October Family Faith Focus: The Rosary
Each month families will find a specific topic of our Catholic faith to explore together.
The LEARN, ACT, PRAY, & PLAY components and related links
will support your family’s growing faith in JESUS!
The mysteries of the rosary are a prayer meditation on Jesus’ life,
death, resurrection, and ascension into heaven as well as Mary’s cooperation with God’s grace.
Explore this page and find excellent videos of families leading the rosary, with each prayer scrolling down your screen. Each family video includes one of the four sets of mysteries or Gospel stories to reflect on and guide your family prayer meditation!

Make a Rosary at Home!
Rosary Kits Available! Call and Request a Kit. 331-707-5378
Pray the rosary as a family: JOYFUL Mysteries HERE.

Pray the Joyful Mysteries on Mondays, Saturdays, & Sundays and during the Advent and Christmas Seasons.
Pray the rosary as a family: SORROWFUL Mysteries HERE

Pray the Sorrowful Mysteries on Tuesdays & Fridays and during the Lenten Season.
Pray the rosary as a family: GLORIOUS Mysteries HERE

Pray the Glorious Mysteries on Wednesdays & Sundays and during the Easter Season.
Pray the rosary as a family: LUMINOUS (Light) Mysteries HERE

Pray the Mysteries of LIGHT on Thursdays.
Find Rosary Game HERE

Find Rosary Bingo HERE