From the Pastor’s Desk

News from P.I.T. (Pastor in Training)

From the Pastor’s Desk

May 9 – Sixth Sunday of Easter


God of Love, listen to this prayer.
God of Holy People, of Sarah, Ruth and Rebekah;
God of holy Elizabeth, mother of John,
of Holy Mary, Mother of Jesus,
bend down Your ear to this request
and bless the mother of our family.

Bless her with the strength of Your spirit,
she who has taught her child/children
how to stand and how to walk.

Bless her with the melody of Your love,
she who has fed and nurtured
the life that was formed within her
while still helpless but embrace in her love.

Bless her today, now, in this lifetime,
With good things, with health.
Bless her with joy, love, laughter
and pride in her child/children
and surround her with many good friends.

May she who carried life in her womb
be carried one day to Your divine embrace;
there, for all eternity,
to rejoice with her family and friends.

This blessing and all graces, we pray,
descend upon the mother of our family:
in the name of the Father, and of the Son
and of the Holy Spirit. AMEN+

Reprinted With Permission
“Prayers for the Domestic Church by Edward Hays
Forest of Peace Publishing, Leavenworth, KS


Father Don


From the Pastor’s Desk

May 2 – Fifth Sunday of Easter

One of the most challenging things that many of us struggle with is not allowing the past to dictate the way in which we live life today.  The past, which we cannot change, can often linger negatively.  It will always be part of our lives.  But, we can change the present moment.  We can always move into a positive way of living and thinking.  Through God’s grace, St. Paul with the help of Barnabas made his conversion experience known to the apostles.  His life was dramatically changed and his work began in the early Church.  The Holy Spirit was the driving force in his life and can be the same for us as well.  These remarkable readings from Acts of the Apostles inspire us throughout the year.  The liturgies we celebrate together pour those graces into each one of us.  ALL WE NEED IS THE WILLINGNESS TO SAY YES AND MOVE FORWARD.

The reading from the 1st Letter of John reinforces the fact that the power of the resurrected Jesus can see us through the trials and tribulations of life.  When all seems hopeless, or at is seemingly at a dead end with nowhere to turn, there is always an incredible light to show us another way.  Through the love of God and one another, new ways of life can unfold.

The parable of the vine and the branches is a wonderful reminder to prune away the baggage in our lives that constantly wears us down and robs us of the energy to live our lives as fully as possible.  One thing we can learn in life is to be not only compassionate to others but to learn self-compassion.  We constantly need to forgive ourselves, acknowledge our mistakes or compulsions, fearlessly address them, and move on.  Otherwise, we run the risk of stagnating and making ourselves miserable.  It takes much courage to face our hardships and challenges in life.  God’s grace and a fearless self-honesty can work miracles!

Fr. James and some of our prayer team warriors are being trained in a special ministry of prayer based on the book “Unbound – A Practical Guide to Deliverance” by Neal Lozano.  If you would like to be prayed over using this type of prayer, please e-mail Fr. James.

Several people have asked how I am doing since the surgery I had on March 25th to remove my isthmus, the bridge of tissue that connects the two lobes of the thyroid gland.  At the time of surgery tissue samples were sent to pathology and no classic features were displaying at that time.  However, the full pathology report received two weeks later show that I have encapsulated papillary carcinoma cells present.  Therefore, I now need to have my entire thyroid gland removed.  That surgery is scheduled for June 10th.

Have a Blessed Easter Season!

Father Don


From the Pastor’s Desk

April 25 – Fourth Sunday of Easter

Every year on the Fourth Sunday of Easter, we hear John’s gospel of the good shepherd.  It is easy to tune out because we have heard it so many times.  But, Pope Francis’ strong emphasis on the link between mercy and evangelization has cast new light of the risen Christ as the Good Shepherd. In today’s Gospel, the risen Jesus gathers his disciples, who were scattered like sheep when he was arrested and executed.  His first words to them are of peace – total forgiveness for their cowardice in his hour of need.

The image of lost sheep certainly describes many people today, including Catholics who have wandered away or feel abandoned by the church.  The thought that someone is out searching for them, eager to rescue them from the brambles of human temptation and entanglement, to bind up their wounds, lift them up on strong shoulders and carry them home – is a comforting message.

Mercy is first aid, no questions asked.  Pope Francis’ vision of a merciful church does not dismiss the need for justice or accountability; he simply puts mercy first.  The prodigal son, the ultimate lost sheep, might never have come home if he thought his father would only scold, belittle and punish him.  In his desolate state, the son must have sensed that his father was grieving for him and wanted him to turn homeward.  In fact, the story suggest that it was the father’s longing, his daily walks to the gate to see if his son was on his way, that prompted the son to consider coming home.

The Good Shepherd will not give up on a single sheep.  He knows each one by name, loves them so much he is willing to lay down his life to save each one.  There is no talk of “cutting his losses” or the kind of “tough love” that lets a rebellious child suffer the consequences of his own actions before there can be any intervention or negotiated return home.  God’s unconditional love leaps into action at the first sign of regret or repentance.  As Pope Francis has said, “We tire of asking for God’s forgiveness, but God never tires of offering it.”  God’s name is Mercy.  God cannot do otherwise, for it is God’s very nature to love and forgive.

Todays’ Gospel is for anyone responsible for others.  This includes parents, teachers, priests and bishops.  Anyone entrusted with others who are vulnerable and need guidance has a model in the Good Shepherd.

Today’s world is in need of more Good Shepherd’s.  Will you become one??

Have a Blessed Easter Season!

Father Don



From the Pastor’s Desk

April 18 – Third Sunday of Easter

Happy Easter! As we celebrate the Third Sunday of Easter, I would like to extend a profound and heartfelt “THANK YOU” to several groups of people who put their heart and soul in serving you, our parishioners, during the Lenten and Easter seasons. I am always hesitant to single out individual people because inevitably, I will forget to include someone,
but I do want to mention Fr. James. Not long after Fr. James arrived, I
told him that I wanted him to preside and preach the three liturgies of the
Sacred Triduum – Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and the Easter Vigil. He
looked at me like a deer in headlights! What! He exclaimed! I told him I
thought it would be a great experience for him as a newly ordained and
that really the Triduum is one continuous liturgy, spread over three days.
He embraced the challenge and did what I thought was a splendid job.
His next pastor probably won’t be as demanding!

There are three groups that I want to specifically extend my deep appreciation for all the time, effort and energy that they so generously gave to ensuring a prayerful Lenten and Easter Season. First, the Liturgical Planning and Mass Coordinators. A tremendous amount of thought and
energy went in to the details and coordination required to provide worship during the COVID pandemic protocols and limits. Thanks to all
who cleaned, set-up, and took down what need to be done. Great
job….everything went smoothly! Next, the Art and Environment Committee. As usual, we were recipients of their creative talent! The
gradual transformation from the stark environment of Lent to the splendid
beauty of Easter was stunning and beautiful! Thank you for the endless
hours of planning and then preparing and executing an inspiring environment of worship.

Next, the Liturgical and Music Ministers. A big thank you to all our
greeters who so warmly and enthusiastically welcomed our parishioners
and visitors to Masses and other liturgical services. You are our frontline of our mission to provided everyone with a life changing encounter
with Jesus. Thanks to those liturgical ministers who spent time preparing
to serve at Mass as Deacons, Readers, Lectors, Extra-Ordinary Ministers
of the Eucharist. A big thank you to our seminarians too for their assistance during Holy Week, the Triduum and Easter Sunday. Despite the
fact that COVID pandemic protocols still do not permit choirs and brass
instruments, our Music Director coordinated beautiful, inspiring and uplifting music for all our liturgies during Lent and Easter. We are blessed
at OLM to have so many gifted musicians and vocalists. We express our
appreciation to all of them who uplifted us musically and blessed us with
hope during this Easter season. And a huge THANK YOU to our
Livestream Team for keeping those who are unable to be present
physically, to be present in spirit. Hopefully, I haven’t forgotten any
group. If I did, I apologize. Know of my appreciation!

Have a Blessed Easter Season!

Father Don

From the Pastor’s Desk

April 11 – Second Sunday of Easter

Tradition has long characterized poor Thomas as “doubting Thomas.” But, Thomas should not be seen as the great paragon of doubt as tradition has characterized him.  When told about the first appearance, Thomas is skeptical because he was not there and has not seen what the other apostles saw.  All he wants is the same evidence that the other disciples already have.  Jesus seems to have no problem in giving Thomas what he needs.  Seeing the risen Lord is enough for Thomas.  He does not touch the wounds of Jesus.  Instead, he professes a profound faith in his Lord and his God.  The Lord gives us what we need that we might believe in him.  And what might that be?  What do you need to believe in Jesus?

If you need something to believe in Jesus, I suggest it is what the Church celebrates today – Divine Mercy!  The devotion of Divine Mercy is associated with the apparitions of Jesus to Saint Faustine Kowalska.  The primary focus of the Divine Mercy devotion is the merciful love of God and the desire to let that love and mercy flow through one’s own hear toward those in need of it.  Jesus showed mercy toward Thomas by granting Thomas what he needed to believe.  Thomas didn’t deserve mercy – he didn’t believe the witness of his brother apostles.  But that’s the point, mercy is never deserved.  Mercy always flows from a heart of compassion.  In celebrating Divine Mercy, we pray for a compassionate heart like that of Jesus.  In receiving the sacrament of reconciliation, we experience the mercy of Jesus poured out on us, so that we can pour out His mercy on others.  Let us celebrate the Divine Mercy each of us have received from God throughout our life, and be quick to offer mercy to anyone who offends or hurts us!

Have a blessed Easter Season!

Father Don