Happy Ascension Sunday. See you soon and let us know where you’re tuning in from, we’d love to acknowledge you! We hope you join us immediately after the Mass @ the Virtual Narthex Grow Groups; zoom details are below.
_ The live stream of this Mass is courtesy of the beloved ministry, the Babette’s Ministry for sponsoring the livestream of the Mass honoring Father Mark’s 3rd Anniversary of his ordination on 5/27th; thank you so much.
_Virtual Narthex Grow Group sign in details.
Click on this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84425418025?pwd=VmNqRmN4Q2xpNkdlWnNPR2dqVkFOQT09
Meeting ID: 844 2541 8025
Password: 122500
_Mass Guide https://bit.ly/2RNnJFe
_We would be most grateful for your assistance in helping us bring the live stream feeds to you, please consider giving through our secure online platform located here. https://bit.ly/33zLmGf
_Spiritual Communion Prayer https://bit.ly/2JornB8
_Please see the following songs for today, enclosed is the music guide https://bit.ly/3gai0DY
Gathering Song: Hail the Day that Sees Him Rise #529
Presentation: Crown Him with Many Crowns #571
Communion: Here I Am, Lord #783
Sending Song: A Hymn of Glory Let Us Sing #530
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