Be nourished! Come and receive Jesus in the Eucharist at Mass this weekend.
Be inspired by FATHER MARK and FATHER JAMES and listen to the Mercy Boys podcast as they host the Fathers, breaking open the beauty, the power, the grace, the blessing, the healing, the privilege and honor of receiving Jesus in the Eucharist.
Sign up for Mass here
Listen to the Fathers here (don’t forget to hit subscribe to their podcast)
Mercy Boys Podcast is hosted by parishioners, Joe Wiacek and Brian Kibler who are on a Catholic Journey to faith because “He told us all to spread the word. We want to do that not only because He gave us the Great Commission, but when you find that you love something, like we love God, you want to share it.”
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November 20, 2020 3:15 pm
Be nourished! Come and receive Jesus in the Eucharist at Mass this weekend.
Be inspired by FATHER MARK and FATHER JAMES and listen to the Mercy Boys podcast as they host the Fathers, breaking open the beauty, the power, the grace, the blessing, the healing, the privilege and honor of receiving Jesus in the Eucharist.
Sign up for Mass here
Listen to the Fathers here (don’t forget to hit subscribe to their podcast)
Mercy Boys Podcast is hosted by parishioners, Joe Wiacek and Brian Kibler who are on a Catholic Journey to faith because “He told us all to spread the word. We want to do that not only because He gave us the Great Commission, but when you find that you love something, like we love God, you want to share it.”
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