“Dear young people, let yourselves be taken over by the light of Christ, and spread that light wherever you are.”
Saint John Paul II
The L.I.G.H.T. (Living in God’s Holy Truth) program is designed to nourish and strengthen faith formation during all four years of high school. The courses and activities within the program are geared toward strengthening the high school teens’ relationship with Jesus, increasing their desire to serve and affirming their understanding of the Catholic Church.
The L.I.G.H.T. program encompasses four “Basic” faith themes: Profession of Faith, Sacraments of Faith, Life of Faith, and Prayer in the Life of Faith. Through thought-provoking mini-courses, faith sharing small groups, youth group activities, retreats, social activities, and service and discipleship projects, the teens will understand that faith is a journey for life and that the sacrament of Confirmation becomes part of the journey — not the end of the journey.
Confirmation Prep Classes (for teens being confirmed this Nov.) continue Sept. 12, 19, 26 & Oct. 3.
Youth Alpha starts Sept. 12th. Get all the details & sign-up here: Youth Alpha Info & Sign-Up Here!
Chili Bowl Flag Football Tournament is Sunday, Oct. 17th from 1-4pm, details TBA.
Get details on all the requirements for teens to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation HERE.
All Families with High School Teens in LIGHT this year: Please register your family online HERE and then go to the Youth Ministry Sign-Up Page HERE to sign-up for Youth Alpha and other courses and projects as they become available.
Pancake Breakfast
February 9, 2025
Join our L.I.G.H.T. email list
Check out our Youth Ministry ONLINE sign-up page for all our meetings, events, volunteering for service and discipleship projects and more!
Office of Family Evangelization & Catechesis for Grades 6-12
Dave Miserendino | Director | DaveM@olmercy.old.diocesanweb.org
Jean Palasz | Administrative Assistant | JeanP@olmercy.old.diocesanweb.org
701 S. Eola Road
Aurora IL 60504
Fax (630)851-3468