Join us at the in-person Mass times or virtually for Mass live at 10am today, as we worship the Lord our God and rejoice in the gift of His love on this 29th Sunday of Ordinary Time.
_The livestream of this Mass is courtesy of the following souls who have generously donated towards the livestream efforts, thank you so very much!
Janice Hurtado Aeppli
James Barbosa
Jesse & Carol Bautista
RB Del Rosario
Leninson Gomez
Reshmi James
Carolyn Kerkla
Beata Merchel
Marichu Morelos
DeAnna Myers
Haidee Polgar
Chris Schade
Julie Siegrist
Carolyn Villiger
Kim & Allen Whitehouse
Erin Winkeler
Sergio Zalasar
_For those who are able, the offertory can be made through our secure online platform located here. Thank you for supporting Our Lady of Mercy.
_Make an act of Spiritual Communion Prayer
_Please see the following songs for today, enclosed is the music guide
Gathering Song: All the Ends of the Earth #75
Presentation: How Can I Keep from Singing #684
Communion: Eucharistic Litany #V2`
Sending Song: Holy God, We Praise Thy Name #614
_Tune in to the livestream at the following. This is a wonderful opportunity to share our faith with one another and family and friends from afar.
Streaming and copyright license is through One License #730922-A and CCLI #20486708
Give the Lord glory and honor.
—Psalm 96:1
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