High School teens (who have attended a Teen Alpha program or equivalent) are invited to go deeper in their faith by receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation. We start this process by having an initial conversation with the teen, parent and a faith mentor to begin exploring discipleship and the sacrament.
What are Faith Conversations? Faith conversations enable the teen, parent and the faith mentor to share their faith in a safe and welcoming environment by creating an atmosphere that encourages an on-going conversation about their relationship with Jesus.
These conversations include two formal meetings and informal contact throughout the L.I.G.H.T. program involvement. These conversations will direct the teens to answer the ‘big picture’ questions about their faith, their relationship with Jesus, and with the Catholic Church.
What’s the purpose of the Faith Mentors? The faith mentor are parishioners who have a strong desire to work with teens and have an active faith life. The mentors provide support for continual faith growth and determine the teens’ readiness and receptiveness towards the Sacrament of Confirmation. The faith mentor will walk along with the teen throughout the process.
When do the Faith Conversations Occur? Typically, the first formal faith conversation will be scheduled after the Alpha sessions are completed and prior to the teen attending the four “Basic” L.I.G.H.T. courses. A second formal faith conversation will occur just prior to the administering of the Sacrament of Confirmation. In between the formal conversations will be informal contact such as through email, texting or social media to see how things are going.
SIGN-UP for FAITH CONVERSATIONS begins in November 2022. Check our online sign-up page HERE. (Conversations will be scheduled for Sundays, January 8 & 15, 2023 in the morning and evening.)
Please contact Dave at DaveM@olmercy.old.diocesanweb.org with any questions.