.  Please enjoy this latest offering from the Augustine Institute.


Hallow is a Catholic prayer & meditation app that helps users deepen their relationship with God through contemplative prayer and strengthen one’s mental health in the process. Easy-to-use, audio-guided sessions anywhere from 1 to 60 minutes long. Pray your own way with a personalized prayer plan pulling from 3,000+ unique sessions including the Lectio Divina on the Daily Gospel, Rosary, Examen, Night Prayer, Calm & Humility “Praylists” and much more. Hallow Light is free. Hallow Plus is $5 per month ($60 per year). Sign up for either one here.


Engage the goodness, truth, and beauty of the faith!
Did you know that you have complete access to Bishop Barron’s Word on Fire ENGAGE video library!   Check out this link to watch any of the videos whenever you want without ever having to login.

Not sure where to start? How about checking out the short 5 episode series on The Eucharist This fresh look at the Eucharist brings to light its reality as sacred meal, the sacrifice necessary for communion with God, and the real presence of Christ.


Blessed is She is a sisterhood of women who want to grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ through their Catholic faith.  They create beautiful and accessible resources, products, and experiences to deepen prayer and foster community, both online and in person.


Founded in 2013, The Catholic Gentleman has become one of the most recognizable online men’s apostolate. Each week hundreds of thousands of men around the world visit our site for the insightful articles and the highest-quality products designed to encourage a life of authentic manhood. Their mission: To inspire men to holiness.


Looking for authentically Catholic content for men? Look no further than HeroicMen.com—the all-new, 100% FREE Catholic streaming platform for men.
Learn about your faith from today’s best Catholic speakers—and do it all from the convenience of home. Stream-on-demand from your phone or tablet, too, for quality Catholic content on the go.  Get it all—for FREE – at HeroicMen.com


Have you wanted to get to know St. Thomas Aquinas and his writings more so as to grow closer to Jesus?

Sign up for any of the short and free courses at Aquinas 101 a project of the

Thomistic Institute seeks to promote understanding of the thought of St. Thomas Aquinas, the eminent 13th-century philosopher, and theologian.

Aquinas is a masterful interpreter of reality. His writings assist us in answering perennial questions on topics like God, man, the natural world, law, and morality, and questions of special relevance to our time like the relationship between modern science and faith or pursuing happiness in the digital era.


If you have physical, mental, emotional or spiritual health concerns or questions about end-of-life issues, funeral planning, journeying through grief, caregiving for a loved one or are homebound, please contact Jolene LeRoy RN Parish Nurse and Director of Pastoral Care for support and resources at jolenel@olmercy.old.diocesanweb.org or 331-707-5380.

All of us have experienced joys and sorrows, ups and downs, accomplishments and disappointments in our lives. There may have been times that resulted in brokenness or heavy hearts that affect our attitude and way of living. The Open HEARTS Ministry has changed its name to Healing Hearts as it is a ministry for anyone 18 years of age or older who would like to practice self-care for their own health and wellness and would also like to reach out to others to offer healing and hope.

If you are in need of emotional or mental health support or resources, please contact Janice Hurtado Aeppli at 321-217- 7872 or at olmopenhearts@yahoo.com

Do you find yourself struggling in overcoming your battle with pornography?   Restore is a weekly (anonymous) meeting where men lean on each other for support and accountability and share ideas as to how to strengthen our resolve to stay on God’s path of chastity.  All men are welcome, whether you have been free of pornography addiction for many years or struggle with it every single day.

If you are ready to start breaking free from the grips of pornography and want to Restore your life email us at Restore.olm@gmail.com to find out more information on when and where we meet.

Be encouraged; check out this Testimony.

If you are experiencing grief and would like to join others for a time of sharing stories, tears and laughter, prayer, and moving forward in hope – please come on Monday, June 27 from 11am to 1pm in the Ministry Room located in the church. There is no registration. This is an opportunity to receive support and understanding during your grief journey. If you have questions, please call Jolene LeRoy RN Parish Nurse and Director of Pastoral Care at 331-707-5380.


Pregnant and parenting moms in need are in our parishes and our neighborhoods. As Pope Francis reminds us, our parishes need to be “islands of mercy in the midst of a sea of indifference.” Everyone in the parish community should know where to refer a pregnant woman in need.  Please see this infographic to be informed on how we are walking with Moms in need. Connect with Lydia Schmitt for further questions at lydias@olmercy.old.diocesanweb.org



November 12, 2022 | Parish Update

November 15, 2022 | Parish Update

Essentiality of Priests, Ladies Advent Tea, & Sign-Up for Unbound

View the full posting at https://app.flocknote.com/note/18773501

From Father Michael . . .

(Queue dramatic voice.) “If you had one week to live, what would you do?” This was a frequent conversation starter among my high school friends. The responses varied from traveling the world and seeing the seven wonders, to spending time with family before our untimely demise. As much as it was a morbid question to ask in high school, it was meant to remove all distractions and point us to desires of the heart. 

Every year as we approach the end of the liturgical season of Ordinary Time and move toward Advent, our Sunday readings turn toward the end of days or end times. In our Gospel, we read, “All that you see here, the days will come when there will not be left a stone upon another…” This points to the destruction of the Jerusalem Temple which itself represents the cosmos. What is even more striking, however, is Jesus’ response as to when this will occur: “Nation will rise against nation…there will be… famines, and plagues.” According to Christ’s description, it may seem that we are fast approaching the second coming of Christ and the end of time. 

However, the reason the Church has selected these readings is no different than the question we asked in high school. The Church is desiring for us to remove any and all distractions and have us turn to that which is most important — Our Lord. 

Certainly, there are few who help us to do this very thing, like our seminarians—young men who show us that God is still very much alive and very much calling us to lay down our lives in service to God and our brothers and sisters. That’s why this weekend we are hearing a testimony from our seminarian, Jonathan Hernandez, in collaboration with our Diocesan Seminary Endowment Weekend. I truly believe that those who pursue religious vocations have the ability to point us past this world and point us to the Lord. Please continue to pray for our priests and religious, but also for more young men to answer the call to the priesthood. May we support them as they prepare to spiritually support us, our families, and our future generations.

Father Michael


We look forward to seeing you at Our Lady of Mercy taking part in many of the offerings we have, or maybe when you stop by and visit Jesus at the Blessed Sacrament Chapel, at daily Mass during the week, or during Eucharistic Adoration.


An Invitation from Father Hugh on His 50th Anniversary of Priesthood on 11/19
  • I would like to invite all of you to celebrate my 50th Anniversary as a priest at the 4pm Mass on Saturday, November 19 at Our Lady of Mercy Church. I was your pastor from 2000 to 2017 and you will always be a big part of my life. Please join me as we celebrate on November 19. There will be a reception after Mass in the Parish Life Center. Please RSVP if you will be attending the reception by a text to (312) 699-6871.
    May God’s love always be with you!
    Father Hugh Fullmer
Fair Trade Sale on 11/19 & 11/20
  • Come see items for your home, unique Christmas gifts – support Fair Trade – artisans receive a just living, and are able to provide for their families.

Annual Ladies Advent Tea on 11/27
  • Save the date for the annual Ladies’ Advent Tea on Sunday, November 27 from 2:00pm to 4:30pm. Slow down and take the time to start your Advent season in a special way on the First Sunday of Advent. Ask family members or friends to join you for faith sharing and fellowship. If you are planning to attend, please register at jolenel@olmercy.old.diocesanweb.org.

Donuts and Coffee on 11/20
  • Stop by the PLC after the 8am and 10am Masses on 11/20th for Donuts, Coffee & Fellowship.  See you there!

Catholic Campaign for Human Development on 11/20
  • Dear Friends,Our diocese will soon will take up the national collection for the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD), which serves as the U.S. bishops’ anti-poverty initiative.Helping our brothers and sisters living on the margins has always been a key element of Catholic social teaching. I’m reminded of Pope Francis’ words when he visited a homeless shelter in Rome: “To love God and neighbor is not something abstract, but profoundly concrete: it means seeing in every person the face of the Lord to be served, to serve him concretely.” (Visit at the “Dono di Maria” homeless shelter: Meeting with the Missionaries of Charity, the poor and volunteers, May 21, 2013)It’s important to remember that 25% of the CCHD collection stays within our diocese to be distributed through grants to local organizations whose mission is to help the marginalized. Let me tell you about one of those groups.Children’s Art and Recreation Enrichment Services (C.A.R.E.S.) in Pembroke Township provides community events focused on arts, recreation and education for children and families. The organization’s “Focus on the Family” project features monthly classes centered on parenting skills that conclude with a family meal.The motto of CCHD is that it “offers a hand up, not a hand out.” Let us extend our hands in service to our brothers and sisters who need our help through a donation on the weekend of November 19-20.Paz y bien,
    Most Reverend Ronald A. Hicks
    Bishop of Joliet
Angel Giving Program starts 11/26 & 11/27
  • This year’s program benefits those individuals assisted by SVDP, Hesed House & Aurora Interfaith Food Pantry.  Here are the following ways you can assist families in need over the holidays.
  • Pick-up a stocking after any of the masses the weekend of November 26/27. Fill your stocking with stuffers & return it to the bin by the Welcome Desk or to the Main Office by Sunday 12/11!  Benefits kids @ Aurora Food Pantry.
  • Monetary donations can be made under the Angel Giving Fund via our online giving portal or via check made payable to Our Lady of Mercy with “Angel Giving” in the memo for tax purposes. Accepted thru 12/31.
13th Annual Ladies Advent Tea on 11/27
  • Praying with JOY During Advent: What is the Christ Child yearning to share with you this Advent Season? is the theme of the 13th Ladies’ Advent Tea on Sunday, November 27 from 2pm to 4:30pm.
  • Ladies ages 16 and older, are invited to attend; bring your best gal friends with you!
  • After the prayer experiences and sharing there will be time for fellowship and light refreshments.  Please bring your favorite tea cup or coffee mug for your beverage and a dozen sweets to share on a disposable plate.  There will be a catered appetizer.
  • Please register with Jolene LeRoy by 11/21st by calling 331-707-5382 or by email at jolenel@olmercy.old.diocesanweb.org.
Grief Support on 11/28
  • The monthly grief support session is on Monday, November 28 from 11am to 12:30pm in the Ministry Room. There is no registration. Any questions, please contact Jolene LeRoy RN Director of Pastoral Care at 331-707-5380.
Giving Tuesday on 11/29
  • Giving Tuesday is a day when people all over the world financially support their favorite nonprofit causes. It’s celebrated annually on the Tuesday after Thanksgiving which is on 11/29ththis year. As you prepare to open your hearts in support of worthy causes on Giving Tuesday, please consider making a tax-deductible donation to Our Lady of Mercy.

    Currently, we are not meeting our weekly Sunday goal. As of 10/31, we are below budget by approximately $37,000.

    We wouldn’t be able to accomplish everything we do without your continued support. 𝗬𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗴𝗶𝗳𝘁 𝗼𝗳 𝗮𝗻𝘆 𝗮𝗺𝗼𝘂𝗻𝘁 𝘄𝗶𝗹𝗹 𝗵𝗲𝗹𝗽 𝘂𝘀 𝗺𝗲𝗲𝘁 𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝘄𝗲𝗲𝗸𝗹𝘆 𝗦𝘂𝗻𝗱𝗮𝘆 𝗴𝗼𝗮𝗹 so as to enable us to live out our vision of offering every person a life-changing encounter with Jesus, grow disciples, and send them on mission.

    If you’ve been impacted by Our Lady of Mercy, please consider supporting us on Giving Tuesday, please select “Sunday Contributions” on the secure online OSV give link 

    We pray you are able to help us by joining in this effort; 𝗮𝗹𝗹 𝗱𝗼𝗻𝗼𝗿𝘀 𝘄𝗶𝗹𝗹 𝗿𝗲𝗰𝗲𝗶𝘃𝗲 𝗮 𝗻𝗲𝘄 𝗢𝗟𝗠 𝗖𝗮𝗿 𝗺𝗮𝗴𝗻𝗲𝘁. 𝗣𝗹𝗲𝗮𝘀𝗲 𝗯𝗲 𝘀𝘂𝗿𝗲 𝘁𝗼 𝘄𝗿𝗶𝘁𝗲 𝗮 𝗻𝗼𝘁𝗲 𝗼𝗻 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗺𝗲𝗺𝗼 “𝗚𝗶𝘃𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗧𝘂𝗲𝘀𝗱𝗮𝘆” so we can send one to you or stop by the parish office to pick up your car magnet.

    𝙒𝙚 𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙣𝙠 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙥𝙧𝙖𝙮𝙚𝙧𝙛𝙪𝙡 𝙜𝙚𝙣𝙚𝙧𝙤𝙨𝙞𝙩𝙮 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙨𝙪𝙥𝙥𝙤𝙧𝙩 𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙨 𝙂𝙞𝙫𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙏𝙪𝙚𝙨𝙙𝙖𝙮!

St. Peregrine Prayer Service on 11/29
  • The monthly prayer service will be on Tuesday, November 29 at 7pm (after the 6:30pm Mass) in the church led by Deacon Tony Leazzo. Come together to support one another in prayer and presence.
  • St. Peregrine is the patron saint of the sick, especially those experiencing cancer, serious illness, or chronic illness. Anyone experiencing physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual health concerns would benefit from attending the prayer service. There will be time after the service to venerate the relic of St. Peregrine and pray for your personal needs or intentions.
MAGNIFY on 11/30
  • It’s an Advent-themed MAGNIFY!  There will be an additional priest for Confessions.
  • Advent often comes and goes in a blur. The rush of preparing for Christmas, for bringing the calendar year to an end as a new liturgical year starts, can often eclipse the reason we set aside 4 weeks to prep our hearts and our homes.  No matter what the past year has looked like for you, Advent is an awesome opportunity to regain your footing. It’s an invitation to take a step back and recognize what is most important. Let us start our first week of Advent of stepping back and prepping our hearts at MAGNIFY on 11/30th @ 7pm.  Don’t forget to bring all the children, no matter how young or old they are.  It’s a great way to spend family together and with Jesus no less!
  • #confessions #scripturalreflection #JESUS #realpresence #adorationpraiseandworship #prayerministry

Unbound on 12/9 & 12/10

    • Because of the fruitfulness of the last conference and repeated requests, there will be an Unbound Freedom in Christ Conference on 12/9 from 6:30pm to 9:15pm through 12/10 from 9am to 9pm with catered lunch & dinner included.
    • Recommended reading prior to the conference is the “Unbound: A Practical Guide to Deliverance.”  The book is available in the parish office for $15, purchase a copy today and prepare your heart to be overwhelmed by the love of Jesus.
    • Unsure about Unbound? Check out the short videos below of the recent conference and a snippet of what Unbound is or proceed to this link. Experience what over 200 people experienced at the last conference; sign up now.
Simbang Gabi on 12/17
  • Save the Date for the Simbang Gabi Filipino tradition of celebrating devotional Mass in preparation for the coming of the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ will be held on Saturday 12/17 at 6pm with fellowship and light refreshment after Mass. Registration will start at the end of November.
  • Come and join the Filipino community at the Simbang Gabi Mass which invites all of us to nurture the spirit of Advent not only as individual preparation but to prepare as a community, a family of God united in worship and in prayer. We bring our families and friends to the Eucharist, joining the entire community in waiting, and being strengthened by God’s Spirit in preparing for the birth of Jesus.
  • What is Simbang Gabi you may wonder? Find out here.

Are you curious about becoming Catholic? Are you Catholic but haven’t yet received all your sacraments?

  • O.C.I A., the Order of Christian Initiation for Adults, is the amazing journey of entering into the fullness of the Catholic faith. We will help you to learn, grow, find community, and prepare for the fullness of life that God desires for us all!
  • Even if you’re unsure with where you’re at regarding becoming Catholic or receiving all your sacraments, please fill out this formso that we can know how best to help! You are also welcome to reach out to Fr. James at frjames@olmercy.old.diocesanweb.org

Health Updates on Father Don
  • Please continue to keep Father Don in your prayers. To keep updated on how he is doing, please check the following CaringBridge website.
Teen Mission Trip July 2023 

World Youth Day 2023 
  • The Consuming Fire Young Adult Grow Group is looking to join the Joliet Diocese on a Pilgrimage to Lisbon, Portugal for World Youth Day 2023 from July 29 to August 7. Come and join them!  This includes an optional pre-tour to Madrid from July 25 to 29.  Proceed here for further details.

Bishop Hick’s Monthly Column 
  • In his November column, Bishop Hicks writes about “Our Baptismal Duty.” Read his insightful column HERE.

Scam Emails
  • From time to time, there are phishing (SCAM) emails going out to members of the parish and staff claiming to be Father Michael.
    Please note that Father Michael and Father James DO NOT send texts or emails asking for money or gift cards. If you receive a message appearing to be from Father Michael or Father James, please discard it, (any email that does not have “olmercy.old.diocesanweb.org” is a fake email) and DO NOT SEND ANY ELECTRONIC MONETARY AID.  No one on the staff will personally ask for money in whatever form (gift cards etc). If someone sends you a private message, asking for a donation of sorts, it’s undoubtedly a fake account. Please keep praying for us, and God bless you!

Do you have a story to share of your time with Jesus in the Eucharist?

  • In the Eucharist, Jesus wants to remind you that you are never alone, that He is with you. In your brokenness, sorrows, and frustrations, He is with you. In everything you face—when you’re tired, ready to give up, hanging on by a thread, Jesus says to you, “I AM HERE.”
  • If you have experienced the above with Jesus, we invite you to share your story so as to inspire others to spend time with Jesus in the Eucharist, and to go to Holy Mass.  Allow your story to be the vessel that can reach that person who Jesus is drawing to Himself more closely, especially those who are going through a tough time right now.  Let us take part in the National Eucharistic Revival in a tangible way; come and share your story of your encounter with Jesus in the Eucharist.  Connect with zara@olmercy.old.diocesanweb.org to share your encounter.

Our Lady of Mercy Garden of Hope, Love & Mercy

  • The Justice & Peace Ministry, which has constructed a Community Garden on Our Lady of Mercy parish grounds and provided fresh produce over the past few months has had a fruitful season and looks forward to expanding in 2023. Produce from the garden has been donated to local organizations such as the Marie Wilkinson Food Pantry and  Hesed House. Late-season plantings are still producing vegetables and herbs. The faithful volunteers have been pleased with the success of this very worthy cause. If you have a green thumb or wish to participate in the preparation and planting, watering, weeding, and harvesting in early spring and throughout the 2023 growing season, please contact Chris at 631-561-9722 or chrisharveyny@gmail.com or Ida at 630-605-6038 or idamphillips122@gmail.com.

Did You Know We Have a Parish School?
  • All Saints Catholic Academy (ASCA) located at 1155 Aurora Ave, Naperville is our parish school!
  • Are you a parent with preschool, elementary, and middle school-aged children struggling with the antithetical Christian values the government schools are indoctrinating the children who attend the government schools?  You’re not alone.
  • Join a growing number of OLM parents who have made the movement!  Consider connecting with some of the families who have made the move from sending their child(ren) to public school to All Saints Catholic Academy.
  • Connect with Patty Bajek at (630) 961-6125, or pbajek@ascacademy.org to express your interest and schedule a personalized tour.  Or peruse their website to explore your interest.
St. Vincent de Paul Society Volunteers
  • Thank you for your support of our clothing drive. Your clothing donation, as well as your financial donations throughout the year, allows us to help our parishioners and neighbors in need. In the last quarter of 2021, we provided assistance to 35 people/families.
  • The ministry is always looking for volunteers to join our St. Vincent de Paul Society in assisting our neighbors in need. If you would like to volunteer or learn more, send an email to olmsvdp@gmail.com with your name and contact information.
Supporting OLM through the CMAA
  • Thank you so much to those who have pledged!  Once we have reached our goal in paid pledges, 70% of the additional funds received will be returned to our parish.
  • Father Don and Bishop Hicks are asking us to join them in pledging to the CMAA to help the poor and vulnerable, form our future shepherds, and spread the faith through our Catholic schools, faith formation programs in parishes, and programs for young adults.
  • Donations can be made here Check out how your gifts to the CMAA help at this link. Thank you for your consideration.
For the Hispanic Community
  • Please proceed here for the OLM Hispanic Ministry’s upcoming events and resources.
    Continúe aquí para conocer los próximos eventos y recursos del Ministerio Hispano de OLM.
  • There will be Stations of the Cross in Spanish every 2nd Wednesday of the month after the 12pm Mass.
    A partir de la próxima semana, habrá Estaciones de la Cruz en español cada segundo miércoles del mes después de la misa de las 12 pm.
A Note from the Intercessory Prayer Ministry
  • How can we be praying for you today?
    There are times when life is overwhelming when all we have is questions. In those moments, hope can feel far away. The great thing about prayer is that it shifts our perspective toward the One who stands ready to listen. No matter what you’re facing, we’d love to pray with you. Submit your prayer requests at this link
  • Prayer Ministry takes place monthly at MAGNIFY and on the last weekend of the month Mass times.  Prayer ministry is an opportunity for those in need of physical, emotional, or spiritual healing or with a specific intention. Come as an individual, as a couple, or as. a family and receive prayer for yourself or request prayers for someone in need. Listen and receive the prayers while being open to the Holy Spirit’s movement. Trained prayer ministers are available.
Have you downloaded our myParish App yet?
  • If you haven’t done so, we encourage you to download the Our Lady of Mercy app available to download for iPhone and Android smartphones.  Or text APP to 88202 to download.
    • Stay connected with our parish throughout the week with instant notifications, an easy-to-access event calendar, and the ability to quickly reply to or share messages via Facebook or Twitter. Also enjoy a bunch of additional features like prayers, daily readings, helpful reminders to silence your phone before Mass or Confession, and much more.
OSV Giving Link Update
  • Our online giving link has been updated by our provider (OSV), please be sure to update your bookmark, below is the link.
  • The myParish App “Giving” button has been updated.  Don’t have the myParish App yet? Text APP to 88202 to download!  Receive this update, instant news, and get access to the parish calendar, daily readings, and Confession guide among a plethora of things.
  • https://www.osvhub.com/olmercy/giving/funds

Grow Groups | We continue to launch Grow Groups, one group at a time.

Connect with zara@olmercy.old.diocesanweb.org for any questions.

Mission. A Mother’s Heart is a group for Catholic mothers with children ages 0-11 who are seeking to journey with other like-minded women of faith.  Following the example of St. Thérèse of Lisieux, we strive to imitate her “little way” of growing in holiness through the lenses of motherhood and family.
Meets. Thursdays twice a month.  For any of the following: book chats, podcast discussions, “Mom’s Night Out”, community service projects, fellowship, playgroups, prayer.
Connect.  Reach out to Lydia Schmitt lydiadschmitt@gmail.com for any questions.
Mission. This group exists to grow a community that inspires and forms the young adult generation to be saints.
Meets. Tuesdays @ 7pm and twice a month for social gatherings.
Connect.  Reach out to Matt Kubanda and Mary Rysavy rysavyme@gmail.com
World Youth Day 2023.  The Consuming Fire Young Adult Grow Group is looking to join the Joliet Diocese on a Pilgrimage to Lisbon, Portugal for World Youth Day 2023 from July 29 to August 7.  This includes an optional pre-tour to Madrid from July 25 to 29.  Proceed here for further details.


Mission. “Encounter/Grow/Witness” is the threefold dimension of the Christian life.  Once we encounter Jesus, we are then called to grow daily as His disciples. Grow Groups are one way Our Lady of Mercy is responding to our missionary identity where we are called to help parishioners grow continually in discipleship.
Meets. Wednesdays 7pm to 8:30pm
Connect. For more information, connect with Bob Maxwell at bmaxwell@deltadentalil.com or 630-962-8464
Mission.  Vine & Branches is a group at Our Lady of Mercy that offers support and belonging to individuals of any age or faith who are divorced or separated on the way to divorce.
Meets. Wednesdays @ 7pm with social gatherings.
Connect. The group leaders are looking forward to hearing from you, please don’t hesitate to reach out to them.
Kim Harris kimharris73@yahoo.com
Mary LoGalbo logalbo.marycarol@gmail.com
John Frederick jdfredericj@icloud.com
Jim Marks jimm6351@yahoo.com


Hosted by Encounter Ministries in Grand Rapids, MI, conference participants can expect an atmosphere of Spirit-filled worship in the presence of God, Holy Mass, inspiring and transforming keynote speakers, breakout sessions, Eucharistic Adoration, a healing service, fellowship, and many opportunities for prayer ministry and growth in the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Proceed here for details and registration.

Taking place in St. Louis, MO, SEEK is the only Catholic conference of its size diving into the heart of the Gospel and exploring how to answer Christ’s call in every moment. SEEK is for everyone. That means you. There’s Prayer, Fellowship, Inspiration, and Entertainment, sign up for SEEK23 and join the thousands who are answering a new call to become a disciple.


Registration is now available for the inaugural Wonder Conference, presented by the Word on Fire Institute, an annual opportunity to engage with theologians and other experts on important issues at the intersection of the Catholic faith and secular culture. This year’s conference is on faith and science. It is taking place at the Gaylord Texan Resort & Convention Center.

FREE ONLINE RESOURCES In this section, you will find free conferences, webinars, and studies that you can freely take part in that can grow your faith.


Diving into the beauty of the Faith has never been easier: at home, on the go, or from any internet-connected device. Discover thousands of books, audio talks, movies, documentaries, and studies… there is something for every member of the family to help them grow closer to Christ and His Church.

  1. Visit http://signup.formed.org/
  2. Enter our parish zip or name
  3. Enter your name and email

Check out our “Eucharist Resources” page to help us understand deeply the centrality of the Eucharist in our lives.


From Augustine Institute comes this NEW AND FREE Catholic prayer app that inspires your daily conversation with God through faithful meditations and nourishing Scripture. There is also Family Content: Enjoy and share family-favorite audio from the series Brother Francis and the Jesus Stories.  Please enjoy this latest offering from the Augustine Institute.


Hallow is a Catholic prayer & meditation app that helps users deepen their relationship with God through contemplative prayer and strengthen one’s mental health in the process. Easy-to-use, audio-guided sessions anywhere from 1 to 60 minutes long. Pray your own way with a personalized prayer plan pulling from 3,000+ unique sessions including the Lectio Divina on the Daily Gospel, Rosary, Examen, Night Prayer, Calm & Humility “Praylists” and much more. Hallow Light is free. Hallow Plus is $5 per month ($60 per year). Sign up for either one here.


Engage the goodness, truth, and beauty of the faith!
Did you know that you have complete access to Bishop Barron’s Word on Fire ENGAGE video library!   Check out this link to watch any of the videos whenever you want without ever having to login.

Not sure where to start? How about checking out the short 5 episode series on The Eucharist This fresh look at the Eucharist brings to light its reality as sacred meal, the sacrifice necessary for communion with God, and the real presence of Christ.


Blessed is She is a sisterhood of women who want to grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ through their Catholic faith.  They create beautiful and accessible resources, products, and experiences to deepen prayer and foster community, both online and in person.


Founded in 2013, The Catholic Gentleman has become one of the most recognizable online men’s apostolate. Each week hundreds of thousands of men around the world visit our site for the insightful articles and the highest-quality products designed to encourage a life of authentic manhood. Their mission: To inspire men to holiness.


Looking for authentically Catholic content for men? Look no further than HeroicMen.com—the all-new, 100% FREE Catholic streaming platform for men.
Learn about your faith from today’s best Catholic speakers—and do it all from the convenience of home. Stream-on-demand from your phone or tablet, too, for quality Catholic content on the go.  Get it all—for FREE – at HeroicMen.com


Have you wanted to get to know St. Thomas Aquinas and his writings more so as to grow closer to Jesus?

Sign up for any of the short and free courses at Aquinas 101 a project of the

Thomistic Institute seeks to promote understanding of the thought of St. Thomas Aquinas, the eminent 13th-century philosopher, and theologian.

Aquinas is a masterful interpreter of reality. His writings assist us in answering perennial questions on topics like God, man, the natural world, law, and morality, and questions of special relevance to our time like the relationship between modern science and faith or pursuing happiness in the digital era.


If you have physical, mental, emotional or spiritual health concerns or questions about end-of-life issues, funeral planning, journeying through grief, caregiving for a loved one or are homebound, please contact Jolene LeRoy RN Parish Nurse and Director of Pastoral Care for support and resources at jolenel@olmercy.old.diocesanweb.org or 331-707-5380.

All of us have experienced joys and sorrows, ups and downs, accomplishments and disappointments in our lives. There may have been times that resulted in brokenness or heavy hearts that affect our attitude and way of living. The Open HEARTS Ministry has changed its name to Healing Hearts as it is a ministry for anyone 18 years of age or older who would like to practice self-care for their own health and wellness and would also like to reach out to others to offer healing and hope.

If you are in need of emotional or mental health support or resources, please contact Janice Hurtado Aeppli at 321-217- 7872 or at olmopenhearts@yahoo.com

Do you find yourself struggling in overcoming your battle with pornography?   Restore is a weekly (anonymous) meeting where men lean on each other for support and accountability and share ideas as to how to strengthen our resolve to stay on God’s path of chastity.  All men are welcome, whether you have been free of pornography addiction for many years or struggle with it every single day.

If you are ready to start breaking free from the grips of pornography and want to Restore your life email us at Restore.olm@gmail.com to find out more information on when and where we meet.

Be encouraged; check out this Testimony.

If you are experiencing grief and would like to join others for a time of sharing stories, tears and laughter, prayer, and moving forward in hope – please come on Monday, June 27 from 11am to 1pm in the Ministry Room located in the church. There is no registration. This is an opportunity to receive support and understanding during your grief journey. If you have questions, please call Jolene LeRoy RN Parish Nurse and Director of Pastoral Care at 331-707-5380.


Pregnant and parenting moms in need are in our parishes and our neighborhoods. As Pope Francis reminds us, our parishes need to be “islands of mercy in the midst of a sea of indifference.” Everyone in the parish community should know where to refer a pregnant woman in need.  Please see this infographic to be informed on how we are walking with Moms in need. Connect with Lydia Schmitt for further questions at lydias@olmercy.old.diocesanweb.org



October 30, 2022 | Parish Update

October 30, 2022 | Parish Update

An Adoration Chapel, All Saints & All Souls, & Supporting Future Priests

View the full posting at https://app.flocknote.com/note/18708988

From Father Michael . . .

We are in the midst of a highly televised sporting season, from the World Series of Baseball to College and Professional Football. It is funny to think of the conversations I have with those who love sports as much as I do; the conversation usually revolves around a simple question, “Did you see that game?” As human beings, there is always a longing to see. Not only in the things of this world like sports, but more importantly, we long to see in our faith. 

In our Gospel this weekend, Zacchaeus longed to see the Lord by climbing a tree. Zacchaeus was a powerful, wealthy man. He could have used his stature and authority to push his way to the front. However, Zacchaeus instead chose to climb a tree, and this show of humility and poverty of spirit moved our Lord to respond, “Tonight I must stay at your house!” In seeing the Lord, Zacchaeus found Jesus entering his heart and home!

 With this in mind, I would like to share in humility a desire I have for Our Lady of Mercy. Just as Jesus blessed and changed Zacchaeus’ life forever, I would like to have more opportunities for that same encounter for our parishioners. I would like to have a beautiful, dedicated Adoration Chapel at our parish under the patronage of Divine Mercy. 

There are many reasons for this, but allow me to share just a few. You may already be aware that the US Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) recently called for a Eucharistic Revival in our country. More adoration would follow this call while also spiritually supporting our many beautiful ministries and families. What is more, this would fulfill the original building plans for our Church! If you enjoyed our week of adoration earlier in October, then you’ll be happy to hear that I have already taken steps in making this desire a reality by seeking approval from the bishop, staff, volunteers, and some parishioners. 

I would like to humbly ask for your support. As things develop, from design, to contracting, cost, and God-willing construction, I’ll be keeping you informed every step of the way. As seen in the example of Zacchaeus, I believe that allowing more parishioners to see the Lord in adoration will bear tremendous fruit for our parish. May our desire to see the Lord be fulfilled in this effort, so that we might receive the Lord ever more deeply into our hearts and homes.

Father Michael


We look forward to seeing you at Our Lady of Mercy taking part in many of the offerings we have, or maybe when you stop by and visit Jesus at the Blessed Sacrament Chapel, at daily Mass during the week, or during Eucharistic Adoration.



Charismatic Healing Mass on 11/5
  • On Saturday, 11/5 at 6pm is the Charismatic Healing Mass. A healing Mass is a normal Mass, but it has a special focus on God’s healing power; this will be reflected in the songs, prayers, and scripture readings. If you’re in need of God’s healing grace, come to the Charismatic Healing Mass.
Brogan Family Coat Drive on 11/6
  • The annual Brogan Family Coat Drive will be on Sunday 11/6th from 9am to 12pm. There will be a trailer in the parking lot waiting to receive your donations. Clear out your coat closets for a good cause!
  • Mike and Carole Brogan were icons at Our Lady of Mercy.  Both passed away in 2019. One of the ways they supported our parish was a yearly coat drive.  They would literally pack up their car with donations to the point that they could barely see out of their car windows.
  • Once again this year the Brogan Family and our church would like to continue this mission by asking for donations of new and gently used coats, hats, boots, and gloves. The donations for women and children will benefit Mutual Ground and the donations for men’s items will benefit Breaking Free.
St. Vincent de Paul Clothing Drive on 11/5 & 11/6
  • The St. Vincent de Paul (SVDP) truck will be in our parking lot on 11/5 and 11/6 for the clothing drive.  Pick up one of the SVDP bags to place your donated items.
  • Clear out your closets for a good cause and repurpose the following items by donating them to St. Vincent De Paul.  Your donated items are sold at reasonable prices at thrift shops so needy families can shop with dignity. The sale proceeds from the thrift shops go into a general assistance fund where parishes source help for families needing assistance with rent, mortgage, or utility assistance.
“Welcome to American Pack” Collection n on 11/5 & 11/6
  • In July we celebrated World Refugee Sunday and heard a representative from Exodus World Services speak about welcoming refugee families. When a family arrives they are set up in a place to live and provided with the basics- sheets, towels, kitchen items, etc. since they arrive with almost nothing. We will have a sign up on 11/5 & 6 – parishioners can choose an item or two and together we can provide a welcome pack for a family or two. Stop by in the lobby before or after Mass and get all the details. Thank you.

Youth Alpha on Sundays 11/6
  • Youth Alpha gives high school teens the opportunity to explore the meaning of life in a relaxed, friendly setting. The Youth Alpha course at Our Lady of Mercy will meet on Sunday evenings for 9 weeks in the Parish Life Center.  Sessions begin with a dessert bar, fun activities to get to know others, followed by a short video talk, and time to discuss the topic. During the discussion, everyone is welcome to contribute their opinions and no question is considered hostile or too simple.  Questions might include–Is there a God? Why am I here? Where did I come from? Where am I going?  Alpha is for everyone –no question is out of bounds and you are free to discuss as much or as little as you wish.  We don’t assume any background knowledge or belief in Christianity and everyone is welcome.
  • Teen Alpha Nights is held on Sundays from 6:30pm-8:15pm; invite the teen in your life.  Details and registration are found here.

Bible Study on Mama Mary starting on 11/8
  • What a great way to prepare our hearts to herald Jesus’ birth than to go through a Biblical Walk With the Blessed Mother.  Get to know the only woman who knew Jesus the best and the one to whom God had entrusted His most precious and only begotten Son.
    𝙒𝙝𝙚𝙣 |  Tuesdays starting 11/8th @ 7pm ending in January
    𝘾𝙤𝙣𝙩𝙖𝙘𝙩 | Joe Wiacek or Joe Glasgow for questions at joewiacek@gmail.com or jglasgowjr@gmail.com
    𝙋𝙪𝙧𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙨𝙚 𝙎𝙩𝙪𝙙𝙮 𝙂𝙪𝙞𝙙𝙚 @ | Ascension Press Website
    𝙋𝙡𝙚𝙖𝙨𝙚 𝙧𝙚𝙜𝙞𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧 | Register here so we are prepared to welcome you
  • The Better We Know Mary, the Better We Will Know Her Son
    Mary: A Biblical Walk with the Blessed Mother is an extraordinary pilgrimage that reveals Mary’s unique role in God’s kingdom and in our lives. Filmed on location in the Holy Land, Mary: A Biblical Walk with the Blessed Mother will place you in the midst of the powerful drama of her earthly life, taking you through her joys … and her sorrows. You will learn how she works in our lives today, drawing us ever closer to her divine Son. Seeing Mary in this way will change you forever. Mary will become a part of your daily life, and in your daily life, you will become more like Christ.
Coping With Grief and Loss during the Holiday Season on 11/9
  • For some, holidays are a time to celebrate and get together with family and friends. For others, holidays are difficult and not a time to celebrate as they are dealing with feelings of sadness, loss, and emptiness.
  • If you are looking for support to help you cope with grief during the holiday season, please consider attending one of the following support sessions that will focus on coping with grief during Thanksgiving time on 11/9th either from 11am to 12:30pm or from 7pm to 8:30pm in Room 218. No registration required. Please connect with Jolene LeRoy y RN Director of Pastoral Care at 331-707-5380 for any questions
Knights of Columbus Blood Drive on 11/12
  • Donate blood Saturday 11/12th from 8am to 12pm at the Knights of Columbus Blood Drive.  Every donor will save up to 3 lives!  While appointments are greatly appreciated, walk-ins are welcome.  You can register ahead of time at this link. Receive a coupon for a buy one, get one entree from Noodles & Company, while supplies last.
  • Please make sure to eat a healthy meal and drink plenty of water before donating. Also please bring a photo ID.
Supporting Future Priests through the I Will Give You Shepherds Campaign 11/12 & 11/13
  • Priests are essential to our Catholic faith, as only these holy men can transform bread and wine into the life-giving Body and Blood of Christ. Although the number of priests has been on the decline for decades, the Diocese of Joliet has been blessed with an abundance of vocations to the priesthood.
  • Currently, our diocese has 23 men in seminary formation, including our seminarian intern Jonathan Hernandez, which costs $50,000 a year per seminarian. To ensure we are always able to support our seminarians both prayerfully and financially, the Diocese of Joliet has launched the I Will Give You Shepherds campaign.
  • At Masses on 11/12 & 11/13, our parish will take up a second collection for this campaign. Gifts will be invested in an endowment designated specifically for seminarian education.
  • Please prayerfully consider supporting this second collection. To learn more about this campaign, or to make a gift online, please go to jolietdioceseappeal.org.

An Invitation from Father Hugh on His 50th Anniversary of Priesthood on 11/19
  • I would like to invite all of you to celebrate my 50th Anniversary as a priest at the 4pm Mass on Saturday, November 19 at Our Lady of Mercy Church. I was your pastor from 2000 to 2017 and you will always be a big part of my life. Please join me as we celebrate on November 19. There will be a reception after Mass in the Parish Life Center. Please RSVP if you will be attending the reception by a text to (312) 699-6871.
    May God’s love always be with you!
    Father Hugh Fullmer
Fair Trade Sale on 11/19 & 11/20
  • Come see items for your home, unique Christmas gifts – support Fair Trade – artisans receive a just living, and are able to provide for their families.
Annual Ladies Advent Tea on 11/27
  • Save the date for the annual Ladies’ Advent Tea on Sunday, November 27 from 2:00pm to 4:30pm. Slow down and take the time to start your Advent season in a special way on the First Sunday of Advent. Ask family members or friends to join you for faith sharing and fellowship. If you are planning to attend, please register at jolenel@olmercy.old.diocesanweb.org.

Unbound on 12/9 & 12/10
    • Because of the fruitfulness of the last conference and repeated requests, there will be an Unbound Freedom in Christ Conference on 12/9 from 6:30pm to 9:15pm through 12/10 from 9am to 9pm with catered lunch & dinner included.
    • Recommended reading prior to the conference is the “Unbound: A Practical Guide to Deliverance.”  The book is available in the parish office for $15, purchase a copy today and prepare your heart to be overwhelmed by the love of Jesus.
    • Unsure about Unbound? Check out the short videos below of the recent conference and a snippet of what Unbound is or proceed to this link. Experience what over 200 people experienced at the last conference; sign up now.
Thank You for Your Generosity on Undy Sunday
  • Dear Friends,
    From the bottom of my heart, thank you for your participation in Undy Sunday 2022. The event was a great success!
    Most of us take things like new underwear, warm socks, and a fresh diaper for granted, but for many families and seniors living on poverty-level incomes, it’s a luxury. Providing these items promotes the health, dignity, and confidence of our most vulnerable neighbors. On behalf of those we serve, thank you.
    This year, 50 churches and schools within the Diocese of Joliet participated in Undy Sunday. We are now distributing these items to children, families, and seniors who come to Catholic Charities for help. Your gifts are making a true difference.
    Thank you for believing in the mission of Catholic Charities and for opening your heart to those in need.
    With Gratitude,
    Kathleen Langdon, Executive Director
    Catholic Charities, Diocese of Joliet

Are you curious about becoming Catholic? Are you Catholic but haven’t yet received all your sacraments?

  • O.C.I A., the Order of Christian Initiation for Adults, is the amazing journey of entering into the fullness of the Catholic faith. We will help you to learn, grow, find community, and prepare for the fullness of life that God desires for us all!
  • Even if you’re unsure with where you’re at regarding becoming Catholic or receiving all your sacraments, please fill out this formso that we can know how best to help! You are also welcome to reach out to Fr. James at frjames@olmercy.old.diocesanweb.org

Health Updates on Father Don
  • Please continue to keep Father Don in your prayers. To keep updated on how he is doing, please check the following CaringBridge website.
Teen Mission Trip July 2023 

World Youth Day 2023 
  • The Consuming Fire Young Adult Grow Group is looking to join the Joliet Diocese on a Pilgrimage to Lisbon, Portugal for World Youth Day 2023 from July 29 to August 7. Come and join them!  This includes an optional pre-tour to Madrid from July 25 to 29.  Proceed here for further details.

Bishop Hick’s Monthly Column 
  • In his October column, Bishop Hicks writes about “Pruning our diocesan tree so that we may thrive and grow.” Be sure to take a moment to read his column because Bishop speaks about how his “senior staff and the deans will discern and collaborate to create a list of parishes and schools whose futures will need to be addressed in three stages: Urgent; in the next year; and in two to three years. When we have reached consensus on what parishes and schools will be affected by this targeted restructuring process, we will continue to share and publish the information through various channels, including our diocesan website.”
  • Read It HERE.

Scam Emails
  • From time to time, there are phishing (SCAM) emails going out to members of the parish and staff claiming to be Father Michael.
    Please note that Father Michael and Father James DO NOT send texts or emails asking for money or gift cards. If you receive a message appearing to be from Father Michael or Father James, please discard it, (any email that does not have “olmercy.old.diocesanweb.org” is a fake email) and DO NOT SEND ANY ELECTRONIC MONETARY AID.  No one on the staff will personally ask for money in whatever form (gift cards etc). If someone sends you a private message, asking for a donation of sorts, it’s undoubtedly a fake account. Please keep praying for us, and God bless you!

Do you have a story to share of your time with Jesus in the Eucharist?

  • In the Eucharist, Jesus wants to remind you that you are never alone, that He is with you. In your brokenness, sorrows, and frustrations, He is with you. In everything you face—when you’re tired, ready to give up, hanging on by a thread, Jesus says to you, “I AM HERE.”
  • If you have experienced the above with Jesus, we invite you to share your story so as to inspire others to spend time with Jesus in the Eucharist, and to go to Holy Mass.  Allow your story to be the vessel that can reach that person who Jesus is drawing to Himself more closely, especially those who are going through a tough time right now.  Let us take part in the National Eucharistic Revival in a tangible way; come and share your story of your encounter with Jesus in the Eucharist.  Connect with zara@olmercy.old.diocesanweb.org to share your encounter.

Our Lady of Mercy Garden of Hope, Love & Mercy

  • The Justice & Peace Ministry, which has constructed a Community Garden on Our Lady of Mercy parish grounds and provided fresh produce over the past few months has had a fruitful season and looks forward to expanding in 2023. Produce from the garden has been donated to local organizations such as the Marie Wilkinson Food Pantry and  Hesed House. Late-season plantings are still producing vegetables and herbs. The faithful volunteers have been pleased with the success of this very worthy cause. If you have a green thumb or wish to participate in the preparation and planting, watering, weeding, and harvesting in early spring and throughout the 2023 growing season, please contact Chris at 631-561-9722 or chrisharveyny@gmail.com or Ida at 630-605-6038 or idamphillips122@gmail.com.

Did You Know We Have a Parish School?
  • All Saints Catholic Academy (ASCA) located at 1155 Aurora Ave, Naperville is our parish school!
  • Are you a parent with preschool, elementary, and middle school-aged children struggling with the antithetical Christian values the government schools are indoctrinating the children who attend the government schools?  You’re not alone.
  • Join a growing number of OLM parents who have made the movement!  Consider connecting with some of the families who have made the move from sending their child(ren) to public school to All Saints Catholic Academy.
  • Connect with Patty Bajek at (630) 961-6125, or pbajek@ascacademy.org to express your interest and schedule a personalized tour.  Or peruse their website to explore your interest.
St. Vincent de Paul Society Volunteers
  • Thank you for your support of our clothing drive. Your clothing donation, as well as your financial donations throughout the year, allows us to help our parishioners and neighbors in need. In the last quarter of 2021, we provided assistance to 35 people/families.
  • The ministry is always looking for volunteers to join our St. Vincent de Paul Society in assisting our neighbors in need. If you would like to volunteer or learn more, send an email to olmsvdp@gmail.com with your name and contact information.
Supporting OLM through the CMAA
  • Thank you so much to those who have pledged!  Once we have reached our goal in paid pledges, 70% of the additional funds received will be returned to our parish.
  • Father Don and Bishop Hicks are asking us to join them in pledging to the CMAA to help the poor and vulnerable, form our future shepherds, and spread the faith through our Catholic schools, faith formation programs in parishes, and programs for young adults.
  • Donations can be made here Check out how your gifts to the CMAA help at this link. Thank you for your consideration.
For the Hispanic Community
  • Please proceed here for the OLM Hispanic Ministry’s upcoming events and resources.
    Continúe aquí para conocer los próximos eventos y recursos del Ministerio Hispano de OLM.
  • There will be Stations of the Cross in Spanish every 2nd Wednesday of the month after the 12pm Mass.
    A partir de la próxima semana, habrá Estaciones de la Cruz en español cada segundo miércoles del mes después de la misa de las 12 pm.
A Note from the Intercessory Prayer Ministry
  • How can we be praying for you today?
    There are times when life is overwhelming when all we have is questions. In those moments, hope can feel far away. The great thing about prayer is that it shifts our perspective toward the One who stands ready to listen. No matter what you’re facing, we’d love to pray with you. Submit your prayer requests at this link
  • Prayer Ministry takes place monthly at MAGNIFY and on the last weekend of the month Mass times.  Prayer ministry is an opportunity for those in need of physical, emotional, or spiritual healing or with a specific intention. Come as an individual, as a couple, or as. a family and receive prayer for yourself or request prayers for someone in need. Listen and receive the prayers while being open to the Holy Spirit’s movement. Trained prayer ministers are available.
Have you downloaded our myParish App yet?
  • If you haven’t done so, we encourage you to download the Our Lady of Mercy app available to download for iPhone and Android smartphones.  Or text APP to 88202 to download.
    • Stay connected with our parish throughout the week with instant notifications, an easy-to-access event calendar, and the ability to quickly reply to or share messages via Facebook or Twitter. Also enjoy a bunch of additional features like prayers, daily readings, helpful reminders to silence your phone before Mass or Confession, and much more.
OSV Giving Link Update
  • Our online giving link has been updated by our provider (OSV), please be sure to update your bookmark, below is the link.
  • The myParish App “Giving” button has been updated.  Don’t have the myParish App yet? Text APP to 88202 to download!  Receive this update, instant news, and get access to the parish calendar, daily readings, and Confession guide among a plethora of things.
  • https://www.osvhub.com/olmercy/giving/funds

Grow Groups | We continue to launch Grow Groups, one group at a time.

Connect with zara@olmercy.old.diocesanweb.org for any questions.

Mission. A Mother’s Heart is a group for Catholic mothers with children ages 0-11 who are seeking to journey with other like-minded women of faith.  Following the example of St. Thérèse of Lisieux, we strive to imitate her “little way” of growing in holiness through the lenses of motherhood and family.
Meets. Thursdays twice a month.  For any of the following: book chats, podcast discussions, “Mom’s Night Out”, community service projects, fellowship, playgroups, prayer.
Connect.  Reach out to Lydia Schmitt lydiadschmitt@gmail.com for any questions.
Mission. This group exists to grow a community that inspires and forms the young adult generation to be saints.
Meets. Tuesdays @ 7pm and twice a month for social gatherings.
Connect.  Reach out to Matt Kubanda and Mary Rysavy rysavyme@gmail.com
World Youth Day 2023.  The Consuming Fire Young Adult Grow Group is looking to join the Joliet Diocese on a Pilgrimage to Lisbon, Portugal for World Youth Day 2023 from July 29 to August 7.  This includes an optional pre-tour to Madrid from July 25 to 29.  Proceed here for further details.


Mission. “Encounter/Grow/Witness” is the threefold dimension of the Christian life.  Once we encounter Jesus, we are then called to grow daily as His disciples. Grow Groups are one way Our Lady of Mercy is responding to our missionary identity where we are called to help parishioners grow continually in discipleship.
Meets. Wednesdays 7pm to 8:30pm
Connect. For more information, connect with Bob Maxwell at bmaxwell@deltadentalil.com or 630-962-8464
Mission.  Vine & Branches is a group at Our Lady of Mercy that offers support and belonging to individuals of any age or faith who are divorced or separated on the way to divorce.
Meets. Wednesdays @ 7pm with social gatherings.
Connect. The group leaders are looking forward to hearing from you, please don’t hesitate to reach out to them.
Kim Harris kimharris73@yahoo.com
Mary LoGalbo logalbo.marycarol@gmail.com
John Frederick jdfredericj@icloud.com
Jim Marks jimm6351@yahoo.com


At a time when women are leading like never before. FemCatholic is bringing together women from across the country for a day of education, connection, and activation. Gather with women across the country for this unforgettable experience at Nashville, TN on 10/29. Register here.

Hear from Bishop Robert Barron, Father Mike Schmitz, Father John Riccardo, Jonathan Roumie, and several more on “The Way of Beauty” Good News Conference in Phoenix, AZ Oct 30th through Nov 2nd.  Details and registration are found here.

Hosted by Encounter Ministries in Grand Rapids, MI, conference participants can expect an atmosphere of Spirit-filled worship in the presence of God, Holy Mass, inspiring and transforming keynote speakers, breakout sessions, Eucharistic Adoration, a healing service, fellowship, and many opportunities for prayer ministry and growth in the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Proceed here for details and registration.

Taking place in St. Louis, MO, SEEK is the only Catholic conference of its size diving into the heart of the Gospel and exploring how to answer Christ’s call in every moment. SEEK is for everyone. That means you. There’s Prayer, Fellowship, Inspiration, and Entertainment, sign up for SEEK23 and join the thousands who are answering a new call to become a disciple.


Registration is now available for the inaugural Wonder Conference, presented by the Word on Fire Institute, an annual opportunity to engage with theologians and other experts on important issues at the intersection of the Catholic faith and secular culture. This year’s conference is on faith and science. It is taking place at the Gaylord Texan Resort & Convention Center.

FREE ONLINE RESOURCES In this section, you will find free conferences, webinars, and studies that you can freely take part in that can grow your faith.


Diving into the beauty of the Faith has never been easier: at home, on the go, or from any internet-connected device. Discover thousands of books, audio talks, movies, documentaries, and studies… there is something for every member of the family to help them grow closer to Christ and His Church.

  1. Visit http://signup.formed.org/
  2. Enter our parish zip or name
  3. Enter your name and email

Check out our “Eucharist Resources” page to help us understand deeply the centrality of the Eucharist in our lives.


From Augustine Institute comes this NEW AND FREE Catholic prayer app that inspires your daily conversation with God through faithful meditations and nourishing Scripture. There is also Family Content: Enjoy and share family-favorite audio from the series Brother Francis and the Jesus Stories.  Please enjoy this latest offering from the Augustine Institute.


Hallow is a Catholic prayer & meditation app that helps users deepen their relationship with God through contemplative prayer and strengthen one’s mental health in the process. Easy-to-use, audio-guided sessions anywhere from 1 to 60 minutes long. Pray your own way with a personalized prayer plan pulling from 3,000+ unique sessions including the Lectio Divina on the Daily Gospel, Rosary, Examen, Night Prayer, Calm & Humility “Praylists” and much more. Hallow Light is free. Hallow Plus is $5 per month ($60 per year). Sign up for either one here.


Engage the goodness, truth, and beauty of the faith!
Did you know that you have complete access to Bishop Barron’s Word on Fire ENGAGE video library!   Check out this link to watch any of the videos whenever you want without ever having to login.

Not sure where to start? How about checking out the short 5 episode series on The Eucharist This fresh look at the Eucharist brings to light its reality as sacred meal, the sacrifice necessary for communion with God, and the real presence of Christ.


Blessed is She is a sisterhood of women who want to grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ through their Catholic faith.  They create beautiful and accessible resources, products, and experiences to deepen prayer and foster community, both online and in person.


Founded in 2013, The Catholic Gentleman has become one of the most recognizable online men’s apostolate. Each week hundreds of thousands of men around the world visit our site for the insightful articles and the highest-quality products designed to encourage a life of authentic manhood. Their mission: To inspire men to holiness.


Looking for authentically Catholic content for men? Look no further than HeroicMen.com—the all-new, 100% FREE Catholic streaming platform for men.
Learn about your faith from today’s best Catholic speakers—and do it all from the convenience of home. Stream-on-demand from your phone or tablet, too, for quality Catholic content on the go.  Get it all—for FREE – at HeroicMen.com


Have you wanted to get to know St. Thomas Aquinas and his writings more so as to grow closer to Jesus?

Sign up for any of the short and free courses at Aquinas 101 a project of the

Thomistic Institute seeks to promote understanding of the thought of St. Thomas Aquinas, the eminent 13th-century philosopher, and theologian.

Aquinas is a masterful interpreter of reality. His writings assist us in answering perennial questions on topics like God, man, the natural world, law, and morality, and questions of special relevance to our time like the relationship between modern science and faith or pursuing happiness in the digital era.


If you have physical, mental, emotional or spiritual health concerns or questions about end-of-life issues, funeral planning, journeying through grief, caregiving for a loved one or are homebound, please contact Jolene LeRoy RN Parish Nurse and Director of Pastoral Care for support and resources at jolenel@olmercy.old.diocesanweb.org or 331-707-5380.

All of us have experienced joys and sorrows, ups and downs, accomplishments and disappointments in our lives. There may have been times that resulted in brokenness or heavy hearts that affect our attitude and way of living. The Open HEARTS Ministry has changed its name to Healing Hearts as it is a ministry for anyone 18 years of age or older who would like to practice self-care for their own health and wellness and would also like to reach out to others to offer healing and hope.

If you are in need of emotional or mental health support or resources, please contact Janice Hurtado Aeppli at 321-217- 7872 or at olmopenhearts@yahoo.com

Do you find yourself struggling in overcoming your battle with pornography?   Restore is a weekly (anonymous) meeting where men lean on each other for support and accountability and share ideas as to how to strengthen our resolve to stay on God’s path of chastity.  All men are welcome, whether you have been free of pornography addiction for many years or struggle with it every single day.

If you are ready to start breaking free from the grips of pornography and want to Restore your life email us at Restore.olm@gmail.com to find out more information on when and where we meet.

Be encouraged; check out this Testimony.

If you are experiencing grief and would like to join others for a time of sharing stories, tears and laughter, prayer, and moving forward in hope – please come on Monday, June 27 from 11am to 1pm in the Ministry Room located in the church. There is no registration. This is an opportunity to receive support and understanding during your grief journey. If you have questions, please call Jolene LeRoy RN Parish Nurse and Director of Pastoral Care at 331-707-5380.


Pregnant and parenting moms in need are in our parishes and our neighborhoods. As Pope Francis reminds us, our parishes need to be “islands of mercy in the midst of a sea of indifference.” Everyone in the parish community should know where to refer a pregnant woman in need.  Please see this infographic to be informed on how we are walking with Moms in need. Connect with Lydia Schmitt for further questions at lydias@olmercy.old.diocesanweb.org




October 21, 2022 | Parish Update

October 21, 2022 | Parish Update


View the full posting at https://app.flocknote.com/note/18624678

On August 14th, 2018, Pennsylvania released their Grand Jury Report on priest abuse.  In the report it showed that over 301 priests had abused over 1,000 children over the span of 70 years. It was an atrocity and another stain on the Church’s leadership in the United States. The people of God, who trusted their priests to be good shepherds like Christ, saw that some of their leaders were wolves in priests’ clothing.  For my own priesthood, it was quite the challenge. I remember preaching on August 19th of that year in tears because of the horror of these sins and the pain that was caused, while at the same time realizing how the stain of these atrocities would be assumed of me and my own priesthood.  I did my best in trying to reaffirm the people of God of the need for the Church to continue to root out this evil as best as she could.

Shortly after that Pennsylvania report, Lisa Madigan, the attorney general for Illinois at the time, requested all diocesan files in Illinois to be turned over to their office as well. She too wanted to make sure that nothing was being hidden or covered up by the Dioceses in Illinois. I’m bringing all of this up because I was recently told in a deanery meeting with the other local priests that the Illinois AG report will be released shortly.  Of course, I have yet to see the report myself, but I wanted to once again reaffirm the people of God, especially all of you here at Our Lady of Mercy, that the Diocese of Joliet, along with myself as your pastor, will always do our best to protect the people of God–most importantly our children and vulnerable adults.

In August, Bishop Hicks wrote a wonderful article on the 2002 Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People: https://www.dioceseofjoliet.org/bishop/content1.php?secid=110.  In the article, he talks about the steps taken by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) and our own diocese in an effort to eradicate sexual abuse within our churches.  This includes making all clergy, parish staff, and volunteers undergo criminal background checks, train as mandated reporters, and learn how to be able to prevent, spot, and report sexual abuse.  All allegations are required to be reported directly to civil authorities and credible, substantiated claims lead to the immediate removal of all from active ministry, including priests.  One encouraging quotation from our bishop’s column stated:

the number of credible allegations reported against clergy nationwide has decreased from a high of 162 in the five-year period from 1970-1974 to four in 2021. www.usccb.org/offices/child-and-youth-protection/audits

Four cases are still too many, but I believe that the Church is continuing to make great strides in eradicating child sex abuse within her leadership. I saw this in my own time in seminary formation where I had the opportunity to work with men discerning the vocation to the priesthood.  From the time I went through seminary to now, the Church has continued to improve and strengthen its measures in protecting the Church from further abuses.  Currently, any man considering a vocation to the priesthood must undergo an extensive psychological evaluation before even being accepted, with another evaluation being conducted during his time in seminary. On top of that, each seminarian receives yearly evaluations which look in-depth not only into his academic and spiritual life, but also into his human and pastoral relationships. These measures, along with many others, have the capacity to quickly flag any potential issues in a candidate for the priesthood.

Let us continue to pray for the Church and her success to eradicate such sin within her leadership; let us pray for those who have been abused by leaders of the Church; and, as hard as it is to say, but as Christ compels us, let us pray also for those who have committed or sought to cover up these heinous acts of abuse—that our Church may be freed from the scourge of such scandals and be flooded with the healing and selfless love of Christ.

Reverend Michael Kearney


Enclosure: Q and A for the Upcoming Report on Sexual Abuse of Minors in the Catholic Church in Illinois from the Office of the Illinois Attorney General

Q and A for the Upcoming Report on Sexual Abuse of Minors in the Catholic Church in Illinois from the Office of the Illinois Attorney General

Why is the Illinois attorney general issuing this report?

Current Illinois Attorney General Kwame Raoul is carrying out the work initiated by his predecessor, Lisa Madigan, who released a preliminary report in December 2018. That report may be found here: https://illinoisattorneygeneral.gov/pressroom/2018_12/Catholic_Church_Preliminary_FindingsU pdate121918.pdf

Madigan, along with several other attorneys general across the country, initiated an investigation into Catholic clergy sexual abuse against minors in August 2018. These inquiries came on the heels of the release that same month of a two-year grand jury investigation by the office of the Pennsylvania attorney general into sexual abuse of minors by clergy of the Catholic Church in that state. That report may be found here: https://www.attorneygeneral.gov/report/

Why has it taken so long for the Illinois attorney general’s office to issue the final report?

Raoul took office in January 2019, and a little more than a year later, the coronavirus pandemic began, prompting attention to be shifted to navigating the pandemic. Additionally, in the midst of the pandemic, Raoul’s office experienced a serious data breach, which caused further delays in the investigation.

When will the report be issued?

Representatives of the Illinois attorney general’s office have indicated to attorneys representing the six Catholic arch/dioceses in the state to expect the report this fall.

What will be in the report?

Representatives of the Illinois attorney general’s office have indicated to diocesan attorneys that the report will highlight areas of deficiency in reporting or handling of credible allegations against clergy.

Have investigators from the attorney general’s office visited the Diocese of Joliet?

Yes, on several occasions. They have also visited the other five arch/dioceses in Illinois: Chicago, Rockford, Springfield, Peoria and Belleville. The Diocese of Joliet has been very cooperative with the attorney general’s office and has complied with all requests for information.

How should I prepare my parishioners for the report?

The following background may be helpful.

In early 2002, The Boston Globe published results of an investigation into sexual abuse of minors by priests in the Archdiocese of Boston. In June 2002, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops met in Dallas for its regular meeting and established the Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People.

Known as the Charter, this document sets out a mandated blueprint for dioceses and eparchies to follow to create a safe environment for children and vulnerable adults in our churches, schools and activities, as well as to receive and respond to allegations of sexual abuse of minors by clergy.

Bishop Hicks wrote about the 20th anniversary of the Charter in his August 2022 column, outlining the steps the Diocese of Joliet follows to ensure a safe environment, as well as dealing with allegations of clergy sexual abuse.

You can read that column here: https://www.dioceseofjoliet.org/bishop/content1.php?secid=110

What happens when an allegation of sexual abuse against a minor is made against a Diocese of Joliet clergy member?

(Please report any allegations of sexual abuse against a minor to Leah Heffernan, director of the Office of Child and Youth Protection, at lheffernan@dioceseofjoliet.org or 815-221-6116.)

  • All allegations of abuse and/or neglect of minors are encouraged to be reported to the state child welfare agency – the DCFS hotline (1-800-25-ABUSE) here in Illinois – and the local public authorities. The diocese’s Office of Child and Youth Protection also reports the allegation to these agencies.
  • The diocese offers the help of a victim assistance coordinator to the individual who suffered the abuse. The victim assistance coordinator listens to, affirms and connects the individual with the appropriate services. This same pastoral care is offered when the alleged abuser is deceased. Our diocesan victim assistance coordinator is Lori Chassee, who can be reached at 815-263-6497.
  • The diocese then initiates an investigation into the allegation.

o The same investigative process is followed when the accused priest or deacon is deceased or already listed on the diocesan list of credible allegations of sexual misconduct with minors.

o If the priest or deacon is in active ministry, he is removed while the investigation is ongoing and advised of his right to counsel.

o If public authorities conduct a criminal investigation against the cleric, the diocese defers its own investigation until that public inquiry is concluded and cooperates fully with public authorities. The diocese will work with public authorities to provide information about the victim assistance coordinator to the alleged victim.

  • Following the diocesan investigation, allegations against clergy not on the diocesan public list go before the diocesan review board.

o The Charter requires this panel to be composed of a majority of lay people not employed by the diocese and to include a pastor and a person with expertise in the treatment of minors who have been sexually abused.

o The review board advises the bishop in his assessment of the allegations and the cleric’s suitability for ministry. Priests or deacons determined to have credible allegations are permanently removed from ministry and placed on the diocesan list, which is published on the diocesan website.

o When the allegation is found to be unsubstantiated, the cleric is returned to active ministry and steps are taken to restore his good name.

Where can I get information on clergy in the Diocese of Joliet who have credible allegations of sexual abuse against a minor?

In accordance with the Charter, the Joliet diocese maintains a list of clergy who have been determined to have a credible allegation on its website: www.dioceseofjoliet.org. A graphic in the lower-left hand corner of the home page links to the page of the Office of Child and Youth Protection: https://www.dioceseofjoliet.org/ct/sectioncontent.php?secid=13

A list of priests with credible allegations can be found at this link: https://www.dioceseofjoliet.org/siteimages/chancerytribunal/OYCP/PRIESTS_WITH_CREDIBLE _ALLEGATION_5-13-2022.pdf
The list was first published on April 9, 2006, and was most recently revised on May 13, 2022.

It should be noted this list contains the names of priests who are deceased, as well as those priests who belong to religious orders.

When was the most recent time a name was placed on the list?

May 28, 2019.

October 15, 2022 | Parish Update

October 15, 2022 | Parish Update

Silence & Prayer, Thanking Deacon Lupe, and Unbound Registration

View the full posting at https://app.flocknote.com/note/18537992

From Father Michael . . .

“The desire to see God is what urges us to love solitude and silence. For silence is where God dwells. He drapes Himself in silence.” ~ Robert Cardinal Sarah in Power of Silence

In our Gospel this weekend Jesus challenges his disciples “to pray without becoming weary.” He uses an example of a widow appealing to a dishonest judge to give right judgment. It seems like nagging but Jesus is asking his disciples to have the same perseverance as the widow. Now this example could be easily misunderstood because the widow’s actions are all external. However, prayer which may have external actions begins with an internal movement of the heart. It is where the Lord resides, hence, silence is a necessity to prayer! 

The problem is that we have come to find comfort in the noise and the chaos. Even though God is draped in silence, as shared by Cardinal Sarah, we choose to turn away from silence because we are afraid of what it might reveal. We have been forming our lives on things other than God. From our phones, computers, TVs, we bombard ourselves with distractions from entertainment to work. Even I, as a priest, struggle to separate myself from screen time. Currently, I have my laptop open typing the bulletin, I have my iPad pro open with the Sunday readings, and my phone playing music! And let’s not talk about the feelings when I don’t know where my phone is. Lord, have Mercy! 

When asked about what virtues are needed to help grow in silence and prayer, Cardinal Sarah suggests that we ask for the virtues of hope and courage. With hope, we can trust that the Lord will satisfy us in silence, and with courage, we can overcome our fears and have the strength to turn away from things not from the Lord. 

If I can offer a challenge to myself and you, let us make a substantial effort through the week to take a morning or afternoon away from our phones, computers, and TVs, and when the desire strikes to avoid silence, let us actually enter into a conversation with the Lord.
Father Michael


We look forward to seeing you at Our Lady of Mercy taking part in many of the offerings we have, or maybe when you stop by and visit Jesus at the Blessed Sacrament Chapel, at daily Mass during the week, or during Eucharistic Adoration.


St. Peregrine Prayer Service 10/18
  • All are invited to attend the St. Peregrine Prayer Service on Tuesday, October 18th in the church after the 6:30pm Mass with Deacon Tony Leazzo and Jolene LeRoy RN, Parish Nurse and Director of Pastoral Care.
  • St. Peregrine is the patron saint of the sick, especially those experiencing cancer, serious illness, or chronic illness. Anyone experiencing physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual health concerns would benefit from attending the prayer service. There will be time after the service to venerate the relic of St. Peregrine and pray for your personal needs or intentions.
Discovering Divine Mercy Seminar on 10/18
  • 𝗖𝗼𝗺𝗲 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗱𝗶𝘀𝗰𝗼𝘃𝗲𝗿, “𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗘𝘅𝘁𝗿𝗮𝗼𝗿𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗮𝗿𝘆 𝗚𝗿𝗮𝗰𝗲𝘀 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗚𝗶𝗳𝘁𝘀 𝗼𝗳 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗗𝗶𝘃𝗶𝗻𝗲 𝗠𝗲𝗿𝗰𝘆 𝗱𝗲𝘃𝗼𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻,” 𝗶𝗻 𝗮 𝘀𝗽𝗲𝗰𝗶𝗮𝗹 𝘀𝗲𝗺𝗶𝗻𝗮𝗿 𝗮𝘁 𝟳𝗽𝗺 𝗧𝘂𝗲𝘀𝗱𝗮𝘆 𝟭𝟬/𝟭𝟴𝘁𝗵 𝗶𝗻 𝗣𝗟𝗖 𝗥𝗼𝗼𝗺 𝟮𝟬𝟴.
    After examining the relationship between the Passion of Christ and Divine Mercy, our 90-minute seminar will delve into the direct words of Jesus as revealed by Saint Maria Faustina in her Diary entitled, “Divine Mercy in My Soul.” Most prominent will be the following words of Jesus, which today are revered as His Extraordinary Promise: “On that (Divine Mercy) Feast Day, the depths of My mercy will be open to all…The soul that will go to Confession and receive Holy Communion shall obtain complete forgiveness of sins and punishment.”
    In addition to OLM’s annual celebration of the Divine Mercy Sunday Feast Day, which next take place April 16, 2023, this seminar will deeply examine the following vessels of Divine Mercy that Jesus, through St. Faustina, made available for us each day of the year:
    Praying the Chaplet of Divine Mercy
    Reciting a Novena of Chaplets
    Contemplating the Divine Mercy Image
    Daily Observance of the 3 p.m. Hour of Mercy.
    Practicing Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy
    A closing highlight will be a group recitation of the Chaplet of Divine Mercy.  Pamphlets featuring the Chaplet and Novena, as well as lovely Divine Mercy Images, will be available.  No registration needed, but participants should be sure to bring their Rosary!
    Call Bill Troller at (630) 585-1865 or e-mail trollerw@live.com for more information.

Consuming Fire Young Adult Grow Group continues on 10/18
  • All young adults are invited to join the Consuming Fire Young Adult Community. This group meets every Tuesday from 7pm to 8:30pm in the basement of the rectory (the priest’s home). We gather to eat, pray, and ‘do life together’!
  • From the weekly Tuesday gatherings to additional social gatherings (hiking, dinner at someone’s home or at a restaurant, movie nights, adoration, rosary walks) there are so many good reasons to join this fun awesome group! Want more information? Sign up HERE
The Chosen Catholic Bible Study Continues 10/18
  • It’s not too late to join over 100 participants at  “The Chosen” Catholic Bible Study on Tuesdays @ 7pm.  
    Whether you’ve never been to a Bible Study, are intimidated by the Bible, or are a regular participant in our Bible Studies, this experience is for you!
    Through both watching the series episode and breaking open the Scripture readings related to each episode, the experience will enable you to imagine yourself in the story. This will change the way you read the Bible forever.
  • Contact Joe Wiacek or Joe Glasgoww with any questions and to register: joewiacek@gmail.com or Joe.Glasgow@packagingprice.com
Catholic Charities Mobile Food Pantry 10/19
  • This month’s Mobile Food Pantry is on Weds 10/19th from 4:30pm to 6pm in the parking lot at OLM.  Don’t forget to share the Our Lady of Mercy social media posting on your network; you never know who among your network is in need of food.
  • The Catholic Charities, Diocese of Joliet Mobile Food Pantry delivers healthy food (meat, produce, and non-perishable items) to people in need. No identification or information will be required or collected. This event is open to anyone in need of food! Mobile Food Pantries use a “drive-thru” method to distribute food during the COVID-19 pandemic. Please clear space in your trunk or backseat so volunteers can load boxes of food directly into your vehicle. Catholic Charities helps people of all faiths and beliefs. Mobile Food Pantries take place rain or shine!
Salt & Light hosts the PresenceThe Mystery of the Eucharist 10/19
  • Every Sunday, we get to witness a miracle. Sometimes it can be difficult to wrap our minds and hearts around this fact.  Dive deeper into this six-week study from the Augustine Institute, and see why this mystery is Jesus’ greatest gift to us. Come to the “𝗣𝗿𝗲𝘀𝗲𝗻𝗰𝗲: 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗠𝘆𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗿𝘆 𝗼𝗳 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗘𝘂𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗿𝗶𝘀𝘁”
  • With 𝗗𝗿. 𝗘𝗱𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗱 𝗦𝗿𝗶, 𝗠𝗮𝘁𝘁 𝗙𝗿𝗮𝗱𝗱, 𝗧𝗶𝗺 𝗚𝗿𝗮𝘆, 𝗦𝗰𝗼𝘁𝘁 𝗛𝗮𝗵𝗻, 𝗖𝗵𝗿𝗶𝘀 𝗦𝘁𝗲𝗳𝗮𝗻𝗶𝗰𝗸 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗺𝗼𝗿𝗲; watch them with beautiful film-making and powerful teaching, the PRESENCE series will move your heart; 𝘀𝗲𝗲 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗼𝗻 𝗪𝗲𝗱𝘀 @ 𝟳:𝟯𝟬𝗽𝗺.𝐄𝐧𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐉𝐞𝐬𝐮𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐚𝐜𝐫𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐧𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐛𝐞𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞! Register now
Alpha & OCIA 10/20
  • We take another step in our journey of faith at Alpha as we head into our 6th gathering centering on “Why & How Should I Read the Bible?”
  • Please keep our 100+ participants in your prayers as they grow in their relationship with Jesus especially those new to the faith, pray that they would experience God’s love in a real and relevant way.
Men’s Basketball 10/21
  • Did you know there is an Adult Men’s Basketball League at OLM? It’s more than a game. Join in on the fun, competition, and camaraderie of the adult men’s basketball league. Connect with other players or find others to play, reach out to Brandon Acuff at brandon.acuff@gmail.com
  • Or install the following for participation and sign-ups: TeamReach (http://teamreach.com/).  Join OLMC MENS Basketball 🏀. Enter code: olmchoops


Pack Meals for the Children at Feed My Starving Children 10/21
  • Join the Salt and Light Grow Group @ FMSC Feed My Starving Children on Friday 10/21st from 4:30pm to 6:15pm!  Connect with Geri Capulong, one of our Salt and Light Grow Group Leaders, to let her know you are registering for one of the packing spots, at gericapulong@gmail.com.

Holiday Pies on Sale 10/22 & 10/23
  • Our annual Holiday Pie Sale is now taking place! Please order delicious pies for the holidays or for Hesed House and support our teens attending the mission trip. Come and place your orders after mass on October 22nd or 23rd.
World Misson Sunday 10/23
  • Dear Friends,
    On October 23, we celebrate World Mission Sunday, when we join Catholics worldwide in supporting the work of the Church.
    Pope Francis draws inspiration from the Acts of the apostles for the theme of this year’s World Mission Sunday “You shall be my witnesses” (Acts 1:8). In his message, he notes the work of the Blessed Pauline Jaricot, a young French woman who founded the Society for the Propagation of the Faith 200 years ago: “She accepted God’s inspiration to establish a network of prayer and collection for missionaries, so that the faithful could actively participate in the mission ‘to the ends of the earth.'” Her vision would to World Mission Sunday.
    Your donations and prayers support priests, religious and lay pastoral leaders in more than 1,000 mission dioceses in Asia, Africa, the Pacific Islands, and parts of Latin America and Europe as they proclaim the Gospel, build the Church, and serve the poor.
    When you contribute to the World Mission Sunday collection, you make it possible for the Holy Father and our Diocese of Joliet missions to provide for the formation of our seminarians and religious men and women. You help build churches, schools and orphanages in remote areas that few visit. And you provide food and essentials for our missionary priests and religious brothers and sisters so they may spread the Gospel and celebrate the sacraments.
    Let us follow in the footsteps of Blessed Pauline Jaricot by donating to the second collection on October 23.
    Paz y bien,
    Most Reverend Ronald A. Hicks
    Bishop of Joliet
Youth Alpha on Sundays 10/23
  • Youth Alpha gives high school teens the opportunity to explore the meaning of life in a relaxed, friendly setting. The Youth Alpha course at Our Lady of Mercy will meet on Sunday evenings for 9 weeks in the Parish Life Center.  Sessions begin with a dessert bar, fun activities to get to know others, followed by a short video talk, and time to discuss the topic. During the discussion, everyone is welcome to contribute their opinions and no question is considered hostile or too simple.  Questions might include–Is there a God? Why am I here? Where did I come from? Where am I going?  Alpha is for everyone –no question is out of bounds and you are free to discuss as much or as little as you wish.  We don’t assume any background knowledge or belief in Christianity and everyone is welcome.
  • Teen Alpha Nights is held on Sundays from 6:30pm-8:15pm; invite the teen in your life.  Details and registration are found here.

Grief Support 10/24
  • If you are experiencing grief and would like to join others for a time of sharing stories, tears and laughter, prayer, and moving forward in hope – please come on Monday, October 24 from 11am to 1pm in the Ministry Room located in the church. There is no registration. If you have lost your spouse and would like to join a weekly support group, please contact Jolene LeRoy RN Parish Nurse and Director of Pastoral Care at 331-707-5380.
Healing Hearts Ministry 10/24
  •  All of us have experienced joys and sorrows, ups and downs, accomplishments and disappointments in our lives. Healing Hearts is a ministry for anyone 18 years of age or older who would like to practice self-care for their own health and wellness and would also like to reach out to others to offer healing and hope.
  • The next Healing Hearts Ministry gathering is on Monday, September 26th from 7pm to 8:30pm in Room 218 of the Parish Life Center. Come and create a journal. Father Michael Kearney, our pastor will be joining us for our discussion and self-care activity.
  • Please contact Janice Hurtado Aeppli at 312-217-7872 or at olmopenhearts@yahoo.com for any questions.
Magnify on 10/26
  • Our monthly Magnify is on Wednesday 10/26th when we host a night of adoration in the church from 7-8:30 pm with praise and worship by Josh Goodman to supplement that encounter with Jesus. Father Michael will be hearing confessions after his scriptural reflection up through Benediction. There is also prayer ministry. We pray that you come and spend time in prayer with Jesus, encountering Him in a special way. He is personally inviting you to come and share your heart with Him. Join us anytime from 7pm – 8:30pm in the Church. Don’t forget to bring the children, neighbors, and friends.
Trunk or Treat on 10/29
  • I’m looking forward to this year’s “Trunk-or-Treating with the Saints” on October 29, hosted by our Family Faith Formation Office! The Christian life is all about striving for Sainthood! I’d like to encourage parents, grandparents, and our young adults to support this event, with prayerful consideration, to host a trunk decorated to reflect a saint of your choice. As St. Therese of Lisieux once said, “Holiness consists simply in doing God’s will, and being just what God wants us to be.” Which saint is He calling you to become?
    God Bless,
    Fr. Michael

    See details and sign-up to host a trunk here.

Charismatic Healing Mass 11/5
  • On Saturday, 11/5 at 6pm is the Charismatic Healing Mass. A healing Mass is a normal Mass, but it has a special focus on God’s healing power; this will be reflected in the songs, prayers, and scripture readings. If you’re in need of God’s healing grace, come to the Charismatic Healing Mass.

Brogan Family Coat Drive on 11/6
  • The annual Brogan Family Coat Drive will be on Sunday 11/6th from 9am to 12pm. There will be a trailer in the parking lot waiting to receive your donations. Clear out your coat closets for a good cause!
  • Mike and Carole Brogan were icons at Our Lady of Mercy.  Both passed away in 2019. One of the ways they supported our parish was a yearly coat drive.  They would literally pack up their car with donations to the point that they could barely see out of their car windows.
  • Once again this year the Brogan Family and our church would like to continue this mission by asking for donations of new and gently used coats, hats, boots, and gloves. The donations for women and children will benefit Mutual Ground and the donations for men’s items will benefit Breaking Free.
Unbound on 12/9 & 12/10
    • Because of the fruitfulness of the last conference and repeated requests, there will be an Unbound Freedom in Christ Conference on 12/9 from 6:30pm to 9:15pm through 12/10 from 9am to 9pm with catered lunch & dinner included.
    • Recommended reading prior to the conference is the “Unbound: A Practical Guide to Deliverance.”  The book is available in the parish office for $15, purchase a copy today and prepare your heart to be overwhelmed by the love of Jesus.
    • Unsure about Unbound? Check out the short videos below of the recent conference and a snippet of what Unbound is. Experience what over 200 people experienced at the last conference; sign up now.

Are you curious about becoming Catholic? Are you Catholic but haven’t yet received all your sacraments?

  • O.C.I A., the Order of Christian Initiation for Adults, is the amazing journey of entering into the fullness of the Catholic faith. We will help you to learn, grow, find community, and prepare for the fullness of life that God desires for us all!
  • Even if you’re unsure with where you’re at regarding becoming Catholic or receiving all your sacraments, please fill out this form so that we can know how best to help! You are also welcome to reach out to Fr. James at frjames@olmercy.old.diocesanweb.org

Health Updates on Father Don
  • Please continue to keep Father Don in your prayers. To keep updated on how he is doing, please check the following CaringBridge website.
Teen Mission Trip July 2023 

World Youth Day 2023 
  • The Consuming Fire Young Adult Grow Group is looking to join the Joliet Diocese on a Pilgrimage to Lisbon, Portugal for World Youth Day 2023 from July 29 to August 7. Come and join them!  This includes an optional pre-tour to Madrid from July 25 to 29.  Proceed here for further details.

Bishop Hick’s Monthly Column 
  • In his October column, Bishop Hicks writes about “Pruning our diocesan tree so that we may thrive and grow.” Be sure to take a moment to read his column because Bishop speaks about how his “senior staff and the deans will discern and collaborate to create a list of parishes and schools whose futures will need to be addressed in three stages: Urgent; in the next year; and in two to three years. When we have reached consensus on what parishes and schools will be affected by this targeted restructuring process, we will continue to share and publish the information through various channels, including our diocesan website.”
  • Read It HERE.

Scam Emails
  • From time to time, there are phishing (SCAM) emails going out to members of the parish and staff claiming to be Father Michael.
    Please note that Father Michael and Father James DO NOT send texts or emails asking for money or gift cards. If you receive a message appearing to be from Father Michael or Father James, please discard it, (any email that does not have “olmercy.old.diocesanweb.org” is a fake email) and DO NOT SEND ANY ELECTRONIC MONETARY AID.  No one on the staff will personally ask for money in whatever form (gift cards etc). If someone sends you a private message, asking for a donation of sorts, it’s undoubtedly a fake account. Please keep praying for us, and God bless you!

Do you have a story to share of your time with Jesus in the Eucharist?

  • In the Eucharist, Jesus wants to remind you that you are never alone, that He is with you. In your brokenness, sorrows, and frustrations, He is with you. In everything you face—when you’re tired, ready to give up, hanging on by a thread, Jesus says to you, “I AM HERE.”
  • If you have experienced the above with Jesus, we invite you to share your story so as to inspire others to spend time with Jesus in the Eucharist, and to go to Holy Mass.  Allow your story to be the vessel that can reach that person who Jesus is drawing to Himself more closely, especially those who are going through a tough time right now.  Let us take part in the National Eucharistic Revival in a tangible way; come and share your story of your encounter with Jesus in the Eucharist.  Connect with zara@olmercy.old.diocesanweb.org to share your encounter.

Did You Know We Have a Parish School?
  • All Saints Catholic Academy (ASCA) located at 1155 Aurora Ave, Naperville is our parish school!
  • Are you a parent with preschool, elementary, and middle school-aged children struggling with the antithetical Christian values the government schools are indoctrinating the children who attend the government schools?  You’re not alone.
  • Join a growing number of OLM parents who have made the movement!  Consider connecting with some of the families who have made the move from sending their child(ren) to public school to All Saints Catholic Academy.
  • Connect with Patty Bajek at (630) 961-6125, or pbajek@ascacademy.org to express your interest and schedule a personalized tour.  Or peruse their website to explore your interest.
St. Vincent de Paul Society Volunteers
  • Thank you for your support of our clothing drive. Your clothing donation, as well as your financial donations throughout the year, allows us to help our parishioners and neighbors in need. In the last quarter of 2021, we provided assistance to 35 people/families.
  • The ministry is always looking for volunteers to join our St. Vincent de Paul Society in assisting our neighbors in need. If you would like to volunteer or learn more, send an email to olmsvdp@gmail.com with your name and contact information.
Supporting OLM through the CMAA
  • Thank you so much to those who have pledged!  Once we have reached our goal in paid pledges, 70% of the additional funds received will be returned to our parish.
  • Father Don and Bishop Hicks are asking us to join them in pledging to the CMAA to help the poor and vulnerable, form our future shepherds, and spread the faith through our Catholic schools, faith formation programs in parishes, and programs for young adults.
  • Donations can be made here Check out how your gifts to the CMAA help at this link. Thank you for your consideration.
For the Hispanic Community
  • Please proceed here for the OLM Hispanic Ministry’s upcoming events and resources.
    Continúe aquí para conocer los próximos eventos y recursos del Ministerio Hispano de OLM.
  • There will be Stations of the Cross in Spanish every 2nd Wednesday of the month after the 12pm Mass.
    A partir de la próxima semana, habrá Estaciones de la Cruz en español cada segundo miércoles del mes después de la misa de las 12 pm.
A Note from the Intercessory Prayer Ministry
  • How can we be praying for you today?
    There are times when life is overwhelming when all we have is questions. In those moments, hope can feel far away. The great thing about prayer is that it shifts our perspective toward the One who stands ready to listen. No matter what you’re facing, we’d love to pray with you. Submit your prayer requests at this link
  • Prayer Ministry takes place monthly at MAGNIFY and on the last weekend of the month Mass times.  Prayer ministry is an opportunity for those in need of physical, emotional, or spiritual healing or with a specific intention. Come as an individual, as a couple, or as. a family and receive prayer for yourself or request prayers for someone in need. Listen and receive the prayers while being open to the Holy Spirit’s movement. Trained prayer ministers are available.
Have you downloaded our myParish App yet?
  • If you haven’t done so, we encourage you to download the Our Lady of Mercy app available to download for iPhone and Android smartphones.  Or text APP to 88202 to download.
    • Stay connected with our parish throughout the week with instant notifications, an easy-to-access event calendar, and the ability to quickly reply to or share messages via Facebook or Twitter. Also enjoy a bunch of additional features like prayers, daily readings, helpful reminders to silence your phone before Mass or Confession, and much more.
OSV Giving Link Update
  • Our online giving link has been updated by our provider (OSV), please be sure to update your bookmark, below is the link.
  • The myParish App “Giving” button has been updated.  Don’t have the myParish App yet? Text APP to 88202 to download!  Receive this update, instant news, and get access to the parish calendar, daily readings, and Confession guide among a plethora of things.
  • https://www.osvhub.com/olmercy/giving/funds

Grow Groups | We continue to launch Grow Groups, one group at a time.

Connect with zara@olmercy.old.diocesanweb.org for any questions.

Mission. A Mother’s Heart is a group for Catholic mothers with children ages 0-11 who are seeking to journey with other like-minded women of faith.  Following the example of St. Thérèse of Lisieux, we strive to imitate her “little way” of growing in holiness through the lenses of motherhood and family.
Meets. Thursdays twice a month.  For any of the following: book chats, podcast discussions, “Mom’s Night Out”, community service projects, fellowship, playgroups, prayer.
Connect.  Reach out to Lydia Schmitt lydiadschmitt@gmail.com for any questions.
Mission. This group exists to grow a community that inspires and forms the young adult generation to be saints.
Meets. Tuesdays @ 7pm and twice a month for social gatherings.
Connect.  Reach out to Matt Kubanda and Mary Rysavy rysavyme@gmail.com
World Youth Day 2023.  The Consuming Fire Young Adult Grow Group is looking to join the Joliet Diocese on a Pilgrimage to Lisbon, Portugal for World Youth Day 2023 from July 29 to August 7.  This includes an optional pre-tour to Madrid from July 25 to 29.  Proceed here for further details.


Mission. “Encounter/Grow/Witness” is the threefold dimension of the Christian life.  Once we encounter Jesus, we are then called to grow daily as His disciples. Grow Groups are one way Our Lady of Mercy is responding to our missionary identity where we are called to help parishioners grow continually in discipleship.
Meets. Wednesdays 7pm to 8:30pm
Connect. For more information, connect with Bob Maxwell at bmaxwell@deltadentalil.com or 630-962-8464
Mission.  Vine & Branches is a group at Our Lady of Mercy that offers support and belonging to individuals of any age or faith who are divorced or separated on the way to divorce.
Meets. Wednesdays @ 7pm with social gatherings.
Connect. The group leaders are looking forward to hearing from you, please don’t hesitate to reach out to them.
Kim Harris kimharris73@yahoo.com
Mary LoGalbo logalbo.marycarol@gmail.com
John Frederick jdfredericj@icloud.com
Jim Marks jimm6351@yahoo.com


At a time when women are leading like never before. FemCatholic is bringing together women from across the country for a day of education, connection, and activation. Gather with women across the country for this unforgettable experience at Nashville, TN on 10/29. Register here.

Hear from Bishop Robert Barron, Father Mike Schmitz, Father John Riccardo, Jonathan Roumie, and several more on “The Way of Beauty” Good News Conference in Phoenix, AZ Oct 30th through Nov 2nd.  Details and registration are found here.

Hosted by Encounter Ministries in Grand Rapids, MI, conference participants can expect an atmosphere of Spirit-filled worship in the presence of God, Holy Mass, inspiring and transforming keynote speakers, breakout sessions, Eucharistic Adoration, a healing service, fellowship, and many opportunities for prayer ministry and growth in the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Proceed here for details and registration.

Taking place in St. Louis, MO, SEEK is the only Catholic conference of its size diving into the heart of the Gospel and exploring how to answer Christ’s call in every moment. SEEK is for everyone. That means you. There’s Prayer, Fellowship, Inspiration, and Entertainment, sign up for SEEK23 and join the thousands who are answering a new call to become a disciple.


Registration is now available for the inaugural Wonder Conference, presented by the Word on Fire Institute, an annual opportunity to engage with theologians and other experts on important issues at the intersection of the Catholic faith and secular culture. This year’s conference is on faith and science. It is taking place at the Gaylord Texan Resort & Convention Center.

FREE ONLINE RESOURCES In this section, you will find free conferences, webinars, and studies that you can freely take part in that can grow your faith.


Diving into the beauty of the Faith has never been easier: at home, on the go, or from any internet-connected device. Discover thousands of books, audio talks, movies, documentaries, and studies… there is something for every member of the family to help them grow closer to Christ and His Church.

  1. Visit http://signup.formed.org/
  2. Enter our parish zip or name
  3. Enter your name and email

Check out our “Eucharist Resources” page to help us understand deeply the centrality of the Eucharist in our lives.


From Augustine Institute comes this NEW AND FREE Catholic prayer app that inspires your daily conversation with God through faithful meditations and nourishing Scripture. There is also Family Content: Enjoy and share family-favorite audio from the series Brother Francis and the Jesus Stories.  Please enjoy this latest offering from the Augustine Institute.


Hallow is a Catholic prayer & meditation app that helps users deepen their relationship with God through contemplative prayer and strengthen one’s mental health in the process. Easy-to-use, audio-guided sessions anywhere from 1 to 60 minutes long. Pray your own way with a personalized prayer plan pulling from 3,000+ unique sessions including the Lectio Divina on the Daily Gospel, Rosary, Examen, Night Prayer, Calm & Humility “Praylists” and much more. Hallow Light is free. Hallow Plus is $5 per month ($60 per year). Sign up for either one here.


Engage the goodness, truth, and beauty of the faith!
Did you know that you have complete access to Bishop Barron’s Word on Fire ENGAGE video library!   Check out this link to watch any of the videos whenever you want without ever having to login.

Not sure where to start? How about checking out the short 5 episode series on The Eucharist This fresh look at the Eucharist brings to light its reality as sacred meal, the sacrifice necessary for communion with God, and the real presence of Christ.


Blessed is She is a sisterhood of women who want to grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ through their Catholic faith.  They create beautiful and accessible resources, products, and experiences to deepen prayer and foster community, both online and in person.


Founded in 2013, The Catholic Gentleman has become one of the most recognizable online men’s apostolate. Each week hundreds of thousands of men around the world visit our site for the insightful articles and the highest-quality products designed to encourage a life of authentic manhood. Their mission: To inspire men to holiness.


Looking for authentically Catholic content for men? Look no further than HeroicMen.com—the all-new, 100% FREE Catholic streaming platform for men.
Learn about your faith from today’s best Catholic speakers—and do it all from the convenience of home. Stream-on-demand from your phone or tablet, too, for quality Catholic content on the go.  Get it all—for FREE – at HeroicMen.com


Have you wanted to get to know St. Thomas Aquinas and his writings more so as to grow closer to Jesus?

Sign up for any of the short and free courses at Aquinas 101 a project of the

Thomistic Institute seeks to promote understanding of the thought of St. Thomas Aquinas, the eminent 13th-century philosopher, and theologian.

Aquinas is a masterful interpreter of reality. His writings assist us in answering perennial questions on topics like God, man, the natural world, law, and morality, and questions of special relevance to our time like the relationship between modern science and faith or pursuing happiness in the digital era.


If you have physical, mental, emotional or spiritual health concerns or questions about end-of-life issues, funeral planning, journeying through grief, caregiving for a loved one or are homebound, please contact Jolene LeRoy RN Parish Nurse and Director of Pastoral Care for support and resources at jolenel@olmercy.old.diocesanweb.org or 331-707-5380.

All of us have experienced joys and sorrows, ups and downs, accomplishments and disappointments in our lives. There may have been times that resulted in brokenness or heavy hearts that affect our attitude and way of living. The Open HEARTS Ministry has changed its name to Healing Hearts as it is a ministry for anyone 18 years of age or older who would like to practice self-care for their own health and wellness and would also like to reach out to others to offer healing and hope.

If you are in need of emotional or mental health support or resources, please contact Janice Hurtado Aeppli at 321-217- 7872 or at olmopenhearts@yahoo.com

Do you find yourself struggling in overcoming your battle with pornography?   Restore is a weekly (anonymous) meeting where men lean on each other for support and accountability and share ideas as to how to strengthen our resolve to stay on God’s path of chastity.  All men are welcome, whether you have been free of pornography addiction for many years or struggle with it every single day.

If you are ready to start breaking free from the grips of pornography and want to Restore your life email us at Restore.olm@gmail.com to find out more information on when and where we meet.

Be encouraged; check out this Testimony.

If you are experiencing grief and would like to join others for a time of sharing stories, tears and laughter, prayer, and moving forward in hope – please come on Monday, June 27 from 11am to 1pm in the Ministry Room located in the church. There is no registration. This is an opportunity to receive support and understanding during your grief journey. If you have questions, please call Jolene LeRoy RN Parish Nurse and Director of Pastoral Care at 331-707-5380.


Pregnant and parenting moms in need are in our parishes and our neighborhoods. As Pope Francis reminds us, our parishes need to be “islands of mercy in the midst of a sea of indifference.” Everyone in the parish community should know where to refer a pregnant woman in need.  Please see this infographic to be informed on how we are walking with Moms in need. Connect with Lydia Schmitt for further questions at lydias@olmercy.old.diocesanweb.org



September 12, 2022 | Parish Update

September 12, 2022 | Parish Update

Signs of the Invitation, Presence on Weds, Did you meet Jonathan?

View the full posting at https://app.flocknote.com/note/17782028

From Father Michael . . .

My dad’s first cousin is a priest for the Diocese of Des Moines. My dad’s step-brother was a Jesuit priest and professor at Creighton University. My great-aunt was a Blessed Virgin Mary (BVM) sister and taught in the Chicagoland area. My mom’s first cousin is a Franciscan priest in the Holy Land and was the former pastor at the Church of Nativity and the Church of Annunciation in Nazareth. If you ask my mom, she could list even more distant cousins with religious vocations. Needless to say, religious vocations have been present in my family. However, it might surprise you to know that while growing up, the idea of priesthood never entered my mind!

Now that I am older and I can reflect back, I can see signs of the invitation, but at the time I was completely absent-minded to the Lord’s call. You could say I grew up in the Lord’s house, the Church; by going to Mass on weekends and Holy Day of Obligations, but I was unaware of the Lord’s plan for me.

Whenever I hear the story of the Prodigal Son, I see a similar struggle; both sons fail to see the invitation of the father. The first son wanted to find his identity away from his father, while the oldest son thought he only need to live under his father’s roof. But the father was offering something more than just shelter, food, and work to both of them. He was offering his very self, his very heart.

I believe we as Catholics continue to miss out on the invitation given to us by Our Father in heaven through His Son. We are personally aware that many have left the faith like the younger son, but how many of us in the pews, or should I say those in the presider’s chair, fail to realize the invitation to the Father’s heart through the gift of His Son?

Some may think that it would be the job of the pastor/priest and our ministries is to get people into the Church. But that would miss the point of the Gospel and the lesson that needs to be learned by the older son in the parable. The goal of the priest and our ministries at OLM is to make people aware of the beautiful invitation before them. The invitation to God’s heart! I’m truly grateful for all the ministries at our parish that invites each and every one of us to enter more deeply into the Father’s heart.

Father Michael


We look forward to seeing you at Our Lady of Mercy taking part in many of the offerings we have, or maybe when you stop by and visit Jesus at the Blessed Sacrament Chapel, at daily Mass during the week, or during Eucharistic Adoration. 


Consuming Fire Young Adult Grow Group continues on 9/13
  • All young adults are invited to join the Consuming Fire Young Adult Community. This group meets every Tuesday from 7pm to 8:30pm in Room 211. We gather to eat, pray, and ‘do life together’!
  • From the weekly Tuesday gatherings to additional social gatherings (hiking, dinner at someone’s home or at a restaurant, movie nights, adoration, rosary walks) there are so many good reasons to join this fun awesome group! Want more information? Sign up HERE
The Chosen Catholic Bible Study Continues 9/13
  • It’s not too late to join over 100 participants at  “The Chosen” Catholic Bible Study on Tuesdays @ 7pm.  
    Whether you’ve never been to a Bible Study, are intimidated by the Bible, or are a regular participant in our Bible Studies, this experience is for you!
    Through both watching the series episode and breaking open the Scripture readings related to each episode, the experience will enable you to imagine yourself in the story. This will change the way you read the Bible forever.
  • Contact Joe Wiacek or Joe Glasgoww with any questions and to register: joewiacek@gmail.com or Joe.Glasgow@packagingprice.com
PresenceThe Mystery of the Eucharist starts on 9/14
  • Every Sunday, we get to witness a miracle. Sometimes it can be difficult to wrap our minds and hearts around this fact.  Dive deeper into this six-week study from the Augustine Institute, and see why this mystery is Jesus’ greatest gift to us. 𝗥𝗘𝗚𝗜𝗦𝗧𝗘𝗥 𝗡𝗢𝗪 𝗳𝗼𝗿 “𝗣𝗿𝗲𝘀𝗲𝗻𝗰𝗲: 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗠𝘆𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗿𝘆 𝗼𝗳 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗘𝘂𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗿𝗶𝘀𝘁”
  • 𝕎𝕒𝕥𝕔𝕙 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕥𝕣𝕒𝕚𝕝𝕖𝕣 𝕓𝕖𝕝𝕠𝕨! With 𝗗𝗿. 𝗘𝗱𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗱 𝗦𝗿𝗶, 𝗠𝗮𝘁𝘁 𝗙𝗿𝗮𝗱𝗱, 𝗧𝗶𝗺 𝗚𝗿𝗮𝘆, 𝗦𝗰𝗼𝘁𝘁 𝗛𝗮𝗵𝗻, 𝗖𝗵𝗿𝗶𝘀 𝗦𝘁𝗲𝗳𝗮𝗻𝗶𝗰𝗸 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗺𝗼𝗿𝗲; watch them with beautiful film-making and powerful teaching, the PRESENCE series will move your heart; 𝘀𝗲𝗲 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗼𝗻 𝗪𝗲𝗱𝘀 𝟵/𝟭𝟰 @ 𝟳:𝟯𝟬𝗽𝗺.𝐄𝐧𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐉𝐞𝐬𝐮𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐚𝐜𝐫𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐧𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐛𝐞𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞! Register now 

  • 𝐈𝐧 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐩𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐍𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐄𝐮𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜 𝐑𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐯𝐚𝐥; 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐬𝐞𝐞 𝐢𝐧𝐯𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐡 𝐭𝐨𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐛𝐞𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐢𝐟𝐮𝐥 𝐦𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐝𝐞𝐯𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭 𝐦𝐲𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐲.
    These invitations are for you but also for those
    – who don’t believe or understand
    – who may have doubts
    – who may have questions
    in the real presence of Jesus in the Eucharist.
    Pray and ask the Holy Spirit to help you invite the people in your circle of influence who would also benefit from taking part in this transformative experience.
    We have an excellent chance to rediscover the transforming power of the Mass.
    Come Holy Spirit, may we and everyone we know, become one Eucharistic people.

Join the Choir on Wednesdays 9/14 
  • Do you love to sing? Our Adult Choir and Youth Choir both begin rehearsals on Wednesday evenings. Contact Frank Sauter with any questions: franks@olmercy.old.diocesanweb.org
  • If you join there is a $1,000 sign-on bonus…. OK NOT REALLY, BUT you definitely will store up treasure in heaven as well as make new friends, have fun and help people worship through beauty; the vocation of musicians is to reveal the beauty of God through sound. They are able to reach people in ways that others can’t.
  • If you have a musical talent to share with the community, we would love to have you join us, we hope to see you on Wednesday at the following times YOUTH CHOIR 5:30pm to 6pm (Grades 3 to 8) ADULT CHOIR 7:30pm to 9pm (Grades 9 to Adult)
The LAST Summer Girl’s Night Out – Undone Book Study is on 9/14
  • With good food and good discussions, we hope to see you for the last “Summer Girl’s Night Out Undone Book Study” gathering for the summer on Weds @ 6:30pm on 9/14 @ Minghin Chinese Dim Sum in Naperville.
  • Registration and further details are found HERE.  
  • Undone: Freeing your Feminine Heart from the Knots of Fear and Shame by Carrie Schuchts Daunt is a book with a collection of raw and redemptive testimonies from Catholic women such as Lisa Brenninkmeyer and Jen Settle which offers an opportunity to discover what is true and what is healing in areas where we may have struggled in our    identities as a daughter, sister, bride, and mother.
    Purchase the book now and read one chapter (part) before each gathering. Here are links to the book at Amazon.comBarnes & Noble, or at the JPII Healing Center site

Alpha on Thursdays 9/15
  • The first night of Alpha went great!  If you’ve been thinking of going or wanting to invite someone to Alpha, now is a perfect time, register here.  If you’re unsure, just come and see for yourself on Thursday evenings in September.  There is a group for Young Adults, Families, All- Ages Groups, and an awesome Spanish Group!
  • We all know people who are far away from the Lord, who may be asking questions about whether or not God even exists.  That’s why every couple of months we challenge you to invite someone to try Alpha, because we believe invitations are powerful!
    Remember how the apostle Andrew invited Peter to meet Jesus plus over the past 4 years, we’ve seen lives transformed and surrendered to Christ, all because someone had the courage to extend an invitation.
    In the next few weeks, ask the Lord if there’s someone He wants you to invite to try Alpha.
Family Faith Formation Picnic 9/17
  • On Saturday, September 17, all K-5, EDGE and LIGHT families are invited to gather at the 4pm Mass at Our Lady of Mercy. Fr. Michael will lead us with a family blessing and catechist commisioning followed by a picnic dinner and entertainment from 5-7pm to kickoff the Family Faith Formation year! Join us for burgers, hotdogs, and chips! Vendors will include DJ Pearl with games, music and prizes as well as snow cones for purchase from Snow Cone SistersPlease RSVP with the number of people who will be eating at this event so we can plan to welcome you!  Please see the sign-up and register your family so we can plan to welcome you!
Mass Celebrating Persons with Disabilities 9/18
  • All are invited to the Cathedral of St. Raymond Nonnatus on September 18 at 12:30pm to a Mass with Bishop Hicks celebrating persons with disabilities! Register here.
New Altar Server Training 9/18
  • Training will be offered for new altar servers on Sunday, September 11 & 18 from 7pm to 8:30pm in the church. If you feel called to this very important liturgical ministry, please contact Pat Heraty at pat.heraty@opcpolymers.com.
  • Any student entering 5th grade or above is welcome to join the ministry of altar serving. 8th graders and up who have previously been an altar servers are welcome to apply to become Senior Servers. Simply attend the above training sessions to apply.


St. Peregrine Prayer Service 9/20
  • All are invited to attend the St. Peregrine Prayer Service on Tuesday, September 20th in the church after the 6:30pm Mass with Deacon Tony Leazzo and Jolene LeRoy RN, Parish Nurse and Director of Pastoral Care.
  • St. Peregrine is the patron saint of the sick, especially those experiencing cancer, serious illness, or chronic illness. Anyone experiencing physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual health concerns would benefit from attending the prayer service. There will be time after the service to venerate the relic of St. Peregrine and pray for your personal needs or intentions.

Undone Freedom for the Feminine Heart 9/22 thru 9/24 
  • Sign up for the Women’s Conference from John Paull II Healing Center – Undone – Freedom for the Feminine Heart taking place here at Our Lady of Mercy from Thursday 9/22 through Saturday 9/24.  Registration is OPEN, join 150 women and counting, for a powerful refreshing time.  Click on the graphic to register below! 
  • Do you desire to dive deeper into the freedom that you were created for? Do you feel restricted and bound by the knots of sin and shame that conceal the profound beauty of your feminine heart?
    Ladies, immerse yourself in a three-day conference of truth and transformation as the knots of Eve, in us, are undone by Mary’s example of radical receptivity. Through a series of talks, teachings, and prayer experiences, you will be invited to become Undone in God’s presence while deeply receiving the truth of your authentic identity.  Let your friends know to save these dates as well, you won’t want to miss this conference.

Are you curious about becoming Catholic? Are you Catholic but haven’t yet received all your sacraments?
  • O.C.I A., the Order of Christian Initiation for Adults, is the amazing journey of entering into the fullness of the Catholic faith. We will help you to learn, grow, find community, and prepare for the fullness of life that God desires for us all!
  • Even if you’re unsure with where you’re at regarding becoming Catholic or receiving all your sacraments, please fill out this form so that we can know how best to help! You are also welcome to reach out to Fr. James at frjames@olmercy.old.diocesanweb.org

Diocese of Joliet Samuel Group Begins 9/25 
  • Samuel Group is a community of like-minded young adults who are striving for holiness and seeking a deeper relationship with God. Over seven months, you’ll learn how to deepen your prayer life, discover the rules of discernment by St. Ignatius of Loyola, and receive guidance from a spiritual director.
    Samuel Group is more than a “discernment group.” It is a program designed to help young adults know themselves and how to live in the freedom of a relationship with Jesus Christ and trust in His plan for their lives. Understanding one’s vocation first comes from understanding how God is calling each person to live each day in the present moment, free from past wounds and the lies of the world.
Healing Hearts Ministry 9/26
  •  All of us have experienced joys and sorrows, ups and downs, accomplishments and disappointments in our lives. Healing Hearts is a ministry for anyone 18 years of age or older who would like to practice self-care for their own health and wellness and would also like to reach out to others to offer healing and hope.
  • The next Healing Hearts Ministry gathering is on Monday, September 26th from 7pm to 8:30pm in Room 218 of the Parish Life Center. Come and create a journal. Father Michael Kearney, our pastor will be joining us for our discussion and self-care activity.
  • Please contact Janice Hurtado Aeppli at 312-217-7872 or at olmopenhearts@yahoo.com for any questions.
Magnify is on Wednesday 9/28
  • Our monthly Magnify is on Wednesday 9/28th when we host a night of adoration in the church from 7-8:30 pm with praise and worship by Josh Goodman to supplement that encounter with Jesus. Father Michael will be hearing confessions after his scriptural reflection up through Benediction. There is also prayer ministry. We pray that you come and spend time in prayer with Jesus, encountering Him in a special way. He is personally inviting you to come and share your heart with Him. Join us anytime from 7pm – 8:30pm in the Church. Don’t forget to bring the children, neighbors, and friends.
Catholic Charities Mobile Food Pantry 9/28
  • This month’s Mobile Food Pantry is on Weds 9/28th from 4:30pm to 6pm in the parking lot at OLM.  Don’t forget to share the Our Lady of Mercy social media posting on your network; you never know who among your network is in need of food.
  • The Catholic Charities, Diocese of Joliet Mobile Food Pantry delivers healthy food (meat, produce, and non-perishable items) to people in need. No identification or information will be required or collected. This event is open to anyone in need of food! Mobile Food Pantries use a “drive-thru” method to distribute food during the COVID-19 pandemic. Please clear space in your trunk or backseat so volunteers can load boxes of food directly into your vehicle. Catholic Charities helps people of all faiths and beliefs. Mobile Food Pantries take place rain or shine!
Season of Creation through 10/4
  • From the Justice & Peace Ministry: The Diocese of Joliet is celebrating the Season of Creation, which is an annual ecumenical observance. It is a time to renew our relationship with our Creator and all creation through celebration and commitment together.  Here is the full message from the ministry.
An Hour With JESUS 10/1 thru 10/7
  • During the first week of October Eucharistic Adoration days and hours will be extended. We will begin and end this special week of adoration with Mass.  Our opening Mass will be First Saturday, October 1st during the 4pm Vigil Mass and the closing Mass will be First Friday, October 7th during the 12pm Noon Mass. Connect with Shirley Staples at 630-815-5799 or Bonnie Ramirez 630-723-4289 for any questions. Encounter Jesus in Adoration; which day and hour will you sign up for?  Sign up here.
    “When you look at the crucifix, you understand how much Jesus loved you then. When you look at the Sacred Host, you understand how much Jesus loves you now.”—Saint Teresa of Calcutta
Dr. Scott Hahn will be speaking at St. Peter Catholic Church in Geneva 10/15
  • On 10/15th, Dr. Scott Hahn will be speaking at St. Peter Catholic Church in Geneva, IL. Dr. Hahn’s talk will be focused on the riches of our Catholic faith.  Study Scripture from the heart of the Church with one of today’s most respected scholars. Go deeper into the riches of our Catholic faith—details and registration are found here!
Youth Alpha on Sundays starting 10/2
  • Youth Alpha gives high school teens the opportunity to explore the meaning of life in a relaxed, friendly setting. The Youth Alpha course at Our Lady of Mercy will meet on Sunday evenings for 9 weeks in the Parish Life Center.   Sessions begin with a dessert bar, fun activities to get to know others, followed by a short video talk, and time to discuss the topic. During the discussion, everyone is welcome to contribute their opinions and no question is considered hostile or too simple.  Questions might include–Is there a God? Why am I here? Where did I come from? Where am I going?  Alpha is for everyone –no question is out of bounds and you are free to discuss as much or as little as you wish.  We don’t assume any background knowledge or belief in Christianity and everyone is welcome.
  • Teen Alpha Nights will be held on Sundays, starting Oct 2nd from 6:30pm-8:15pm; invite the teen in your life.  Details and registration are found here.

Undy Sunday 10/16 – 10/17
  • Did you know that NEW underwear and socks are the most-requested, but least-donated items at Catholic Charities? These basic items (new underwear, warm socks, a fresh diaper) are truly treasures to those who are living in poverty.
  • Collection Boxes will be placed in the Narthex for NEW underwear, undershirts, socks, and diapers for children and adults living in low-income households with the following special requests
    • Boy’s underwear in sizes between 2T and XL (boxer briefs preferred)
    • Diapers (boys and girls) in sizes 5, 6, and 7
    • Men’s warm winter socks (wool, if possible)
  • Other ways to help out are
    • You can also purchase items to donate through the Undy Sunday Amazon Wish List
    • If you’d prefer to send a monetary donation, please mail it to:
      Catholic Charities, Diocese of Joliet/Undy Sunday
      16555 Weber Road, Crest Hill, IL 60403
A Health Update From Fr. Don
Since the beginning of the year, I have been battling two health concerns: 1. Anemia and 2. Metastasized kidney cancer of six years ago that has gone to my lungs. This past Wednesday I had another test for the anemia problem that came back negative.  So, now we are going to go with 5 iron infusion treatments beginning 9/8 and continuing, on 9/12, 9/14, 9/16, and 9/20.   Hopefully, this will take care of anemia issue as I have felt weak and in a brain fog for a terrible long time!
Regarding the cancer, the last 2 scans have shown no need to begin treatment yet. The next scan is on September 28 and an appointment with my oncologist on September 30. Thank you for your continued prayers!
Fr. Don

Meet Our Seminarian Jonathan Hernandez
  • 𝗛𝗼𝘄 𝗮𝘄𝗲𝘀𝗼𝗺𝗲; 𝘄𝗲 𝗵𝗮𝘃𝗲 𝗮 𝗻𝗲𝘄 𝘀𝗲𝗺𝗶𝗻𝗮𝗿𝗶𝗮𝗻, 𝗝𝗼𝗻𝗮𝘁𝗵𝗮𝗻 𝗛𝗲𝗿𝗻𝗮𝗻𝗱𝗲𝘇!  Read his written introduction here.
  • Let us welcome him with much love and be in daily prayer for Jonathan, that he becomes the priest that the Lord desires him to be. Come Holy Spirit!

World Youth Day 2023 
  • The Consuming Fire Young Adult Grow Group is looking to join the Joliet Diocese on a Pilgrimage to Lisbon, Portugal for World Youth Day 2023 from July 29 to August 7. Come and join them!  This includes an optional pre-tour to Madrid from July 25 to 29.  Proceed here for further details.

Scam Emails
  • From time to time, there are phishing (SCAM) emails going out to members of the parish and staff claiming to be Father Michael.
    Please note that Father Michael and Father James DO NOT send texts or emails asking for money or gift cards. If you receive a message appearing to be from Father Michael or Father James, please discard it, (any email that does not have “olmercy.old.diocesanweb.org” is a fake email) and DO NOT SEND ANY ELECTRONIC MONETARY AID.  No one on the staff will personally ask for money in whatever form (gift cards etc). If someone sends you a private message, asking for a donation of sorts, it’s undoubtedly a fake account. Please keep praying for us, and God bless you!

Bishop Hick’s Monthly Column 
  • In his September column, Bishop Hicks writes about “Memories of St. Oscar Romero arise from today’s Nicaragua.” Read it HERE

Do you have a story to share of your time with Jesus in the Eucharist?

  • In the Eucharist, Jesus wants to remind you that you are never alone, that He is with you. In your brokenness, sorrows, and frustrations, He is with you. In everything you face—when you’re tired, ready to give up, hanging on by a thread, Jesus says to you, “I AM HERE.”
  • If you have experienced the above with Jesus, we invite you to share your story so as to inspire others to spend time with Jesus in the Eucharist, and to go to Holy Mass.  Allow your story to be the vessel that can reach that person who Jesus is drawing to Himself more closely, especially those who are going through a tough time right now.  Let us take part in the National Eucharistic Revival in a tangible way; come and share your story of your encounter with Jesus in the Eucharist.  Connect with zara@olmercy.old.diocesanweb.org to share your encounter.

Did You Know We Have a Parish School?
  • All Saints Catholic Academy (ASCA) located at 1155 Aurora Ave, Naperville is our parish school!
  • Are you a parent with preschool, elementary, and middle school-aged children struggling with the antithetical Christian values the government schools are indoctrinating the children who attend the government schools?  You’re not alone.
  • Join a growing number of OLM parents who have made the movement!  Consider connecting with some of the families who have made the move from sending their child(ren) to public school to All Saints Catholic Academy.
  • Connect with Patty Bajek at (630) 961-6125, or pbajek@ascacademy.org to express your interest and schedule a personalized tour.  Or peruse their website to explore your interest.
St. Vincent de Paul Society Volunteers
  • Thank you for your support of our clothing drive. Your clothing donation, as well as your financial donations throughout the year, allows us to help our parishioners and neighbors in need. In the last quarter of 2021, we provided assistance to 35 people/families.
  • The ministry is always looking for volunteers to join our St. Vincent de Paul Society in assisting our neighbors in need. If you would like to volunteer or learn more, send an email to olmsvdp@gmail.com with your name and contact information.
Supporting OLM through the CMAA
  • Thank you so much to those who have pledged!  Once we have reached our goal in paid pledges, 70% of the additional funds received will be returned to our parish.
  • Father Don and Bishop Hicks are asking us to join them in pledging to the CMAA to help the poor and vulnerable, form our future shepherds, and spread the faith through our Catholic schools, faith formation programs in parishes, and programs for young adults.
  • Donations can be made here Check out how your gifts to the CMAA help at this link. Thank you for your consideration.
For the Hispanic Community
  • Please proceed here for the OLM Hispanic Ministry’s upcoming events and resources.
    Continúe aquí para conocer los próximos eventos y recursos del Ministerio Hispano de OLM.
  • There will be Stations of the Cross in Spanish every 2nd Wednesday of the month after the 12pm Mass.
    A partir de la próxima semana, habrá Estaciones de la Cruz en español cada segundo miércoles del mes después de la misa de las 12 pm.
A Note from the Intercessory Prayer Ministry
  • How can we be praying for you today?
    There are times when life is overwhelming when all we have is questions. In those moments, hope can feel far away. The great thing about prayer is that it shifts our perspective toward the One who stands ready to listen. No matter what you’re facing, we’d love to pray with you. Submit your prayer requests at this link
  • Prayer Ministry takes place monthly at MAGNIFY and on the last weekend of the month Mass times.  Prayer ministry is an opportunity for those in need of physical, emotional, or spiritual healing or with a specific intention. Come as an individual, as a couple, or as. a family and receive prayer for yourself or request prayers for someone in need. Listen and receive the prayers while being open to the Holy Spirit’s movement. Trained prayer ministers are available.
Have you downloaded our myParish App yet?
  • If you haven’t done so, we encourage you to download the Our Lady of Mercy app available to download for iPhone and Android smartphones.  Or text APP to 88202 to download.
    • Stay connected with our parish throughout the week with instant notifications, an easy-to-access event calendar, and the ability to quickly reply to or share messages via Facebook or Twitter. Also enjoy a bunch of additional features like prayers, daily readings, helpful reminders to silence your phone before Mass or Confession, and much more.
OSV Giving Link Update
  • Our online giving link has been updated by our provider (OSV), please be sure to update your bookmark, below is the link.
  • The myParish App “Giving” button has been updated.  Don’t have the myParish App yet? Text APP to 88202 to download!  Receive this update, instant news, and get access to the parish calendar, daily readings, and Confession guide among a plethora of things.
  • https://www.osvhub.com/olmercy/giving/funds

Grow Groups | We continue to launch Grow Groups, one group at a time.

Connect with zara@olmercy.old.diocesanweb.org for any questions.

Mission. A Mother’s Heart is a group for Catholic mothers with children ages 0-11 who are seeking to journey with other like-minded women of faith.  Following the example of St. Thérèse of Lisieux, we strive to imitate her “little way” of growing in holiness through the lenses of motherhood and family.
Meets. Thursdays twice a month.  For any of the following: book chats, podcast discussions, “Mom’s Night Out”, community service projects, fellowship, playgroups, prayer.
Connect.  Reach out to Lydia Schmitt lydiadschmitt@gmail.com for any questions.
Mission. This group exists to grow a community that inspires and forms the young adult generation to be saints.
Meets. Tuesdays @ 7pm and twice a month for social gatherings.
Connect.  Reach out to Matt Kubanda and Mary Rysavy rysavyme@gmail.com
World Youth Day 2023.  The Consuming Fire Young Adult Grow Group is looking to join the Joliet Diocese on a Pilgrimage to Lisbon, Portugal for World Youth Day 2023 from July 29 to August 7.  This includes an optional pre-tour to Madrid from July 25 to 29.  Proceed here for further details.


Mission. “Encounter/Grow/Witness” is the threefold dimension of the Christian life.  Once we encounter Jesus, we are then called to grow daily as His disciples. Grow Groups are one way Our Lady of Mercy is responding to our missionary identity where we are called to help parishioners grow continually in discipleship.
Meets. Wednesdays 7pm to 8:30pm
Connect. For more information, connect with Bob Maxwell at bmaxwell@deltadentalil.com or 630-962-8464
Mission.  Vine & Branches is a group at Our Lady of Mercy that offers support and belonging to individuals of any age or faith who are divorced or separated on the way to divorce.
Meets. Wednesdays @ 7pm with social gatherings.
Connect. The group leaders are looking forward to hearing from you, please don’t hesitate to reach out to them.
Kim Harris kimharris73@yahoo.com
Mary LoGalbo logalbo.marycarol@gmail.com
John Frederick jdfredericj@icloud.com
Jim Marks jimm6351@yahoo.com


At a time when women are leading like never before. FemCatholic is bringing together women from across the country for a day of education, connection, and activation. Gather with women across the country for this unforgettable experience at Nashville, TN on 10/29. Register here.

Hear from Bishop Robert Barron, Father Mike Schmitz, Father John Riccardo, Jonathan Roumie, and several more on “The Way of Beauty” Good News Conference in Phoenix, AZ Oct 30th through Nov 2nd.  Details and registration are found here.

Registration is now available for the inaugural Wonder Conference, presented by the Word on Fire Institute, an annual opportunity to engage with theologians and other experts on important issues at the intersection of the Catholic faith and secular culture. This year’s conference is on faith and science. It is taking place at the Gaylord Texan Resort & Convention Center.

FREE ONLINE RESOURCES In this section, you will find free conferences, webinars, and studies that you can freely take part in that can grow your faith.


Diving into the beauty of the Faith has never been easier: at home, on the go, or from any internet-connected device. Discover thousands of books, audio talks, movies, documentaries, and studies… there is something for every member of the family to help them grow closer to Christ and His Church.

  1. Visit http://signup.formed.org/
  2. Enter our parish zip or name
  3. Enter your name and email

Check out our “Eucharist Resources” page to help us understand deeply the centrality of the Eucharist in our lives.


From Augustine Institute comes this NEW AND FREE Catholic prayer app that inspires your daily conversation with God through faithful meditations and nourishing Scripture. There is also Family Content: Enjoy and share family-favorite audio from the series Brother Francis and the Jesus Stories.  Please enjoy this latest offering from the Augustine Institute.


Hallow is a Catholic prayer & meditation app that helps users deepen their relationship with God through contemplative prayer and strengthen one’s mental health in the process. Easy-to-use, audio-guided sessions anywhere from 1 to 60 minutes long. Pray your own way with a personalized prayer plan pulling from 3,000+ unique sessions including the Lectio Divina on the Daily Gospel, Rosary, Examen, Night Prayer, Calm & Humility “Praylists” and much more. Hallow Light is free. Hallow Plus is $5 per month ($60 per year). Sign up for either one here.


Engage the goodness, truth, and beauty of the faith!
Did you know that you have complete access to Bishop Barron’s Word on Fire ENGAGE video library!   Check out this link to watch any of the videos whenever you want without ever having to login.

Not sure where to start? How about checking out the short 5 episode series on The Eucharist This fresh look at the Eucharist brings to light its reality as sacred meal, the sacrifice necessary for communion with God, and the real presence of Christ.


Blessed is She is a sisterhood of women who want to grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ through their Catholic faith.  They create beautiful and accessible resources, products, and experiences to deepen prayer and foster community, both online and in person.


Founded in 2013, The Catholic Gentleman has become one of the most recognizable online men’s apostolate. Each week hundreds of thousands of men around the world visit our site for the insightful articles and the highest-quality products designed to encourage a life of authentic manhood. Their mission: To inspire men to holiness.


Looking for authentically Catholic content for men? Look no further than HeroicMen.com—the all-new, 100% FREE Catholic streaming platform for men.
Learn about your faith from today’s best Catholic speakers—and do it all from the convenience of home. Stream-on-demand from your phone or tablet, too, for quality Catholic content on the go.  Get it all—for FREE – at HeroicMen.com


Have you wanted to get to know St. Thomas Aquinas and his writings more so as to grow closer to Jesus?

Sign up for any of the short and free courses at Aquinas 101 a project of the

Thomistic Institute seeks to promote understanding of the thought of St. Thomas Aquinas, the eminent 13th-century philosopher, and theologian.

Aquinas is a masterful interpreter of reality. His writings assist us in answering perennial questions on topics like God, man, the natural world, law, and morality, and questions of special relevance to our time like the relationship between modern science and faith or pursuing happiness in the digital era.


If you have physical, mental, emotional or spiritual health concerns or questions about end-of-life issues, funeral planning, journeying through grief, caregiving for a loved one or are homebound, please contact Jolene LeRoy RN Parish Nurse and Director of Pastoral Care for support and resources at jolenel@olmercy.old.diocesanweb.org or 331-707-5380.

All of us have experienced joys and sorrows, ups and downs, accomplishments and disappointments in our lives. There may have been times that resulted in brokenness or heavy hearts that affect our attitude and way of living. The Open HEARTS Ministry has changed its name to Healing Hearts as it is a ministry for anyone 18 years of age or older who would like to practice self-care for their own health and wellness and would also like to reach out to others to offer healing and hope.

If you are in need of emotional or mental health support or resources, please contact Janice Hurtado Aeppli at 321-217- 7872 or at olmopenhearts@yahoo.com

Do you find yourself struggling in overcoming your battle with pornography?   Restore is a weekly (anonymous) meeting where men lean on each other for support and accountability and share ideas as to how to strengthen our resolve to stay on God’s path of chastity.  All men are welcome, whether you have been free of pornography addiction for many years or struggle with it every single day.

If you are ready to start breaking free from the grips of pornography and want to Restore your life email us at Restore.olm@gmail.com to find out more information on when and where we meet.

Be encouraged; check out this Testimony.

If you are experiencing grief and would like to join others for a time of sharing stories, tears and laughter, prayer, and moving forward in hope – please come on Monday, June 27 from 11am to 1pm in the Ministry Room located in the church. There is no registration. This is an opportunity to receive support and understanding during your grief journey. If you have questions, please call Jolene LeRoy RN Parish Nurse and Director of Pastoral Care at 331-707-5380.


Pregnant and parenting moms in need are in our parishes and our neighborhoods. As Pope Francis reminds us, our parishes need to be “islands of mercy in the midst of a sea of indifference.” Everyone in the parish community should know where to refer a pregnant woman in need.  Please see this infographic to be informed on how we are walking with Moms in need. Connect with Lydia Schmitt for further questions at lydias@olmercy.old.diocesanweb.org




Mass Times


Saturday 8:30AM Daily Mass and 4PM Sunday Vigil

Sunday 8AM | 10AM  | 12PM | 5:30PM


Monday 8AM
Monday in Spanish 6:30PM
Tuesday 8AM & 6:30PM
Wednesday 12PM
Thursday 6:30AM & 8AM
Friday 12PM
Saturday 8:30AM


Tuesdays 7PM until all are heard
Wednesdays 12:30PM until all are heard

Fridays 12:30PM
Saturday 9AM – 10AM | 1:30PM – 2:30PM

During Magnify last Weds of the month 7PM – 8:30PM
Or please schedule an appointment here.

Eucharistic Adoration

Monday through Friday 8:30AM – 10PM
Magnify last Weds of the month 7PM – 8:30PM

Private Prayer in Church

Open daily 8:30AM – 8PM
(Will close if there is a Funeral, Wedding, or Baptism as well as early closing when the safety and security are at risk as determined by the pastor.)


Parish Office

(630) 851-3444

Monday thru Thursday
8:30AM – 4PM

8:30AM – 1PM

Contact Us

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