Holy Matrimony

“From the beginning of creation, ‘God made them male and female. For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.’ So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate.

Mark 10:6-9


Congratulations on your engagement!

The Bible describes God’s plan for marriage as a grace for a happy life and a sign of Christ’s faithful and fruitful love for his Bride, the Church. We at Our Lady of Mercy are excited for you to grow in this love and understanding.

This is one of the most exciting (and hectic) seasons in your life. Let us help you get ready for more than just the wedding day!

Getting Married at Our Lady of Mercy

Contact Theresa Simeo at (331) 707-5374 or theresas@olmercy.old.diocesanweb.org to secure your date and begin the marriage preparation process. Weddings are celebrated at least six months from the beginning of the marriage preparation process.

Marriage Preparation

In order to help couples prepare for the rest of their lives together, Our Lady of Mercy offers a multi-faceted marriage preparation process. Our engaged couples will benefit from the widely acclaimed FOCCUS inventory, meetings with a mentor couple, training in Natural Family Planning, instruction in the vision and meaning of marriage, and personal meetings with their celebrant. Contact our parish secretary to begin the process!