Fr Mark’s Homily on NFP
Pope Paul VI Encyclical Letter
Janet Smith
Should we stop taking the pill?
5 Top Reasons to Stop Taking the Pill (taken from the above video’s caption)
- The World Health Organization (WHO) classifies the pill as a Group 1 Carcinogen, along with asbestos, smoking, and mustard gas.
- It’s been cited by studies to cause weight gain, depression, increased suicide risk, and blood clots, and it increases the risk of breast, liver, and cervical cancer.
- It makes you more attracted to men who are genetically similar to you.
- It releases estrogen into natural water sources.
- It can act as an abortifacient, not just as a contraceptive.
Click here for more information about the dangers of the Pill.
Contraception and Catholic marriage?
Why we love NFP!
Why we hate NFP!
NFP Methods