Please review the following descriptions before selecting the Family Faith Formation options below for your child(ren).
SEEK & ROOT (Kerygma and Creed)
If this is your child(ren)’s first year in Family Faith Formation, select SEEK and ROOT. This allows families to experience our “Glory Story” of faith and the core beliefs of our faith tradition that flow from this Biblical story. (SEEK & ROOT meet on Sunday 11:15-12:30. SEEK & ROOT – Dates: September 15 & 29, October 13 & 27, November 10 & 24, December 8, January 5 & 19, February 2 & 16)
MEND & NOURISH (First Reconciliation and First Communion)
Families with Students entering Grade 2 – Grade 5 who Completed at Least One Year of Faith Formation and Need Sacraments. If your child(ren) grade 2 – grade 5, have already received a full year of faith formation and need to prepare for the Sacraments of Reconciliation or Holy Communion, please select MEND and NOURISH this year, (anticipating SEEK and ROOT next year), or if your family schedule allows, you may select SEEK, ROOT, MEND & NOURISH. (MEND & NOURISH meet on Saturday 4:00-6:45pm. MEND & NOURISH Class Dates: October 5, November 16, December 7, February 8, March 15, April 5. MEND Reconciliation Reviews are scheduled January 7-12. NOURISH Retreat DAY & TIME: Saturday, April 26, 2:00-3:45pm.)
WONDER (Families will encounter the power of storytelling in the parables of Jesus through engaging their imaginations, hands-on activities, and meaningful conversations.)
Families with Students in Elementary Grades who have completed SEEK, ROOT, MEND, & NOURISH may enroll in WONDER, as well as those families who completed SEEK & ROOT, but have children too young to begin their Sacramental preparation with MEND & NOURISH. WONDER is an encounter of Jesus as master storytellers of parables. Through engaging our imaginations, hands-on activities, and meaningful conversations, we come to deepen our knowledge and love for the Lord. (WONDER meets Sunday 9:10-9:55am OR Wednesday 6:15-7:30pm. WONDER Sunday Class Dates: October 13 & 27, November 10 & 24, December 8, January 5 & 19, February 2 &16. WONDER Wednesday Class Dates: October 16 & 23, November 6 & 20, December 4, January 8 & 22, February 5 & 19)
Students Age 7 – Age 17 Needing Sacrament of Baptism
If you have a youth between the age of 7 years and 17 years, and they need to prepare for the Sacrament of Baptism, then select ‘Baptism (7-17yrs) (OCIC)’. This Sacramental Prep class meets one Thursday evening a month, 7-8:30pm (If this Thursday evenings is impossible please contact formation office). *Note: Grades K-5 students should also enroll in Seek & Root, Middle School students should also enroll in EDGE, and High School students should also enroll in CHOSEN Year 1.
Students in Grade 6 – Age 17 Needing Sacraments of 1st Reconciliation / 1st Holy Communion
If you have a youth entering grade 6 – age 17, and they need to prepare for the Sacraments of 1st Reconciliation and/or 1st Holy Communion, then select MEND and NOURISH. *Note: Middle School students enrolling in MEND & NOURISH faith journeys should also enroll in EDGE (middle school faith formation) and High School students enrolling in MEND & Nourish should also enroll in CHOSEN Year 1 (high school faith formation).
Students in Grade 6 – 8 (EDGE Program)
EDGE is a Catholic middle school youth ministry experience created for early adolescents in grades six, seven and eight. EDGE is designed to meet the educational, spiritual, emotional, and social needs of young adolescents. Kids are always welcomed and encouraged to invite their friends to the EDGE. Students in grades 6, 7 and 8 will participate in the EDGE program starting in September and going until April. Topics will be presented to educate about the Christian Catholic faith and challenge the student to grow in a relationship with Christ. There will be large and small group activities. EDGE generally meets twice a month on Monday evenings.
Students in Grade 9 – 12 (CHOSEN – Sacrament of Confirmation Program)
The CHOSEN program is designed to nourish and strengthen our high school teens on the journey towards the sacrament of Confirmation. CHOSEN is a two-year process (Year 1 and Year 2) where teens will meet 12 times each year on a Sunday morning (8:30-10:00am) or will meet 12 times on a Sunday evening (6:45-8:15pm) to explore the Catholic faith and prepare for the sacrament of Confirmation. Teens will also participate in a Search Retreat (Year 1) and Discovery Retreat (Year 2) as well as various service/discipleship projects to put their faith into action and worship events to grow closer to Jesus. Note: Students must successfully complete Chosen Year 1 before registering for Chosen Year 2.
REACH Faith Formation for Persons Grade K-6 with DisABILITIES/Special Needs
REACH is offered to individuals with special needs who are in grades K-6. The program follows the Loyola Press Finding God Adaptive Curriculum and meets September through April, two Sundays a month from 8:30-9:45AM, with additional opportunities throughout the year to gather and socialize. Students are grouped based on age and/or ability. Our catechists are trained and range in experience with accompanying individuals with special needs through Special Education, Social Work, parenting a child with a disability and more! (REACH Formation meets twice a month on Sunday mornings. Class Dates are: September 22, October 6 & 20, November 3 & 17, December 1 & 15, January 12 & 26, February 9 & 23, March 9 & 23, April 6 & 27.
REACH Sacramental Prep for Persons Grade 2 and older with DisABILTIES/Special Needs
REACH Sacramental Preparation is for individuals with special needs ages Grade 2 and older. We provide sacramental preparation for First Reconciliation, First Eucharist, and Confirmation using the Adaptive Sacramental Prep Kits by Loyola Press. Scheduling is flexible and based on the needs of those in the REACH program. When possible, a small group of students is formed for sacramental preparation, with the goal that they may journey together toward receiving their sacraments. However, under certain circumstances, 1:1 formation is also available.
Faith Buddies
“Faith Buddies” connects children with disABILITIES with a peer in our parish! Faith Buddies is offered for individuals with disABILITIES ages 5 and older. Each individual is paired with a peer from our parish community. Together they meet one Sunday each month Spring (April, May, June) and Fall (September, October, November) at the Mass, followed by a social gathering in our Parish Life Center. After the Mass, each social gathering will last approximately one hour. Individuals with disABILITIES and their peers will be accompanied by a trained adult supervisor. Parents are welcome to stay on-site for coffee and fellowship with other parents. Registration is required so we may plan to welcome you!
For More Information, Contact Us
and/or Visit Our Family Faith Formation Webpages
Office of Family Faith Formation for Grades K-12
Mary Jo Trapani | Director Grades K-5
Family Faith Formation Grades K-5, and Sacraments of 1st Reconciliation and 1st Holy Communion
Dave Miserendino | Director Grades 6-12
L.I.G.H.T – High School (grades 9-12) Youth Ministry, Faith Formation, and Sacrament of Confirmation
Adolfo and Joana Lopez | EDGE Coordinators
Middle School (grades 6-8) Youth Ministry and Faith Formation
Lydia Schmitt | Individuals with DisABILITIES Coordinator
REACH – Faith Formation for Individuals with DisABILITIES
Fr. Frank Pusateri, Parochial Vicar | OCIA and OCIC
(630) 851-3444 ext. 226
Baptism (ages 7 – 17) (OCIC)
Karen Schwartz | Administrative Assistant