You weren’t meant to do life alone
Looking to grow faith and friendships after RCIA, Alpha, CRHP or Bible Studies? Consider Grow Groups.
“Encounter/Grow/Witness” is the threefold dimension of the Christian life. Once we encounter Jesus, we are then called to grow daily as His disciples. Grow Groups are one way Our Lady of Mercy is responding to our missionary identity where we are called to help parishioners grow continually in discipleship.
To follow Jesus is to commit to lifelong learning and growth. Like Jesus’ disciples, our walk with the Lord today is not one lived in isolation but rather one immersed in community and enriched by authentic friendship with others. In homes and in the company of friends, Grow Groups provide a place of deep transformation where people can be known, loved, and cared for as they strive to deepen their friendship with Jesus and one another.
For more information, connect with Zara Tan, Evangelization and Discipleship Coordinator at or call 331-707-5381.